BDSM Library - Tourist trap

Tourist trap

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Breaking the rules in a foreign country calls for some consequence...
Jill wondered if she took the right decision


The tourist trap


by Tomatin



Jill wondered if she took the right decision. That same morning she was flying back home after a fantastic vacation with her friends.  But apparently the flight was overbooked so the airplane company offered a large fee to those passengers who would overnight in the small republic of Finistera and continue their trip one flight later. Jill counted out that the fee would pay a large part of her holiday back.  She kissed her friends goodbye, took her backpack and left the plane.


The airplane company booked her a room in a 5 star hotel and even payed her taxi. Before the taxi arrived, the local manager took her apart. He warned her about the strict rules in the country. He advised her to stay in the hotel.


So there she was, sitting all alone in her room. In fact, she fell as if she was the only guest in the hotel. Obviously the hotel standard was not very high in this part of the world. Regular power cuts made it impossible to watch TV. Worse was the broken airco-system which turned her room into an oven. And the shower produced only a small stream of brownish water. From her window she saw the most inviting swimming pool ever. Although she was not sure that it belonged to the hotel, it was just a few steps away from its back door. She watched the pool for a while but saw nobody near it. Although the words of the airplane company manager kept echoing in her mind, Jill stepped out of her clothes and jumped into her bikinis. She put her shorts and t-shirt back on, grabbed a towel and went to the outdoor. After she was sure that she was all alone, she quickly removed her shorts and t-shirt, took a deep breath and dived into the freshening water.  


As Jill rose from the surface of the water, she looked straight in a pair of dark eyes. Before she realised what happened, two men grabbed her arms and pulled her out of the water. They started yelling and pointing at her. Jill tried in vain to struggle herself free. She kept asking what was going on but the men obviously did not understand her. Finally they forced her hands behind her back and cuffed them.


‘What are you doing to me? Let me go’ Jill shouted.


Without answering they pushed her into a waiting car. Both men sat down on both sides of her. One of the men grabbed a filthy blanket and threw it over her body leaving only her head free. Some orders were barked and the driver pulled of in high speed. Jill tried to stay calm. What else was there to do anyway.


They seemed to go to the centre of the city. As the traffic became more and more hectic, they had to lower their speed. Pedestrians glanced into the car, saw Jills red hair and started shouting and pointing at the car. More and more people grouped together. In no time the crowd around the car was so large it became impossible to drive further. Jill’s panic increased by the nervous behaviour of her capturers. Suddenly, one of them pulled his gun, lowered his window and fired over the heads of the men around the car. They ran away leaving the road free again.


Jill was still crying as the car entered the parking lot of what seemed to be an official building. She was pulled out of the car and pushed inside the building. It was indeed a large and crowded building. On their long way through the building, Jill attracted much attention. Her capturers visibly enjoyed the moment. Jill almost felt relieved as they pushed her into a large office. Behind a clean desk sat a well dressed man in his fourties. The men pulled away the blanket leaving Jill standing in bikinis. She felt ashamed and enormously vulnerable. While she was still cuffed, she could not hide her body from the gleaming eyes. The men talked nervously pointing different times at her.

A sudden order from the man behind the desk made them shut their mouth. They removed her cuffs and left Jill alone with the man behind the desk.


‘I assume you speak English’ asked the man in a friendly voice.


‘Yes, I do … ‘ answered Jill. It calmed her down a bit now she could finally ask somebody what was going on here.


The man invited her to sit down.


‘My name is Altiba, judge Altiba to be precise’ he started.


‘But before we get started, I’ll call someone for some proper clothes and some drinks, shall I. It will make you feel more comfortable’.


Judge Altiba passed some orders by phone and soon one of the abductors entered with tea and a dress. Jill quickly jumped into the dress which covered her all body while the judge served tea.


‘I can imagine you have a lot of questions. Let me try to explain what happened to you…’ he continued as Jill sat down again, feeling much more at ease now.


