This story is completely made up and depicts no one in real life. Anything that has happened in this story or will happen in future stories are not endorsed. The AUTHOR takes on NO responsibility for anyones actions related to this made up fictional story. All characters are made up and completely fake.
It was a relatively slow day at the shopping center where Sam worked, fucking BuyCheap, she hated it. Although the money was good and she was a higher ranking employee than most. All she really had to do help out the grunts; the shelf stockers, the cashier, even sometimes the backroom away from the customers. It was still BuyCheap though. A bloodsucking corporation if she ever saw one. Barely ever gave back to charities, the community, or even the employees. They sure loved to announce every time they did though and pretend like they were the god send of the world. What Sam wanted more than anything was to own her own business; be good to the employees, help people with the money it earned, and be admired by the world as a role model. That would never happen as long as she was stuck here. As long as she was stuck here she'd be a slave to evil corporate America forever. The money was good but she was on the precipitous of being stuck in this shit hole forever. Assistant manager is the next step and once you become one it's almost as if you're glued to the company. Her company would be started soon enough and it would be awesome. Free food and drink to employees, a game room to relax, even work from home options; It'd be just as awesome as Google. Technology was always her strong suit and she loved people. Entrepreneurship just seemed natural. Over the past several months she'd researched the prospect; how much money was needed, how it would go about being started, what paper work would need to be filed. Maybe a few more months of research and she'd be ready to actually start building a business up, then she could quit, for good.
Sam would do good in business, hell she would do good in life. She was nice, caring, sweet and stunningly cute. With very dark, almost black, brown hair that went just past her shoulders, to die for eyes, and coming in at about a perfect height of 5'10. She wasn't a girly girl but not a tom boy at all. Her walk had a sort of lightness to it, almost as if floating on air. Her skin was a smooth pale but not a ghostly white. Her normal work outfit consisted of a deep blue t-shirt that was slightly large and khaki pants that were also slightly baggy. The slightly larger than normal clothes hid most but not all of her curves. Despite having a medium chest size and the oversized shirt, her chest was still relatively visible pressing against the inside of her shirt.
*crackling sound* Sam? Sam, register 22 needs assistance with a difficult customer. Her walkie, it was Sean, her co-worker. He was a nice guy, decently handsome, and a hard worker. She'd been out with for drinks with him a few times along with other people. They were only friends though. She had never thought of them any other way and neither did he. She grabs the walkie: “alright I'm headed there now”. “Hi, what seems to be the problem sir?” she said with a smile as she approached register 22. “Well! Your cashier here refuses to except my coupons!”. The male cashier stated “he is trying to use 3 coupons for one product, Sam”. “Sir, our policy states you may not use more than one coupon per product.” The customer looking baffled as if a religious minister just cussed him out replied with “Fine! I'll just take my business across town and your boss will hear about this, Sam”. Saying her name only as a repeat of the cashier. After the customer left Sam looked at the cashier; “don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong” reassuring the cashier.
Sam, grabs for her walkie: *crackling* “Hey Sean, cover for me? I'm about to go on my break.” Sean replies “Sure, stop over at customer service first someone just called for you”. While walking over to customer service she wonders: Who would call for me? In the 5 years working for BuyCheap no one has ever needed to call me at work. If anyone important needed to get a hold of me they would just text.
“Hello?” The voice on the other end replies: “Hello Sam, I have left you a note on your car window. Please read it on your break” *click*. Sam was confused. What the.. fuck? Did the lady on the other end get disconnected? Even so it was creepy. But the voice seemed so sweet and innocent, almost delicate. It wasn't like a BuyCheap version of the movie Scream. Sam going on her break anyway decided to stop out and check the supposed note. She was a little creeped out but its not like anything would happen to her; she was in the middle of a very busy parking lot. Once reaching her 2012 Chevy Camaro Convertible, Black pearl, slightly dirty but still a beauty in the sunshine. Tucked neatly under the driver wiper blade was a light pink, cleanly folded piece of paper. At the top read FROM THE OFFICE OF GOD. Huh? It continued” Sam, you have been chosen. Go inside and let them know you don’t feel good. Leave work early. Then drive to this address: and it listed it. If you don’t you will instantly feel a pain in your stomach. Sam was stunned. What the fuck was going on? Who created this note? Now she was getting scared. Is this some kind of prank? It was probably best just forgot about and ignored. Deciding to just put the note in her pocket as brush it off as a joke. She felt like skipping the rest of her break and just going back to work. Work, although boring, felt safe right now. Heading inside work continued as usual. Less than 5 minutes later the worst stomach cramp imaginable began shooting through her stomach. Oww! Bending over and grabbing her stomach.
10 seconds later Sean and another co-worker came running over: “Sam are you OK?” Samantha! Look at me, are you alright? She could barely breathe. Whoever was behind that note must have poisoned her. “I'm fine” she proclaimed. “are you sure?” Sean asked. “yea, just a stomach cramp”. Sam began walking to the door and said “I've gotta take the day off, I'm sorry”. The other co-worker and Sean said almost in unison: “no problem, go to the doctor”. Almost immediately the stomach pain let up.
While driving home she pulled the note out of her pocket and reread it. This address was about half way between her home and work. As she passed the street that would have been her turn if she did wanna go to this mysterious address her stomach began hurting again. Slightly at first then with every passing block it became unbearable. Why was this happening? Taking the next right it began to let up a little then it let up quite a bit. Then it clicked in her head; she was heading toward home but also slightly toward the mysterious address. The closer to the address she got the less pain she had. Having no choice she started heading directly for the address if she wanted relief from the pain.
