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  • Valshar's Avatar
    1 Day Ago
    Valshar posted a visitor message on sunshine's profile
    Misty, relationships are hard because they require work. They require honesty. The type of honesty that requires you to look into the mirror to see yourself as you really are....not as we hope to be. It requires the uncomfortable stare of looking into someone else's eyes and to see the hurt that you have caused or the joy that your presence brings them. Relationships are hard, but nothing worth having should be all that easy. Despite the struggle and the hard work, the rewards are so magical and wonderful. The journey to the top of the mountain is fraught with the range of human emotions that we are all capable of feeling. There is the initial excitement of the first steps on the trail, the wide eyed beauty of it all, the slowing pace of fatigue, the sting of the salty sweat rolling into your eyes or are those tears? There are the moments of despair when you want to stop and turn around because the immensity of it is too large to bear and because it seems impossible....then there is the contentment of exhaustion and the reward of the stunning view from the top. I never have once regretted taking the first steps on the trail to your heart. Despite the pain of your loss, I can only look out upon the ruin of what could have been with us and take comfort in the lingering warmth of your commitment and love towards me.
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