‘Unlike your part of the world, we have some strict rules here about decency’ he started. ‘The men who arrested you are officers of the special police. It is their job to defend these rules and to punish those who break them… They are pretty powerfull. In fact, although I’m a judge and thus higher ranked, I can not neglect their rapports… You obviously broke the rules by walking around only dressed in tiny bikinis. Therefore you will be punished’


‘But I only took a swim in the pool! And I don’t know your rules…’ pleaded Jill.


‘I’m afraid these arguments are not going to help you’ he replied.


Jill thought for a moment and then said firmly: ‘I want to contact my embassy or talk to a lawyer’.


‘No problem’ said the judge. ‘But I have to warn you that it will take some time before the consul will be here. The capital is more than one day trip away from here, you see. And meanwhile, I have to lock you up in prison. And I can not recommend the facility to a young and pretty woman as you’ he smiled.


Damn, Jill thought. What a mess I put myself into this time.


‘Now listen here’ he said ‘I can arrange that you go to trial within the hour. I shall be the judge. If you plead guilty, I will sentence you to 30 lashes of the whip. And believe me, that’s a rather mild sentence. Later today you will receive the lashes and before the evening falls you will be back in your hotel’.


A corporal punishment, how Victorian can you be, Jill thought. She definitively did not want to go to jail in this part of the world. And 30 lashes can not be too bad.


‘All right, I’ll do it’ she said.


‘That’s a smart decision’ the judge answered as he took the phone to make the proper arrangements.


Minutes later two guards took Jill to the basement of the same building. She was locked in a cell with several other women. All of them young and quite good looking. Non of her cell mates spoke English though.


Every quarter of an hour, guards came for one of the girls. They opened the cell, shouted a name and left taking the girl that stepped forward. After a while they shouted her name.


Two guards escorted Jill to the courtroom. It was a rather frightening experience for her. Jill felt slightly relieved as she recognized Altiba as one of the judges behind the table. He pointed out a bald man as official translator. After he read the charges ‘indecent behaviour’ he called the witnesses. The two men who abducted Jill entered the room and explained why they arrested her.


One of the other judges insisted to see the clothes Jill wore the moment she was arrested. He ordered her to take of the dress that Altiba gave her earlier.


Jill blushed heavily as she stepped out of the dress, leaving her standing in her bikinis.


Judge Altiba stood up and said in a loud voice that he found Jill guilty of breaking the decency law. He asked if she had anything to say. She nodded.


‘I hereby sentence you to 30 lashes of the whip. The punishment will be executed immediately’ he ordered. Before she could put on the dress again, the guards cuffed her hands behind her back and took her away. The bald translator followed right behind them. As they left the courtroom, she could see the smile on the face of the men who arrested her earlier that same day.


She was brought to another room in the same building where she had to line up next to five other girls. Her cuffs were removed but the translator told her that she had to stand straight, hands by her side, shoulders back, chest out and feet well apart as the other girls did. Jill noticed that beside the five other girls, there were only men in the room. The other girls were obvious local girls, although they dressed rather modern. But then, that was probably the reason they were here anyway. The guards walked back and forth, snapping at the local girls and taking a good look at Jill’s body. Very much like teenage boys, they were clearly commenting the captured girls.


The situation was pretty intimating. And it became worse as more orders were barked. Not without a sarcastic smile on his face, the translator told Jill to remove all of her clothing and put them in the basket she was given. Jill could not believe her ears. Getting naked in front of all these men! She looked around, dumbfounded, and saw the other girls peeling all their clothes off until they all stood stark naked before the guards. It was like she awoke from a bad dream as one of the guards yelled something in her ear.


‘He wants to know what the problem is’ said the translator. ‘I suggest you strip immediately or they will help you…’


Jill slowly unhooked the upper part of her bikinis and removed them with one hand using the other to cover her breasts. With her free hand she peeled of her panties trying hard to cover her pubic area as well. She noticed that the other were doing the same.


