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Review This Story || Author: kNiVeS and Omechron

Digimon Tamers: A Brother's Vengance

Part 1

Digimon Tamers: A Brothers Vengance
(Rika& Renamon (male))

	This lemon fanfic is a joint effort by Omechron and kNiVeS. I did the
disclaimer and most of the plot, KNiVeS did the actual lemon scene and the
original plot concept.

	Lemon means graphic depictions of sex, which is basically the entire
point of this story. This particular story contains beating, nonconsensual sex,
and sex between a human and a digimon. You have been warned. If you are under 18
(or 21 in some areas) ... yeah, you know the drill.

	I don't own digimon. kNiVeS most likely doesn't either, though I never
directly asked him. kNiVeS invented this particular male Renamon, sorry if we're
stepping on anybody's toes with this idea. Also credit has to be given where it
is due... wherever the word "tool" is inside this story Phil Asbell gave me the

	Renamon was jumping gracefully from building to building, completely
lost in her own thoughts, 'Rika...why is your heart so cold to me? I am a living
creature, can't you see that?' Renamon's wanderings took her to a tall building
from which she could see the entire city. It was the second largest building in
town, next to the Hypnos building.

	"How can I make you understand?" she said, rhetorically.

	"Well, for starters, you could give me a hint what we're talking about!"
a familiar voice said.

	"Impmon," Rennamon said, turning around, "I am in no mood to deal with
you, just leave me alone,"

	Impmon looked hurt, "Sheesh, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the
hole-in-the-ground this morning! And her I am, trying to show some concern for
my fellow Mon... And this is the thanks I get?" Impmon jumped to the next
building, muttering, "Maybe Pineapple Head would be more appreciative of my fine

	Rennamon rolled her eyes. She remained on her perch for several hours,
until it was time to meet Rika on her way home from school, 'How odd,' Rennamon
mused, as she made her way toward Rika's private school, 'My entire life
revolves around a girl who does not even recognize me as a life form,'

	Rika didn't even look up when Rennamon seemingly faded into existence
right in front of her, "There you are," she said coldly, "Come on, we've got
work to do!" Rennamon followed Rika into the house, where they began their daily
training regimen.

*several hours later*

	Renamon had finished her workout, and was resting in Rika's room, eating
a bowl of rice Rika had smuggled her. She had just finished when Rika walked in
and, without giving her a second look, started going through her cards. Renamon

	Rika continued to sort them until her D-power beeped. She stood up,
grabbing her usual deck and clipping it to her belt, "We're on, Rennamon," Was
all she said as she left the room.

*Several minutes later, at the scene of the bioemergence*

	"Meramon. Champion fire digimon," Rika read off, although she already
knew Meramon's properties by heart, "All too easy... He's all yours Renamon"

	Renamon rushed forward, "Don't be offended if I keep my distance, hot
shot," she quipped, leaping into the air, "DIAMOND STORM!"

	Meramon blocked with his arm, taking no visible damage, "VOLCANO BLAST!"
he yelled, returning fire. Renamon moved gracefully, avoiding the rain of
fireballs, but failed to notice the speedily approaching Meramon...until he
landed a nasty uppercut to her jaw.

	Renamon landed on her back, her fur smoldering from Meramon's fiery
touch. She struggled to her feet, coughing. Rika looked angry enough to attack
Meramon herself, "Is that what you call fighting?" she half screamed,
"DIGIMODIFY! Energy activate!" she didn't stop, and immediately swiped a power
and speed card, "Now HIT him you idiot!" She yelled

	Renamon moved too fast for Meramon to follow, bouncing around avoiding
all his attacks. She blurred in behind him and used diamond storm, and this time
Meramon felt it. Rika didn't smile, however, as Rennamon loaded her felled
opponent's data, "That was just embarrassing!" Rika yelled, "What the hell were
you DOING out there?"

