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Review This Story || Author: Orion


Anita II

Anita II

     Part 1   
          It was another hot summer day and Anita was on her deck waving good by
to her neighbors. Maggie and her husband were hearing for their cabin out by the
lake for the weekend. Maggie had asked Anita to help her pack a few things,
which the red head did happily. The extra items included a set of handcuffs, a
blindfold and ball gag, and even a hundred feet of rope. They had spent several
days practicing to help Maggie learn how to use them. Hummmmm... maybe Maggie
will remember the video camera, she thought.

      Oh well that just left the house empty for a self bondage weekend. She
could bump and thump all she wanted without worrying about the down stairs
neighbors. Nobody would be over to disturb her, the only person who knew about
her games was heading out of town.

      Every thing was set up and there was no reason to wait. She took the old
wind up alarm clock that she had modified just this morning and sat it on a high
shelf.Anita had carefully removed the glass and the hands from the clocks face.
This left a running clock that you can not read. Anita carefully wound he clock
listening to the steady tic-toc. Then she gave the alarm set button six turns.
Without the hands she had no way of knowing if the alarm would ring in minutes
or hours. If left alone it would ring at a maximum of twelve hours before the
spring ran out.

      On the back of the clock there is the winding keys. On the alarm key was
glued a ledge of cardboard. The key to her locking leather cuffs would set there
until the alarm sounded, tipping the ledge. The sound of the alarm would also
let her know the key was in easy reach and the general location. Anita intended
to be wearing a blindfold and would not see the key when it fell.

          Off she went to the bed room stripping off her shirt and denims. She
knelt by the bed and placed a leather cuff around each ankle, locking them shut.
But ankles were then locked together using a padlock. An eighteen inch chain ran
from the lock to another that awaited her wrists. The chain would allow plenty
of wiggle room yet not allow Anita to straighten out her legs.

        The blindfold came next, placing her in total darkness. Anita then used
a harness ball gag. It had a forehead strap and covered the blindfold so she
could not rub it loose. Finally she reached behind her back and wrapped the
wrist cuffs around her arms. Using a padlock she connected them to the chain,
successfully placing herself in a hogtie.

          This was it, it was now to late to change her mind. The last lock was
in place and the keys were way out of reach. She was going no where until the
alarm dropped the keys. Oh well, nothing to do now but wait. But already her
fingers were probing her restraints for a weakness.

          A short time later Maggie was getting ready as well. Sam was out
building a fire and she ducked into the bedroom with a small bag. First she
slipped out of her clothes and pulled the first item out of the bag. Black lace
panties with snaps in the crotch for easy access. Then came a matching black
lace strapless bra with the hooks in front. Maggie then hung a ball gag around
her neck like a sort of necklass for later use.

          Maggie slipped the steel ankle cuffs into place clicking them shut.
There was about twelve inches of chain between the cuffs. Finally she slipped a
handcuff around her right wrist. After laying the key on the dresser the dark
haired woman placed her hands behind her back and closed the cuff. She looked at
the keys fearfully. I can still back out; she thought. He will never know. But
then she shook her head, no I brought these things and I am going to use them.
Time for a little surprise.

        The chain linking her ankles rattled softly with each step as Maggie
went to join her husband. Sam had placed a blanked and pillows on the floor by
the fire place. She could see his nude form in the fire's glow. Sam Malone lay
flat on his back resting his head on his hands. His eyes were closed, and he had
the beginnings of an errection starting.

      As Maggie approached the rattling of the ankle chains attracted her
husbands attention. He looked to her bare feet seeing the metal bands circling
her ankles and the connecting chain. His brown eyes traveled up to the odd ball
hanging around her neck on a strap. Maggie was softly biting her lower lip like
she always did when she was nervous.

      Maggie turned showing her profile and her cuffed wrists. You weren't
kidding about something new were you? What do you think; she asked, as she
displayed her bondage to him. Nice, very nice; Sam said, where did you get the
cuffs? I borrowed them from Anita; Maggie answered, She showed me how to use
them. Sam laughed; I won't even ask how you two got into this. Come here and lay
down; he commanded.