Upon arriving at the address she saw a huge uptown office building. This place didn't look disturbing, scary, or any other frightening adjective you wanted to use. It actually looked quite pleasant and upscale. She hadn't been in this section of town in quite some time. There was no need to, all there was around here was office and business space with nothing really being consumer oriented. Pulling over and parallel parking in front of the building she wondered, what was going to happen to her? This all seemed safe but the whole principle surrounding this was almost from the twilight zone. She was forced to come here by an unimaginable pain in her stomach. Getting out she pushed the door to her Camaro shut and clicked the lock button on the key fob. Walking a few steps, she paused, her better judgment took over. She turned around and was walking back to her car. The pain came back, she didn't care, she reached for the car door handle. Right as her fingers touched the handle the pain got so bad it crippled her. She grabbed her stomach hard and crawled to the front of the car, the pain easing as she crawled away from the car. Now there was no choice. If she didn't go inside and find out what was going on she would be feeling like this forever. Walking through the giant crystal clear glass doors she was overwhelmed by the serenity of the inside. It was hotel like but more natural. It even had a mini waterfall and stream running through the lobby with a railing around it.
Behind the very basic but upscale desk was a beautiful young girl, probably about 19 years old, only slightly younger than Sam herself. The girls hair was a vibrant blonde tied back in a pony tail with a few well placed strands hanging off each side of the front of her face. She was wore a bright white button up dress shirt with a crisply popped collar. Sam couldn't tell what she was wearing below her stomach as the desk was in the way. The girls name tag read -Sabrina-. Sam approached her. Before Sam could even say a word the girl looked up with a cute smile “Hello, Samantha!”. “Uh, hi.. what's going on?” Sam replied. The girl stood up and walking out from behind the desk. She was wearing a very loose flat black skirt. It came up slightly higher than her knees. “Sam, please go ahead and follow me into my office. This girl looked so sweet and nice but Sam couldn't help but feel nervous after what had happened so far. Walking down the hall to the right Sam noticed most of the offices were empty and she realized she hadn't seen anyone else in the building except “Sabrina”. After reaching the end of the hall they both entered an office to the right, they had passed at least 15 offices.
The office as nearly empty but it didn't feel empty. The styling was similar to the buildings lobby; very sophisticated but simple. “Sam please sit down”, she did. “Do you believe in god?” Sam instantly thought back to the note that read FROM THE OFFICE OF GOD then replied “to be honest no, but I haven't thought about it much”. “Well Sam, god is real but not the Christian god, or the Jewish god, or even Allah, the Islamic god. “OK thank you for the information but this sounds ridiculous” Sam said. Sabrina smirked at Sam then said “Yes I'm sure it sounds that way. Sam, I am god. Whatever you want to call it, the alpha and the omega etc etc. You have been chosen Sam, by me.” Sam tried to hold back a smile but failed. Then running it through her head again she got worried. This girl is crazy. She might even be dangerous despite being just an average size young girl. The rest must have been just a coincidence, she had to get out of here before it was too late. “Uh, OK I have to go.” Sam said. Sam went to get up from her chair but was unable to, in fact she was unable to move any of her body besides her head and neck. “what the fuck!” Sam exclaimed. Sabrina smirked again. “Sam, listen this is real and you know it is. How else would I have been able to get you here? You wouldn't have came without the stomach pain I promised.” “Let me go!” Sam yelled. After several minutes of convincing Sam calmed down and let Sabrina explain her future. “Sam, you have been chosen like I said”. “Chosen for what may I ask?” “Sam, I hate to say this -it was obvious Sabrina actually didn't hate it- you are now a chosen slave you may want to call it. You will do any orders given, without question, and immediately upon request. I am god and you will obey, or else.
Sam woke up in her bed. What a crazy dream Sam thought. A note was laid next to her. Sam realized it wasn't a dream. The note was the exact same stationary as in her “dream”. It read: This wasn't a dream Sam *winky face*. A few seconds later she realized she was incredibly horny, she checked the clock. It was Sunday and it was her day off, the clock read 7:26 A.M. A voice in her head said play with yourself Sam, your welcome. Sam to horny to think clearly about what was going on began her self sex adventure. She was wearing what she usually wore to bed despite not remembering how she got there. It was tight short shorts with a tight elastic waistband and a t-shirt with extra short sleeves, also no under garments.
Traveling her hands down her stomach and into the waistband of her shorts. Why was she so horny? She can't remember being this horny since she was a teenager while thinking of her first love. She continued into her shorts with her right hand. Her pussy was relatively freshly shaven but felt slightly prickly. Shaving was a regular habit for years now even without a boyfriend. As she began rubbing her clit the hornyness only became stronger. Rubbing softly at first, then faster, then back to slow and soft. As she did so her back began to arch automatically. Her mouth was slightly open and she let out a soft gasp trying to hold back a moan. Then she bit her lip softly. The rush was coming. It was slow at first then it came fast rushing throughout her whole body. Her back arched very hard now and she was rubbing her clit as fast as she could manage. The rubbing went from a figurative 100 miles an hour to 20 in about 5 seconds, but with very hard rubs. As soon as the speed dropped she went from being exceptionally quiet to an erupting moan. No, it wasn't a moan she was screaming from the pure ecstasy of her orgasm. This wasn't like her, she lived in an apartment, when she had this type of “fun” she had to hold her moans in like any normal person would. This wasn't even an option right now. No matter how hard she tried it felt too good. Resistance was futile. Her screams were so loud it sounded as if she had been stabbed. After a good (very good) 15 to 20 seconds her screams subsided and the orgasm rush left just as fast as it came on.
She now laid there staring at the ceiling, she realized she had a huge smile on her face. Everything that had happened the day before had left her mind. She then removed her hands from her shorts, too tired to move much more than that. Her eyes slowly closed and she fell back asleep.
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