The guards seemed amused at their timid postures. With a bark, they ordered the girls to assume the position that they had learned a couple of minutes earlier. The translator passed the order to Jill. They stood there for long minutes until finally the man in charge focused his attention to the first girl in line. Jill did not understand the orders but she saw the girl put her hands in her neck and follow him out of the room. A few minutes later, the man came back alone and the same scenario repeated itself with the second girl, the third girl…until it was Jill’s turn.


The translator, who hardly had moved an inch from Jill, explained that she had to put her hands in her neck and follow the man as well. Jill knew she had no choice and did as ordered.


The camera, installed on a tripod, immediately catched Jill’s eye as she entered the next room. She could not believe what she saw. They were going to take nude pictures of her!  A guard pulled her in front of the camera and pushed a little blackboard in her hands. The translator told her to hold the blackboard under her chin and stand still. After the first shot, the blackboard was grabbed away and another full frontal shot was taken. Then a side shot, a back shot and the other side shot. The translator explained that these pictures were to be seen as an insurance. Other pictures would be taken after the punishment and they would prove that no permanent harm was done to her. Jill prayed that this nightmare would be over soon. But she knew that the worst part was yet to come.


After they finished the photos, Jill was taken to another room where she joined the other girls again. This time they were lined up against a wall. Looking around, the room was completely empty except for a metal examination table that stood in the centre. A couple of minutes later a man dressed in a white coat and a woman in a white dress entered the room. Jill was puzzled. They certainly looked like a doctor and a nurse but why were they here? This was a court after all.

‘The head guard started to say something, soon followed by the translator:


‘They’re here to give you an exam. To make sure you’re physically fit enough to take the spanking’ he explained.


Becoming more and more nervous by the minute, Jill watched the procedure the girls had to go through. One by one they were taken their blood pressure by the nurse. Then they all had to step on a bathroom scale. Then they had to stand against the part of the wall that was marked off.  Jill was still waiting her turn as the first girl was pointed to the doctor. He made her hop onto the table and ran his hands from head to toe over her body. The girl was obviously very ashamed. He used the stethoscope on her and then kind of played around a bit with her legs, apparently to test her joints. Next Jill saw the girl do some arm exercises. Then the doctor lifted the girls arms behind her head and started to feel her breasts. By that time the translator suddenly showed up in front of Jill. He told her it was her turn to see the nurse. While the nurse was doing her job, Jill could not see very clearly what the doctor was doing to the girl on the table. She did see that the girl was lying on her back on the table. By the gasps she made it was clear that she did not like whatever was done to her.


The nurse send Jill back to the wall and the translator told her to wait for her turn to see the doctor. Jill had a clear view now of what was about to happen to her and she did not like it at all. By then, the doctor was examining the last girl before Jill. Lying on the table, the girl was forced to put her feet together, pull her knees up and finally spread them wide apart. The doctor put on some medical gloves and spread her pussy. Then he slid his finger into her. The girl started crying. One of the guards held her head pinned to the table and whispered something in her ears. After he pulled his finger back, he took a speculum from a scale and pushed it into her. The girl shrieked as the instrument entered her pussy. The examination seemed to last for several long minutes. Finally, the speculum was withdrawn and the girl was ordered to step from the table. She was crying heavily now. But the examination was not over yet. She had to bend over the table, giving the doctor a clear view of her butt. Then she had to spread her legs wide. The doctor put some lubricant on his finger, opened her arse with his other hand and pushed his finger in. After this last humiliating part of the exam, the crying girl was taken out of the room


It was Jill’s turn now. Even though it was only a couple of feet away, it seemed like a long way to the table. Jill’s legs felt like jelly. The doctor, a rather sleazy looking man in his fifties, grinned at her. Off course, the translator followed right behind Jill. He did not miss an opportunity to take a good look on Jill’s body. Three or four other guards were still in the room. They all tried discretely to move as close as possible to the table. The nurse had disappeared, so Jill was the only woman left. The doctor smiled and tapped one hand on the table to make clear where he wanted her. As soon as Jill sat down, he took her head in his hands and turned it not very gently to the left and the right. Then he forced her mouth open with his fingers. The mixture of the rubber and nicotine-taste that entered her mouth almost made her vomit. After he took his time to check her dental condition, he moved his hands to her shoulders, arms and all the way to her legs.  Using a small hammer he tested her knee reflexes and then moved his hands up again to her belly. He probed her tummy and made her do some arm exercises. Jill felt more and more uncomfortable. She saw several men looking and grinning at her and she realised what the exercises did to her breasts. Finally the doctor lifted Jill’s arms behind her head. Jill let out a gasp as the doctor touched her breasts:p> 