      Laying down without falling was difficult without the use of her hands,
but Maggie was soon snuggling in close to her husband. Where are the keys; he
asked? On the dresser; she answered, as he wrapped a thick arm around her. And
this; he asked, pointing at the red ball on the strap around her neck. It is a
gag; Maggie explained, you place the ball into my mouth and buckle it in tight.
And then what; he asked? Then I as your quiet little obedient wife to do with as
you like.

      Sam sat her up and inserted the ball between her teeth and buckled it
snugly into place. He also noticed something clenched in his wives hands.
Tugging it free Sam examined it. The thing looked like a sleep mask made out of
leather. Well, this he knew how to use without being told.

        Mummph, maghph, Maggie tried to speak as the blindfold slipped into
place. Shhhhh..... Sam said as he once again took his now totally helpless wife
into his arms. Maggie's lace covered breasts pressed against his chest, as his
lips found that tingly spot just below her left ear.

        Maggie purred and snuggled closer to her husband as much as possible.
With one hand he popped the hooks on her bra freeing her ample breasts. Sam
firmly gripped one of Maggies orbs with his hand squeezing gently. Then she felt
his lips playfully pulling at the nipple. Teasingly soft he caressed her breast.
Mummmmm..... Maggie hummed into the gag, her small fists tugging quietly   and
uselessly at the cuffs restraining them. I'm really screwed now; she thought, or
at least I will be soon.

Part 2
          Back home Anita had been twisting in frustration for over two hours.
The radio had told her that much, but she was still no closer to freedom that
when she had started. Until that is when the alarm goes off and drops the keys
to her. Damn, she had forgotten to use the stimulators, and she could not pull
the chain linking her hands and feet against the right spot. Double damn........

        Anita twisted in her bondage, frustrated beyond belief. She imagined
Maggie in the cuffs and chains. Sam roaming his hands over her tenderly.
Teasingly soft yet firm and unyielding. Maggies helplessness at her husbands
hands. Sam's muscular torso moving against her helpless naked body. His cock
sliding into a well lubed dark space. Ohhhhhh....

        Anita rocketed into an orgasm! The thought of her captive friend making
love to her husband drove her over the edge. The images were so clear she could
almost feel it. The red head moaned into her gag and pumped her hips into the
carpeted floor. Oh if only she weren't alone!

      Maggie on the other hand had far more than she was ready for. She did not
know if it was the bondage or just the blindfold and not seeing what was
happening that made things tingle. She waned desperately to wrap herself around
him but the steel restraints made that impossible. Maggie needed him more than
ever now. But deep down inside she also knew that the longer he took the better
it would be.

        The black lace panties were unclasped and pulled away barring the last
of her. Oh damn,,: Maggie thought, If I had know it could be like this years
ago. Sam had always been a great lover, but after today? Well you never know.
All thought was driven away as a hand rubbed the moist area between her thighs.

      Sam's lips brushed hers. For the first time she kissed her husband wile in
bondage. Long and deep was the kiss. Their lips crushed together. Maggie felt
his erection enter her smoothly. Slowly sliding it's length to the hilt and back
out again. Working slowly, in even strokes, pushing her
deeper into an unfamiliar darkness.

        Straining against her bonds Maggie bit at her gag as she reached a
plateau. Over she fell into a powerfully earth shattering orgasm. Frightening
and fulfilling all at once. Sam was coming too, Thrusting into her with deep
powerful strokes to the finish. He rolled to one side in complete exhaustion.
Maggie was soaring in an orgasmic world of rainbows and fireworks. A place of
immense joy and contentment.

  Part 3
        It was now about five am according to the radio announcer. It had been a
long night of frustration and restraint for Anita. She had dozed as best that
she could being hogtied all night, but real rest had eluded her. Still she had
not heard the alarm that signaled the dropping of her keys. Maybe I slept
through it; the helpless woman thought.

