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  1. Keep DADT -- But Apply it to Homophobes

    I haven't really crossposted much from my political blogs. Mostly because of the differences between them and this -- I'd have to convert all the html to forum code, which would be a real chore.

    But I thought I'd give you sample from my long post blog, Griper Blade. It's only got three links and a few italics, so it won't be too much work. It'll also give you an idea of where my politics lie. And so, without further ado (whatever that is), I bring you my post...

  2. For Manor Lords, House Mistresses, and Scullery Staff

    I'm working on an article about Cornish pasties right now and I need to put my notes in some sort of order to get started. I figured I could either make a boring outline or I could figure out a way to put things into a BDSM context and work from there. Since I had the foresight to subtitle this blog "A completely unfocused collection of stuff," I figured the latter might be kind of fun. I was recently told that my job as a head cook in a restaurant long ago was something that was "hot," ...

    Updated 12-20-2009 at 10:13 AM by Wiscoman

    Tags: food, humor
  3. Snow Warrior -- Again

    After some sort of earthquake knocked the site down and with it, my posts, I really should put something up here. Luckily for me, I have a copy of my last post, which I crossposted to one of my vanilla blogs.

    So, without further ado, here is "Snow Warrior..."

    The snow is deep. Really deep. It fell all night last night and I'm pretty sure I heard thunder. Thunder and lightning isn't so obvious in a blizzard -- all the snow hides the flash and sucks up all the

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