	Renamon stared at Rika, 'Say he was a level above me,' she thought, 'Say
he was made of fire so I couldn't physically attack him! Say "have you got any
idea how flammable this fur is?"! Say SOMETHING to stick up for yourself,'
Renamon's brain yelled at her, "I...I am sorry, Rika," was all she managed to
say, 'THAT WAS NOT IT!!!'

	Rika gave Renamon one last dirty look before turning to walk home, "Well
the next time you do so abysmally, I'm not going to save you with cards. Your a
DIGIMON for crying out loud..." Rika continued to rant, but Renamon wasn't
following her as she walked out of ear shot.

	"DAMN IT!!!" Renamon shouted, slamming her fist into a nearby tree, "Why
couldn't I say any of the things I was thinking!?!" Suddenly, Renamon felt an
odd presence behind her. She turned, but in an instant it was gone.

	"Who's there?" She said, "I know I felt someone there!" she took a few
steps away from the tree.

	She felt the presence again, behind her. She spun again as she heard a
familliar voice, "Miss me, little sister?"

	"Renamon?" Her voice broke as she stared at what appeared to be another
one of herself...only different. This other Renamon was slightly more muscular,
and he was missing the white, shaggy patch of fur that Rika's Renamon had to
cover her breasts. His voice was similar, but somewhat deeper. He was also
somewhat transparent, like a ghost.

	"Nice to see you remember me, Renamon," he said, smirking almost
imperceptibly, "Trouble with the human?"

	The original Renamon scowled, "Rika...doesn't recognise me as a life

	"Well that can't be much fun," he said, "And I'm guessing your still not
going to ditch the little ice queen like you really should?"

	She scowled, "I cannot leave her," she stated simply.

	"Well how about this," he said, "I'll be bioemerging in a few days. Rika
will undoubtedly want a piece of me...I'll set her straight for you. All you
have to do is stand idly by while I render her painlessly unconsious. Do we have
a deal?"

	The female Renamon pondered for a moment, "Give me your word she will
not be hurt,"

	The male Renamon waved it off, "She will not be permanently damaged," he

	"...alright" she said finally.

	"Excellent," male Renamon said, "See you then" he faded out of

*Two days later, in nearly the same place*

	Renamon and Rika arrived at the forming digital field, and Rika was
looking at her D-Power, "It's..." She stammered, "It's another Renamon!" she
stammered, "Well, he hasn't got any tamer, so he's no match for you. Walk all
over him,"

	Renamon didn't say anything. She didn't even move. The other Renamon
began advancing toward Rika slowly, "Renamon what are you doing?" Rika said,
panic beginning to sink in.

	The female Renamon turned her head so she wouldn't have to watch, "I am
sorry, Rika,"

	Rika turned to run, but the male Renamon was upon her in an instant. The
next second she had been rendered unconsious by a sharp blow to her head, "You
are doing the right thing," the new Renamon said, lifting the unconsious Rika
onto his shoulder, "This has to be done,"

	The female Renamon said nothing as her brother carried Rika away. She
shed a single tear once they were out of earshot, "Rika...what have I done?"

*Hours later, at an unknown location*

	Rika woke up dazed and confused; she looked around and found her self in
her room. She was strapped to the wall with leather straps and bolts. She made
an attempt to free herself, but to no avail. It was then that she realized that
she had no cloths on.

        "Some body help me!" she called out

        "There is no one to help you know Rika," said a voice.

        "Who's there?" asked Rika

The figure stepped out from the shadow and revealed that it was Renamon, or was

        "Oh its only you Renamon" said Rika as she calmed down.

	It was about a minute after Rika had made her comment the she realized
that this wasn't the right Renamon. Rika thought to her self, this cant be my
Renamon, who the hell does it belong to?

        "Who are you? You aren't my Renamon!" said Rika.

        "Im glad you caught on so easily, I am a Renamon but im a male

        "Well I've figured out that much for my self." Said Rika.

         "As I was saying I'm Renamon's brother, I have been watching your
battles lately, the way you treat Renamon is unfair and now you will feel her
pain." Said Renamon in an angry voice.