      Anita twisted and rolled her way into the living room. It was a long and
difficult journey bound as she was. The helpless girl received a healthy dose of
rug burn for her efforts. The leather cuffs had heald her securely without
restricting her circulation. With all of the crawling and struggling Anita was
soon drifting back to sleep under the area of the clock.

        Riiiinnnnnggggggg........The alarm finally went off, scaring Anita. At
last; she thought. Now she didn't' have far to go. Only the keys weren't there.
The string was hanging where it should be but not the keys. The loop holding the
keys was broken and that meant that the keys were scattered on the floor.

      Phew..... at least she knew they couldn't go far. She had worried that
they didn't fall and were up high out of each. This way freedom was a matter of
time while she searched the floor.Not an easy task for someone who is bound and
blindfolded but worth the effort.

      Sam Malone sat on the chair by the burnt out fire place sipping his early
morning coffee. Maggie still lay on the blankets, still in the cuffs and
blindfold. He had finally removed the gag before falling asleep. He really loved
his wife, and every curve of her smooth body. But not so much as right now. He
never knew she could be so.....wild. Why he had thought about asking her to try
this a year ago, but was afraid she would say no. Yet here she was wrist and
ankles cuffed, as well as a blindfold. She was totally and helplessly his, and
he had another Idea.

      A short time after she woke up Maggie was sitting in a sturdy wooden
chair. She was still nude and blindfolded. Sam had not allowed her to remove it
through breakfast, which he fed to her. He wrapped a rope around her and the
chair back, running it over and under her breasts. Then he tied her ankles to
the rear chair legs, pulling them back and up until her toes left the floor. Her
hands were tied behind the chair and a rope went down under the seat to keep her
hands securely in place.

    The blindfold was removed and the gag went in. Maggie found herself sitting
in the pantry with shelves of canned goods. See you later; Sam said I'm going to
do some fishing. What?; Maggie wondered? But he pulled the curtain closing her
into her small cell, naked, alone, and helpless, to await his return.

      For the first hour Maggie tried to get free. Twisting her small wrists in
their ropes and shaking her bound feet. She could see the knots holding her legs
up in such an uncomfortable way, but could not reach them. Peering down between
her breasts she could also see the knots holding her torso so snugly but was
powerless to reach them.

        That's when she heard the sounds of someone on the porch. There was a
knocking and the door opened. Anyone home; the voice called. It was Judy from
next door. Damn it, why didn't Sam lock the doors? Foot steps moved through the
kitchen and through the cabin. Maggie; Judy called again, are you here?

      Maggie heald her breath, trying not to make the slightest sound. Judy was
the biggest blabber mouth on the lake and everyone would soon hear how she had
found poor Maggie tied and naked. No, she defiantly could not let Judy find her.
The bound woman listened as her uninvited guest re-entered the kitchen and
stopped in front of the curtain that blocked the pantry. It was the only
protection she had from discovery. She could see Judy's canvas sneakers under
the curtains edge as she stopped to call once again.

      At this point Judy was less than three feet from Maggie and the chair she
was bound to. The sneakers took a step closer as Judy actually brushed against
the curtain dragging it open with her shoulder. She never looked back though. It
was a good thing for Maggie because she could now see Judy as she left, closing
the door behind herself.Maggie staired at the closed door and sighed with
relief. Now if only Sam would come home before someone else looks in the back
door and sees her there.

      A key! After several minutes of searching Anita had the first key. It was
to big for the cuffs so it had to be for the locks holding her limbs together.
She tried the padlock at her wrists first, but it would not turn. Oh damn....
It's for the other lock. Laying on her side and tugging on the chain Anita
pulled her feet closer to her bound hands. She inserted the key into the second
lock and turned. It snapped open freeing her ankles from the chain linking her
feet to her hands. The cuffs were still locked around her ankles but they
weren't locked together. More importantly she could now walk and straighten out
her cramped legs.