Then came the part she feared most. He moved her into the most humiliating position: heels together, knees spread apart and pressed down to the table. The translator, who was standing by Jill’s side, moved his face closer and almost whispered:


‘The doctor is going to check if you are still a virgin. As he finds out you’re not, your penalty will be doubled. The law is strict in our country: only married women are allowed to have sex’.


‘He does not have to check me for that. I can tell him so right away…’ responded Jill.


But the doctor was already spreading her pussy open with his fingers. He was sweating as he slid his finger into her. Jill noticed that at least two guards and the translator got a good look for themselves at the doctor’s fingering. As he withdrew his finger and turned away from her, Jill sighed. She wanted to get up but was held down by one of the guards.


‘Patience, it will be over soon’ said the translator as if he was talking to a child.


The doctor came back in front her holding a speculum. Jill moaned as he used his left hand to stimulate her clit and the other hand to stimulate her vaginal lips. As her cunt began to open, the speculum was inserted sideways, then rotated downward and opened to the maximum. The doctor peered inside, shining a small penlight into Jill’s vagina. After in her perception long minutes, the doctor closed and withdrew the speculum, much to her relief.


Finally Jill was allowed to hop off the table but the exam was not over yet. She was told to turn around, reach over the table and grab the other side. Then she had to spread her legs wide. She knew what the position was for but still shrieked as she felt something against her asshole.


‘It’s a suppository’ explained the translator. It will help you to expel everything that’s in your bowel. We don’t want you to spoil the floor during the punishment, do we?’


In one movement the doctor inserted the suppository and his finger the full length in Jill’s arse. Jill let out a scream and began to really squirm on the table. The doctor barked something and steadied her hip’s movement with his free hand. A few guards kept her firmly pressed against the table. Jill apparently wanted to expel the suppository from her rectum and began to bear down, trying to push it out. The doctor had expected this from previous experience and therefore kept his finger firmly implanted in her pulsing anus, holding the suppo in place. Jill’s body heat soon caused the medicine to melt inside her. The doctor pulled his finger out and ordered the guards to take her away.


They just reached the toilet as the cramps came up. She did not even bother that two guards watched her empty her bowels. After a quick washing up, she was brought to a cell where she joined the rest of the girls.


All the girls were very quiet. They knew that it would not take long now before they were going to be whipped. Although nobody said a word, Jill saw that they were all frightened. And so was she. Furthermore, they did not gave their clothes back yet. The picture of being whipped stark naked before an audience was not a very cheerful thought.


Soon two guards came for the first girl. Not only was she kept naked, they also cuffed her hands behind her back before leading her out the cell. A few minutes later they heard lashes, soon followed by cries from the girl. Two of Jill’s cellmates began to cry. Jill covered her ears and bowed her head. She decided to receive the punishment in dignity.


Jill was last in line. After more then two hours waiting, it finally was her turn. The guards brought her to a large room just outside the holding cell. The spotlights were all focused on the wooden bench in the centre of the room. A tall man holding a cane waited beside the bench.


A sort of stage filled one side of the room. It was built so that everybody on the stage had a clear view on the bench. Several men had clearly enjoyed the punishment of the other girls. Now it was time for today’s top of the bill: the foreign girl.


Jill was brought in front of the stage, just before the bench. She recognized judge Altiba, the translator, the doctor and the men who arrested her. She counted at least twenty other men, some in uniform, some dressed as priest or civilian. Someone stood up and read a text in a loud voice. She assumed that must be the judgment. Then the doctor rose from his chair and said something. The judge nodded, said something in anticipation and then turned to the translator.