         "Lemme go!" shouted Rika.

         "I don't think so" said Renamon.

	Renamon turned to the table behind him and picked a long black leather

         "What are you going to do with that?" asked Rika in a scared voice?

         "I don't have to tell you, I will show you!" said Renamon.

	Renamon raised the whip and cracked the whip on the side of her right
leg. A small trace of blood ran down her leg. Rika screamed out in pain as her
wound throbbed with pain.

        "Why...why are you doing this to me?" asked Rika as she tried to stand
on one leg.

        "I told you why, the way you treat Renamon is unfair and now you will
suffer!" replied Renamon as he cracked the whip again only now hitting her

        "Oww... mother fucker! Knock it off!" shouted Rika as blood ran down her

        "I don't think so" said Renamon.

	Renamon raised his hand high in the air and cracked the whip several
more times, only now hitting her legs, arms, hands, and breasts. Rika couldn't
take the pain. As soon as the whip stopped moving Rika passed out form all the
pain she received from the whip. About an h our passes before she finally wakes
up again, still unable to get away. Rika's strength had decreased tremendously
after Renamon beat her with the whip. She looked around franticly for something
that would help her get away. Renamon opened her bedroom door and walked in
eating a slice of pizza.

        "So your finally awake?" said Renamon eating the last bite of pizza.

        "Yeh why don't you let me go?" asked Rika.

        "I told you, you are gonna pay for treating Renamon bad!" replied

        "haven't I payed enough?" asked Rika.

        "I hardly think so, what you got about and hour ago was nothing compared
to what your going to get" replied Renamon.

	Rika swallowed hard and started sweating as she thought of the horrible
things might happen to her.

        "Hmm... what to do" thought Renamon

	Rika stood and said nothing, scared for her she waited patiently for the
next thing to happen. Rika looked up at Renamon, Renamon smiled a smile so big
it would have bent double! He walked over to rika and grasped rikas breasts in
his hands and rubbed them. Rika was getting a positive feeling about this but
didn't say anything for fear of her life. Renamon moved his finger to his mouth
and the moved it down to Rikas crotch. Rikas eyes grew wider as his hand went
further down. He put his finger right up to her moist entrance, and pushed it in
causing Rika to moan out. Rikas fear turned to excitement but she decided to
hold back her feelings, at least for a little while anyway... Renamon looked up
at Rikas face and gave her a cold hard stare and then his stare turned into a
smile. Renamon pulled out of Rika's tight pussy and started rubbing vigorously
at her wet clit. Rika couldn't take much more of the great feeling her clit was

        "ooooo..." moaned Rika.

        "You like that huh?" asked Renamon. Rika didn't say anything, but just
nodded her head in compliance.

        "Hmm..I have something far better planed for you" said Renamon.

	Renamon walked over to the table and picked up a wrench. It was then
that Rika noticed that Renamon had a huge hard on. Rika turned her head and
blushed as Renamon walked back with the wrench. He proceeded to unbolt Rika from
the wall.

        "Ah that's much better" said Rika.

	Renamon didn't say a word. He set down the wrench on the table and
walked over to Rikas bed and sat down. As he sat he looked over at Rika.

        "As I said im not done with you yet" said Renamon.

        "What are you going to do?" asked rika.

        "Well for starters you can suck my dick!" replied Renamon.

	Rika sat and said nothing while Renamon sat and played with is tool.

        "Time to take your medicine!" said Renamon.

        "Oh god... do I have to?" asked Rika.

        "If you don't want to have more fun with the whip I suggest doing this."
Replied Renamon, still playing with his tool.

	Renamon walked over to Rika and stood right in front of her face. Rika
closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She placed her over the head of his cock
and went down slowly, slowly she engulfed his cock. Renamon didn't say anything
at first but his body language said different, as Rika went up and down slowly.
Renamons anger must have gotten away from him for a moment. Renamon started
moaning and groaning.

