BDSM Library - David and Jonathan

David and Jonathan

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: For the love of his big brother a young teenager deliberately humiliates himself at his feet.
David and Jonathan

I am one of those lucky guys who are fortunate enough to have had a big brother
older enough to protect me and young enough to share my games.

Jonathan is two years older than me and has always been a god for me. When we
were kids our games would almost always reflect our real life situation, i.e.
his superiority and my obedience to him. We would play teacher and student, or
policeman and prisoner, or captain and ship's boy, or... you got the idea.

One day - I must have been about 13 and him 15 - as we were playing "Caesar
comes back from battle with a new slave", Jonathan suddenly said that in the old
times slaves used to go naked and that I should take my clothes off. I was a bit
surprised, but more because I did not expect it than because I did not like the
idea. Indeed, I quite enjoyed the thought of adding something a bit unusual and
'forbidden' to our game.

I stripped and was quickly tied to his imaginary horse and taken to Rome for his
Triumph. I then had to kneel in front of him with my hands in my back pretending
they were tied up.

Then, as I looked at him, I noticed that my big brother was looking at me with a
new spark in his eyes and a very light smile on his face. Being naked at his
feet as I was and seeing this expression of pleasure on his face quickly gave me
an unexpected erection that did not go unnoticed.

"You like this, do you?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes, I do."

"What is it you like?"

I thought about it for a while, trying to understand what it was I was feeling.
Then I frankly answered:

"Well... You're my big brother and I love you. Because you are stronger you have
always been here to protect me, and I love you even more for that. Being naked
at your feet like this makes me feel weak and makes you look even more powerful.
It reminds me of your strength when you protect me. It makes me feel safe and
loved. I feel I am in your power and it feels good. I feel nothing can happen to
me because my big brother his here. I really feel my love for you and, because I
am naked and at your feet, I also feel humility, respect and admiration. And
when I see that gleam in your eyes and that look of happiness on your face it
really makes me happy to be able to give you this pleasure."

As I was speaking I could see all sorts of feelings in my big brother's eyes:
surprise, love, pride, pleasure. I saw that he really loved me and that he was
happy I had told him I loved him too. I could read in his eyes that he would do
anything for me and I really wanted to do anything for him too, just to show him
how much I loved him.

After I had finished telling him that I enjoyed being naked at his feet he said:
"I like it too. It makes me feel strong."

In a flash, I then suddenly realized something I would never have thought of
alone: for all the qualities he had - and there were many - and all the
veneration I had for him, my big brother was a much more insecure person than I
was and he needed constant reassurance.

Since that time I have come to understand that the two-year old baby he was when
I was born had perceived my birth as a potential danger. Although he dearly
loved me he had developed a fear of being less loved as a result of my presence.
He got scared that whatever love our parents would give me would be taken away
from what he would have got otherwise. Instead of becoming jealous and nasty
with me he had developed a feeling of insecurity. Being used to receiving love I
was not particularly insecure, but Jonathan was in constant fear of not
deserving people's love, of not being worthy of their affection. No wonder then
that he was lapping up what I was telling him and thoroughly enjoying the whole

Of course, being only 12 at the time I did not understand everything as clearly
as that [and I did not speak as above, of course, but with a 12-year old's
vocabulary and syntax] but I clearly felt that anything I could do to make
Jonathan feel strong, secure and powerful would be good for him. Plus it would
give him pleasure and there was nothing I wanted more than giving the one I
adored as much pleasure as I could by any means. If it meant being naked at his
feet and telling him how much I loved him and how much I enjoyed being naked at
his feet I would gladly do that and much more. Needless to say, (a big) part of
me - call it nascent sexuality - was making me enjoy the situation as much as
Jonathan was enjoying it himself. I somehow desperately wanted to do anything
that would further increase his superiority, his power on me, my devotion to

Taking pretext of our game I said:

"Caesar, you are my Master. Command and I will obey. I am your slave. My whole
life, my soul and my body are in your hands. I now only live to serve you, to
please you, to amuse you. You have total power over me. All I want to do is
worship you as my Master. Please accept my veneration and adoration. Please test
my humility and servility. I am begging of you to use me as your slave in any
way you want. I will do anything for you, for you are my Master."

"You would kiss the hands that have reduced you to slavery?"