‘You were proved not to be a virgin. Therefore your sentence will be doubled’ he said to Jill. 


The guards brought Jill to the bench and laid her belly down on the wooden device. Leather straps around her wrists, waist, knees and ankles kept her down. The bench was constructed so that her buttocks were raised higher than her head. With her legs slightly parted, they made an ideal target for the cane.


The executor swished the cane through the air once or twice before he hit Jill a first time. Jill’s heart sank. The woosh of the cane whistled past her ear. She shuddered in terror. The audience could see the muscles in her thighs and buttocks quivering.


Then there was a whistling sound followed a split second later by a loud THWICCKK as the cane buried itself for the first time in her thigh-flesh. Jill gasped. A livid line of red spang up on the crowns of her buttocks as the cane was withdrawn. Someone on the stage called out ‘ono’, immediately followed by the voice of the translator: ‘one’. Jill wriggled and flexed her calves. The executor lined up the cane again.


Swiisshh…thwack! The impact caused a fleshy ripple of the cheeks of Jill’s rear. Another sharp hiss from Jill followed by a ‘doblo’ – ‘two’.


Swiisshh…whick! Another hard swipe from the cane made Jill arch her head back in pain.


Swiisshh…huick! Number four. Another gasp from Jill…


The executor had found a rhythm now. Her started whipping in earnest, delivering a stroke, pausing, then pulling back his arm for the next one.


Around stroke number twenty, Jill grew more vocal. She yelped as the cane striped her nude fanny which grew redder with every stripe. As the cane landed, she would tense and throw her head back. Her bottom jiggled as the cane struck.


After two thirds of the way, she yelled in pain. By number fifty five she was crying continuously. The executor was sweating heavily by then. He paused a bit longer then normally, apparently determined to make the last few memorable. Swiisshh…thwack! ‘Aaah..ah..ah..’ bleated Jill. She ground her hips against the bench in a slow circular motion. Another few strokes and the ordeal was over.


While Jill was brought to the infirmary, a distinguished man turned towards judge Altiba.


‘Quiet a strong lady’ he said. ‘Normally those foreign girls crack much sooner, don’t you think?’


The judge hummed.


‘I think I’m gonna have a little chat with your guest’ the man smiled. ‘That is, if you don’t have any plans with her…’


The judge wanted to say something but decided not to. You’ll better not argue with the chief of the secret police, he thought.



Jill slowly recovered from the brutal beating. She was lying belly down on a hospital bed. The potion they smeared all over her butt cheeks first burned like hell but now did her good. Oh God was she glad that this nightmare was over. She decided to go straight to the airport after they let her go. The hell with her back pack. The sooner she left this shit hole, the better.


She wanted to get up as the guards entered the nursery but before she realised what was going on, her hands were pulled roughly behind her back and cuffed once again.


‘Hey, what are you doing!’ she yelled out ‘I’ve had my punishment. Let me go…!’


They pulled her out of the bed and brought her to a small office room in the basement of the same building.


A friendly smiling man waited her up sitting behind a desk.


‘Normally I invite my guests to take a seat but I assume you rather stand’ he said.


Jill was not at all in the mood for sarcasm. Her hope of leaving the country as soon as possible melted like snow in the sun. It made her feel more desperate then ever.


‘Please let me go’ she begged in a tiny voice.


The man did not answer her.


‘I admire your courage’ he said. ‘It’s quite unusual that a young woman can take such amount of pain. Especially a foreign woman like you. My guess is that you followed some kind of training.’


He paused for a minute. She had no idea what he was up to. All the time he kept staring at Jill. It made her very nervous.


‘Who do you work for?’ he asked suddenly.


At first Jill did not understand why he asked that question. She wanted to say that she was still a student but kept her mouth shut realising the purpose of the question. Did they really think that she was some kind of spy…


‘Let me go, please’ were the only words that came out of her mouth.


‘Tell me who do you work for and you can go’ he repeated.


‘I really don’t know what you’re talking about’ she said.


The man smiled and nodded to the guards. They grabbed her by the arms and followed the man to a corresponding room.