        "Uhhh yeh!" moaned Renamon.

	Rika tried to crack a smile, but with Renamons cock in her mouth she was
limited to a small smile.

        "mmm..." groaned Rika.

        "Oh god!" said Renamon.

	Rika moved effortlessly and diligently as she sucked Renamons cock.

        "ooo yah faster im coming!" yelled Renamon.

	Rika moved even faster on Renamons cock, he bit his lip and grabbed
Rikas head and forced her to deep throat his cock. Renamons mouth dropped and
his cock bulged with warm sticky cum. Rikas mouth was soon filled with Renamons
cum, there was so much cum that it oozed out the sides of her mouth and dripped
off of her chin. Renamon let go of her head, and rika swallowed the cum she had
left in her mouth and licked up what was left on her face and on Renamons cock.

        "I don't know if your finished but I most certainly am not!" said Rika.

        "Oh you want some huh?" asked Renamon.

        "Uh huh" replied Rika

	Rika got down on her hands and knees and then sat down on the floor and
opened her legs to expose her wet moist tight pussy just aching for a pussy
hungry cock. Rika took her hand spread her pussy open. Rika was so wet that her
crotch reflected light as bad as a mirror. (That's how damn wet she is!)
Renamons cock stood straight up.

        "I know I shouldn't be asking you this due to my limitations and all,
but do you think you could helm me with this?" said Rika as she pulled aside one
of her pussy lips. 

        "No problem" said Renamon playing with his tool some more.

	Renamon walked over to rika and grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs
up into the air and lined up his cock with Rikas worm wet entrance and slowly
entered. Rika screamed out, but was soon canceled out by moans of pleasure.

        "ooo ya..." moaned Rika

	Renamon moved in and out freely, he tipped back his head and opened his
mouth and let out a loud gasp.

        "Do you think you could go any faster?" asked Rika   

        "No problem" replied Renamon and picked up speed.

	Renamon went to work hard on giving Rika what she wanted faster in and
out. Renamon must have been going in and out twice in a second! Rika and Renamon
must have fucked for at least 10 minutes before Rika yelled out...

       "Im coming fuck me harder!" yelled Rika.

