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Conversation Between TwistedTails and snowflake

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you snowflake. I hope your holidays were excellent.
  2. leaves you a box of hugs to let you know you were thought of ..
  3. it has Sir but i do always peak in from time to time when i am on the board hugs Sir
  4. Thought i would drop in and gives ya a hug.. been a long time and have missed you
  5. Thank you Sir now if i could just convince myself to calm down .. i could go to sleep .. chat use to do it .. but i have grown to shy i think for that .. hugss going to try to lay down.. well maybe
  6. Thank you snowflake. Sweet dreams.
  7. Just thought i would pop in with a hug before bed .. have a great day Sir .. huggers
  8. morning hugs TT miss you
  9. glad youenjoyed my poem thanks for the thanks hugs snow
  10. Just thought seems i was on the site i would slip in to say hello.. It had been awhile .. hugs TT hope all worked out with your son .. sorry i haven't been around
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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