Jill started to struggle as she saw what kind of room they entered. Not only the metal table with the leather straps in the middle of the room or the strange equipment along the walls but even more the clinical sphere in this obvious torture room freaked her out. Off course she was no match for two well trained guards. They had no problem lying her back down on the table, using the leather straps to bind her in a spread-eagle position.


As soon as she was tied down, a sort of metal cylinder was pushed in her mouth and held in place by a strap fastened around the back of her head. She choked a little but accustomed herself to the gag.


‘We’ll talk later’ smiled the man. ‘Now it’s time for pain. Real pain’.


‘Mmmmmmm’ was the only thing she could say.


‘Why pain?’ the man continued in the same monotone. ‘Well, frankly, because it’s the best way to make you talk…and, off course, because I like it…’


‘Nnnnhhh’ Jill shook her head violently.


‘Hush, hush I can assure you that my special treatment will leave no permanent marks.’ he said. 


Jill only cried now.


The man ordered something to the guards who secured Jill’s head to the table using another leather strap around her forehead. Next she felt a strap round her waist as well. She was almost completely immobilised now.


The man checked her bonds and then ordered the guards out. He moved away from her to take some tools and arrange his equipment.


Jill’s head was firmly secured so she could not turn it to see what he was doing. As he turned his back to face her again, he held a similar metal cylinder as the one that was forced down her throat.


‘What I like about the female body is the range of opportunities it offers.  This tool for example not only fits perfectly in your butt but it goes all the way up your pussy as well. Shall we try it?’


Jill was frozen with fear as she felt his fingers part her labia and the blunt metal tip probed against her flesh. With one single movement he pushed the cylinder in. Jill started sobbing with discomfort and humiliation. She felt him put some tape over her cuntlips to keep the cylinder in place. Next he took two leads to connect the cylinder in her mouth and the one in her cunt to a box on a nearby table. She understood very well what was going to happen to her.


‘I will now start using this machine on you. After a few hours you will have the opportunity to answer my questions. First I shall ask you about your mission, your contacts in my country and so on. Then I want to know you better too. Oh yes, I’m definitively interested in sexual details…’


He sat down on some sort of barstool next to her and activated the machine. He turned a  switch and Jill’s body instantly bucked violently against her bonds as pain exploded in her mouth and between her legs. Jill’s vaginal muscles contracted tightly around the shaft, sucking it in. Horrible sounds escaped her throat. The current was turned on and off, raised and lowered. Jill tried to beg for it to stop, tried to control her muscles. She wanted to tell him that she would do anything, tell him anything but the pain did not stop.


He played for a while with the current control, watching her convulse. Then he waited patiently until she calmed down a bit, then flicked another switch on the machine. He never got tired of playing these games with gorgeous young women.


Jill was barely conscious as the current was finally switched off. She felt hands around her head. The strap around her forehead was removed what made her head fall sideways. Next the  cylinder was pulled out of her mouth. Jill tried to scream but found it impossible. She felt as if she had been hit by a ten ton truck. Her arms and legs were numb and she was not sure she was able to use them ever again. Her throat and genitals felt raw. She wanted to look down on her body to see the damage but lacked the energy to raise her head.


Someone was talking to her. She moved her head and looked right in the eyes of her torturer. He was indeed talking to her but she failed to hear what he said. He raised his voice and slapped her in the face a few times to catch her attention, but in vain.


Jill tried to focus on what he was saying and even more tried to persuade him that she would do anything to stop the pain but she could only produce a hoarse sound. The man shook his head and turned away from her. As he came back in view, he held a cup of coffee. He drank it cautiously while enjoying the view of Jill trying to regain strength. As he finished his little coffee-break, he fastened the strap around her forehead again and picked up the cylinder. Jill tried to keep her mouth closed but he easily forced the cylinder back in, leaving her completely helpless..


Jill was cold, the sweat steaming off her damp body. She didn’t understand what was happening, why she wasn’t able to understand what he was trying to say to her. Then she heard the horrible sound of the machine again and she knew what was about to come.


