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  1. A conversations on relationships (D/s and Vanilla) led me to some random thoughts

    These are just a few random thoughts after a conversations I had with some people a few days ago (the conversation actually led me to seek out others, hence my coming here).

    Know what you want, trusting that I know what you need. No one gets everything they want. Don't take things for granted as they are not guaranteed. I don't need a reason to do something nice. Serving brings you comfort, safety and happiness. Providing you with what you need brings me happiness; meaning, if you ...
  2. Sundays

    I enjoy Sundays. Early in the morning they're quiet, you can get up and walk down the busiest streets and not see a soul. Everything looks different.

    Sundays is my day to do whatever or nothing (except for 30min of gym time). We make life too busy sometimes and you need a day to... decompress, to smell the roses, to appreciate how nice it is to get away from Monday thru Friday and the craziness of Saturday.
  3. Just me talking, feel free to jump in

    I'm just gonna talk here, nothing formal nothing specific.

    I am 31, I've been all around the world and enjoyed most of it. I feel that everywhere you go people are really about the same. They care about their families, they want to move up from wherever they happen to be, they all love sex and everyone loves food. I've done most of the things that I've ever wanted to do (which can be frustrating) and the few things I haven't I'm working on. I strive to keep things simple and I truly ...
  4. "You're gonna need a bigger boat."

    by , 02-17-2014 at 06:21 PM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    In this case, a bigger house.
    This morning, our 7th and FINAL Human member joined our family under some unusual and frightening circumstances that I will adress shortly.
    Achilles (8 month old shepherd-husky mix) joined us this afternoo after his people lost their home due to foreclosure.
    AND, this spring, we will be adopting the baby Lynx we've been wanting for 3 years.

    Tiffany is the former slave of a friend of a friend. That individual forgot a basic rule of
  5. For ahmandi2 - Because she "freakin love this" :)

    Kneeling at his feet always feels like home. His eyes on me when he looks down at me when he’s taking a break from work; I could sit here for hours, I love the content look on his face when he looks at me at his feet. We both know I belong here.

    It never lasts that long though, and that’s my next favorite part of being with him.

    His sudden command to me, “Stand.” My breath catches, and I know exactly how he expects me to stand. Facing him, my legs spread wide, ...
  6. a true Dom...

    i saw a posting about what a true Dom is, and like the person below, it annoyed me just a little...it was incomplete...so i decided to share what she wrote:

    I keep seeing that post flying around, the one that says "A True Dom has a firm mind, a firm hand, a firm gaze, a firm grip and a soft heart." And every time I see it, it annoys me. I’m not sure why I find it so irritating. I thought it was the ‘soft heart’ bit. But perhaps it’s the ‘true Dom’ part. Like all the ones ...
  7. To define things here in my House better...

    by , 02-10-2014 at 03:24 AM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    Mares and Fillies.
    A 'Mare' is any woman under my Dominion age 24+ and a 'Filly' is any woman under my Dominion age 18 to 24.
    I use the terms 'Mare' and 'Filly' because such connotes the spirit and beauty of wild horses, and also Individualizes our Lifestyle from anyone else's.
    After all, Individuality IS a cornerstone of BDSM, yes?
    Marlene, Lhana, Wanda are Mares.
    Brianna, Fumiko and Mei-Xing are Fillies.

    In regards to Breeding, that arises from

    Updated 02-11-2014 at 12:39 AM by Warmaster

  8. Dom's Night, an introduction

    by , 02-09-2014 at 03:10 PM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    ...a while back, some very good friends of mine and I decided to do a 'get-together' every 3 months. One friend has an Acreage and is very much into the Lifestyle himself and offered to Host such.
    Things are done in a manner to ensure the safety of our various subs/slaves/mares/fillies/ponies and they have a seperate room to recuperate in, chat and such for when us Dom's need to or want a chance to discuss 'Dom-Things' without their being aware of such.
    Most of the time, it's pretty
  9. Dom's Night and testing a new data-link

    by , 02-08-2014 at 06:23 PM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    So far, so good.
    Dom's Night is going Fine and the new data-link is operating better than I expected, hence my entry here.
    The Mare and Fillies are enjoying themselves, right now they're in the Slave's Room while us Doms discuss matters and such.
    Lhana will be advanced to Mare status, as she's ready and willing.
    Brianna 'The Brat' is behaving herself...mostly.
    Fumiko and Mei are very much enjoying Dom's Night, and doing their Best to Obey while Learning...Fumiko
  10. Home again, home again...

    by , 02-08-2014 at 06:00 AM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    Hello....dealing with five women while a fantasy for some, is a reality for me. While there are benefits of such, there's also real-world issues.
    Marlene, my Mare, LOVES a good fight...she's VERY much about being overpowered and controlled.
    She's 6'3 and bloody strong, and a good fighter.
    Dominating her is something that takes quite a bit of doing.

    Then there's Brianna, Lhana, Fumiko and Mei.
    Lhana, at least, is 100% Submissive...she likes a bit of struggle,
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