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Conversation Between addman+ and love_m

2 Visitor Messages

  1. love_m thank you so much for you extremely flattering
    comments. As for being a gentleman, its costless so why not!! And yes I asked for your comments because you where one of the first. However please feel free to comment or offer any advice you think will be of use to me on the journey!
    I am so glad you left a reply, so once again thank you.
    You are a beautiful and wonderful person, I hope can chat in the future
  2. Welcome to the Library!

    Not sure the reason you want my comments; because I was among the first few visitors? Guess you are a gentle man.

    When I first saw your name on the list of Who's Online, I thought one of my friends had just changed her name again. Now that you have a name suffixed by + , you are a friend of everybody! ^_^

    May your journey of exploration a pleasant one! Bye the way, like your profile picture.
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