"Yes, I would." I said as I reached for his wrists and gently kissed the palms
of his hands.

"You would kiss my feet?"

I did not reply but just bent down and kissed his feet while keeping my hands in
my back. I then rested my forehead on his right foot and stayed motionless
waiting for him to allow me to rise again.

He did not say anything for a few seconds and I did not move, somehow thoroughly
enjoying being prostrated at his feet. He then asked in a teasing yet not so
assured voice:

"You would... suck my dick?"

A few days before, a school friend had told Jonathan and a couple of other boys
how his girlfriend had sucked him off and how great it had been. Jonathan had
told me the very same evening and although he could not be sure his friend was
telling the truth or not the idea had impressed him enough to make him mention
it every day since then. I therefore knew he was only partly joking. He was also
trying his luck.

Evidently, being sucked was something my big brother really wanted. Being in a
position to give him this pleasure I decided I could do it. What better way to
show him my total devotion? Still shielding behind the game I said:

"I am at my Master's command. I must obey whatever order you give me. If it is
your wish that I suck you then it is also what I want. Please Master, may I suck
your dick?"

Obviously aroused by the situation Jonathan got undressed in three seconds flat
and stood in front of me. I had already seen his dick many times - even with an
erection - but never so close. It stood there, in all its glory, merely 15cm
from my nose and I could not get my eyes off it. I was mesmerized by his
absolutely gorgeous cock, by the patch of pubic hair he was developing (when I
did not have any) and by his hairless, smooth and compact balls I knew were full
of the semen my big brother had been recently bragging about. Somehow I then
simply knew that having his dick suck by me and coming in my mouth would give my
big brother a lot of pleasure. I equally simply knew that I would more than
enjoy that too. For the first time in my life - the first of many more to come -
I was actually longing to have a cock in my mouth, to suck on it and to receive
the semen of its owner on my tongue.

I opened my mouth and let my big brother take possession of his obedient, humble
and adoring brother's mouth. I totally belonged to him ; there was nothing else
I wanted.

Slowly, as respectfully and softly as possible, I started to suck his dick. He
first gasped then started to moan. He moved his feet apart, opening his legs
wider to strengthen his balance and placed his hands on his hips, all the while
looking at me sucking him. This made me totally melt in the pleasure of his
domination. I cannot begin to describe how much I would have wanted Time to
freeze and spend the rest of eternity like this, naked on my knees, pleasuring
my big brother with my mouth.

After a few minutes he took his cock in his right hand and started to
masturbate. As I understood he had been excited by the vision of his dick
entering my mouth I just tilted my head backward, opened my mouth wide, stuck my
tongue out, joined my hands in my back again and looked straight in his eyes.
The expression on his face was incredible. I had never seen him so obviously
excited. I felt so close to him that I started to pant in unison with him,
anxiously awaiting the moment when, for the first time, I would help him climax.

Eventually, he let a bigger sigh out and I finally got acquainted with that
taste I would from now on so often crave. The taste of my submission ; the taste
of my servility, the taste of my big brother ; the taste of love.

His orgasm was so violent his hips moved in spasms and more than half his semen
did not make it to my mouth but landed on my face. I was in a total trance. I
could hear him gasp, see his dick throb in front of my eyes, feel the thickness
of his cum on my skin, smell it on my face and taste it in my mouth. All my
senses were actively participating.

As his legs started to tremble he had to go and sit in an armchair. I crawled to
him, sat on the floor between his legs and rested my head on his thigh, looking
at his contented face. As a few drops of semen were oozing from his now soft
cock I stuck my tongue out and licked them up. He looked at me with the sweetest
and most loving smile I had ever seen on his face.

"You'd better go and wash this off your face."

"I'd rather stay like that a bit more. I like it. I am happy and proud to have
your cum on my face. I love you so much. You are the best big brother in the

He smiled again and slowly started to spread his semen all over my face with a
finger. He was looking down at me and I could see all the love of the world in
his eyes. I adoringly smiled at him, reached for his hand, stuck his cum-covered
finger in my mouth and kept it there, gently sucking on it.

I was so happy, so full of admiration, veneration and love for him that I was on
the verge of crying.

My god was allowing me to worship him ; I was hoping I could do it again, again
and again in the future. It turned out that this is exactly what happened.

Caesar had triumphed.

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