Some time later he turned the machine off again. She’d passed out. A trickle of drool emerged from the corner of her mouth. The man sighed and left the room.


Jill awoke in almost total darkness. Only a small strip of light came from the bottom of the door. She was lying naked on a cold, stone floor. Her hands were tied behind her back and her legs were manacled with a chain between her ankles. The tiny cell smelled like a filthy toilet. Her entire body ached. Her mouth was parched and she was desperate for a drink. She did not seemed to have suffered any permanent injury from the earlier torture session which she now remembered with a shudder. A feeling of utter panic overwhelmed her and she opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. A few minutes later she managed to calm down again. She raised herself until she sat down, leaning against the humid wall. She thought about what happened to her since her arrival in this country. As her mind went to her friends who would be home by now, she started to cry.


She was still crying as the cell door was opened. Without saying a word, a man placed a small bowl in front of her and left again. Jill brought the bowl to her mouth and sipped it. Thankfully, the bowl contained water. She drank it quickly. Then, exhausted by everything that happened to her that same day, she fell asleep.


Jill was awoken by footsteps that paused outside her cell. Seconds later the cell door swung open and strong hands grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. Jill found herself unable to stand by her own so she was lifted and dragged down the corridor into a room.


She was pushed into a chair from which she had a good view into the corresponding room. She immediately recognized the torture room she was in earlier and started to sweat heavily. Her panic rose as the man who tortured her entered the room and sat himself behind the desk.


‘Hello Jill, how are you doing today’ he asked smiling.


Jill did not answer. She felt as if her throat was squeezed tightly.


‘Are you more willing to cooperate now … or shall we go to the next room again?’


‘No, please … I’ll do anything you want’ Jill answered quickly.


‘Allright then. You can start by telling me for which organisation you work’


Jill thought for a minute and then came up with a story that came right out of a James Bond movie, praying that he would believe her. The man listened carefully and recorded the whole story on tape. As she was finished, the tape was stopped.


‘Now let’s get personal, shall we?’ continued the man. ‘I already know that you are no longer a virgin so let’s talk about your sexual experiences.’


Jill felt very uncomfortable. The more while the man came from behind his desk to sit right in front of her. He laid his hand on her knee and asked:


‘How many men have fucked you?’


Jill was a healthy young woman. She really didn’t hold the score.

‘Euh, about fifteen’ she almost whispered.


‘You’re quiet a whore, aren’t you’ the man asked while he slowly moved his hand up her leg.


Automatically she pressed her knees tightly together.  The look on his face made her fate crystal clear if she did not do whatever he wanted. So she quickly gave up any resistance and let him open her legs. Soon one of his hands stroke her cunt while the other cupped her breast. 


‘Did they all make you come?’ he asked.


Jill nodded.


One of his fingers roamed up and down her slit. Another circled around her nipple.


‘Do you like to masturbate?’ was the next of a series of humiliating questions. The whole time he kept playing with her body. Finally he asked if she wanted to fuck him. She had no other option than to say yes.


She was almost crying as he pulled his erect cock out of his trousers and held it only an inch from her face.


‘Show me that you want me’ he said.


She hesitated a few seconds but then started to lick his cock. He grabbed the back of her head and rammed his thing into her mouth. First she almost chocked but then she managed to control herself again. After a few minutes he withdraw his dick and ordered her to lay herself belly down on the desk. As she did he uncuffed her and told her to reach out and hold the other side of the desk. Then he grabbed her by the waist and moved her in the position he wanted: bottom up and legs spread wide.


Jill screamed as he moved into her. Not only was she still dry, she also suffered from the  torture she had to endure lately.  He roughly squeezed her tits as he pumped her hard. As soon as he was finished, Jill collapsed to the floor. The man immediately grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up to her feet again.


‘You liked it, didn’t you’ he hissed into her ears.


Jill did not answer.


‘Anyway, I can guarantee you that you’ll get a lot more the following months. That crap story you made up is worth at least a few years in prison. Our friend Altiba is already making the arrangements…’


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