	Renamon pumped Rikas pussy hard and fast until Rika couldn't hold it any

         "Oh fuck!" yelled Rika

	Rikas cum poured out onto and all over Renamon and the floor including
her self. Renamon knew that he wasn't going to be able to take much more of
this. Just the sight of women's cum wanted to make him cum on the spot. Renamon
fired off the last remaining thrusts he had left and blew it all over Rikas
pussy and stomach! 
	The two collapsed, Renamon on top of Rika. Neither spoke for a few
moments. Finally, it was Renamon who broke the silence, "Could mere data do
that?" he said,
	Rika was about to reply when another voice broke in, "WHAT HAVE YOU
DONE!?!" it was Rika's Renamon, "You didn't say anything about RAPING my tamer!"
	The male Renamon got up off Rika, "What do you care?" he said, as his
penis pulled back into it's hiding place, "She even enjoyed it. And now she sees
that we are life forms like her. What do you have to complain about?"
	"You have stolen her innocence!" Renamon yelled, the fur on her neck
standing straight up.
	Her brother laughed, "I hate to burst your bubble, but I didn't TAKE
anything. After I made her give me head, she practically begged me to fuck her.
And besides, there was no hymen. Somebody nailed your tamer first,"
	"Is this true?" the female Renamon looked past her brother at Rika, who
was still on the floor, not even trying to cover herself. She just nodded, "Who
was it?" she shouted, "Who took your innocence!?!"
	"Why do you even care?" the male Renamon asked, cocking his head to the
side. Suddenly, he grinned, "Oh...Now I get it. That's why you never paid any
attention to the boy digimon in our world. That's why you picked such a pretty
little thing for your tamer!" he grinned even bigger, "Your a-" he was suddenly
silenced by Renamon's fast moving right foot as it slammed into his gut.
	"Get out," the female Renamon said, her voice filled with frighteningly
calm hatred, "Get out and never come back. If I see you again, I will delete
	The male Renamon slowly backed away, "Your making a mistake!" he said,
"She will never care about you in that way,"
	The female Renamon began to run toward her brother, who quickly
retreated out the door and disappeared into the night. The remaining Renamon
turned to her tamer, "Rika...I am sorry...I am responsible for this,"
	Rika stood up and looked into Renamon's eyes, "I...I deserved it after
the way I acted," Rika said. She pulled Renamon into a hug, "I had no right to
treat you like that,"
	Renamon began to get wet, feeling Rika's breasts against her, "Rika... I
am... you are..." she stammered, trying to pull away.
	"No, Renamon," Rika said simply, "I understand now. Let...let me do
	"You do...not" Renamon was finding it increasingly
difficult to think straight, let alone speak. Rika had pressed her body even
closer against Renamon and it was definately having an effect.
	"Renamon..." Rika sighed, "I...I want this to happen too".
	That was all Renamon needed to hear. Renamon closed her eyes, leaned in
and kissed Rika. Rika welcomed Renamon with hers. Rika had waited willingly for
a moment like this one to happen. Rika thought of more things she could do as
she glided her tongue in and out of Renamons mouth. As the couple kissed Renamon
reached over and place one hand on Rikas breast the other on her thigh. Rika
felt ecstatic as Renamons hands roamed her body.
	   "I never knew you cared for me in this way Renamon." Moaned Rika.
	Renamon leaned back, smiled and said nothing. Renamons roaming hand had
finally made its way to Rikas crotch. As Renamons hand drew closer Rika took
over and placed it directly over her moist entrance. Renamon gasped as she felt
Rikas warm pussy. Renamon slowly began to caress the tight warm little hole
between Rikas legs. Rika closed her eyes tipped back her head and moaned with
excitement. Renamon could sense Rikas excitement building at an incredible rate.
Renamon slowly extended a finger and put it in her mouth and sucked on it.
Renamon smiled as she moved her finger towards Rikas pussy. Renamon slowly slid
her finger inside Rikas tight hole.

               "OH Renamon!" Rika shouted out.

	Renamon slowly moved her finger in and out of Rikas pussy and then
picked up the pace.

              "Renamon!" gasped Rika.

              "Yes?" replied Renamon.

	Before Rika could answer she was silence by Renamons hand over her

              "Shhh!" said Renamon.

	Rika nodded in compliance as Renamon remover her hand from Rikas face.
Renamon pulled her finger out of Rikas drenched pussy. Renamon positioned her
self so that she was right in front of Rikas crotch. Renamon looked up and gazed
into Rikas eyes. Rika just simply smiled at her. Renamon closed her eyes leaned
in stuck out her tongue and licked Rikas moist clit. Rika almost jumped as
Renamons rough tongue made contact with her clit. Renamon moved a little lower
and stuck her tongue deep inside Rikas pussy.

              "Oh Yes Renamon!" Rika cried out.

	Rikas juices began to flow as Renamon licked vigorously at Rikas pussy. 
Renamon could feel that Rikas orgasm was eminent.

             "Im coming Renamon I'M COMING!" shouted Rika.

	Renamon took her hand and spread her pussy open and drove her tongue in
as far as she could get it. That as enough for Rika as she came all over
Renamons face. Renamon lapped up Rikas cum as it flowed from deep inside her
	Lights exploded in Rika's mind, and she arched her back a final time
before her vision started to go dark, "Renamon...I...I love you-" Rika
stammered, before passing into unconsciousness.
	Renamon stood and smiled down at Rika. She was wet and had not gotten
any this time, but that didn't matter. She leaned down and gathered Rika in her
arms, "I love you too, Heartbreaker," she said. Renamon kissed her tamer one
more time, and then tucked  her into her bed.
	She stood back for a moment, and then she faded away again. Back out
into the night...

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