      This made searching easier and quicker. Being able to use her feet in the
search Anita soon found another key. It would not fit the cuffs or lock holding
her hands together. Ok, it s for the lock on the harness gag. No problem, but
she cold not unlock that without first freeing her hands. So far that key has
eluded her every effort to find it.

      There is always the spare keys in the garage but that would mean she would
have to go out side. The trouble with that is it was now around nine o'clock
with the sun well up and she was still bound, blind, gagged, and naked! If it
were dark out she could slip easily out and down the steps into the yard.

    Yet an hour later. With water dripping from her chin and running down her
breasts from the drink
she tried to get, Anita admitted defeat. She was sure she had searched the whole
floor but still could not find the missing keys. There was no longer a chiose,
she knew she would have to risk being seen to get loose. It wasn't so much the
stiff shoulders that helped her deside, it was the aching jaw from her gag.

  Part 4
            With her hands still bound behind her, and trailing the eighteen
inch length of chain that use to link her ankles to her wrists. The gag and
blindfold still securly in place, and the leather cuffs still around her ankles
Anita started for the door. The doors were much easier for her this time. It was
the minutes she would spend exposed on the stairs that worried her. Once down in
the yard she was safe, there is a high wood privacy fence around the yard.

          The sun warmed deck planking almost burnt her bare feet as Anita
worked her way down the stairs without falling. As it was she had to croch down
low for the small protection the railing may provide. Which of course was very
little anyways.

            The steps spiraled down and seemed to go on for ever. It is funny
how things seem so different when you are whearing a blindfold. Anita was sure
she had gone down a lot further than the one level. Eventually she felt the cool
comfert of the grass on her feet.

            The stairs ended facing the yard so that put the garage to her left.
The red head set out carefully feeling her way with her toes. For that reason it
was a toe Anita almost broke instead of her nose. The hot sun was trying to burn
her as Anita slid her shoulder along the wall until she found the door.

            The doorknob always stuck and today was no exception. Anita tried
three times to twist the knob and thump it with her bare ass. Someone rapping on
the gate terrorfied her. Gas man, a male voice called. Anita panicked,
Throughing her weight against the door once again. It popped pen and she tumbled
inside. The gas man called again, this time opening the gate.

            Anita struggled up from the floorand brushed against the overhead
door. From there she slid into the corner behind the door she had just fallen
through. Anita stood in the narrow space behind the open door as he aproached.
The bound girl was panic stricken!

      Heavy foot steps aprached the open door. He stopped just outside the open
portal and called again. Anita cowered silently in the corner barely two feet
away from him. The gas meters stood just outside the door against the very wall
she leaned against.

        It was almost to much to be so close do discovery by a total stranger.
The fear and excitement all at once. What would he do if.........., would he
free me or would he have a better use
for a helpless young naked woman?

        She heard hs clipboard snap shut with a snap. Then he entered the
garage. They were seporated by meir inches, and a door. BANG, the door slammed
shut. Anita nealy screamed at the sound. She waited for him to make a sound.
Then she heard the gate outside open and close. He was gone, her secret was
safe. She was safe.

      S....H....I....T....! She sighed in relief as her knees got to weak
to hold her up.

        Sam came home and untied his wife. He took her into the bed room and
retied her standing with her hands high over her head. They were tied to a
rafter and she was going nowhere. Her husband had laughed hmself silly at her
telling him about Judy. To him at least it was funny.

          Her ankles were tied as well as her knees. Then the blindfold was
replaced. Sam's hands slipped gently around her nude body. Gently touching
everywhere she wanted to be touched.

Swaying and writhing in her bondage Maggie felt her self soaring to new heights.
Sam stood behind her with his naked body pressed against hers. Both hands were
on Maggies breasts pinching and teasing them to hard points.
His manhood swelled and was resting against the crack of her ass.

After several minutes he untied Maggie's legs and hugged his wife from in front.
Instantly her legs were wrapped around his waist. Sam slid his fully erect cock
into place and lowered Maggie slightly. Now impaled on his organ, Maggie twisted
and swung from her bound wrists while riding her husband for all she was worth.

Free at long last, Anita worked the stiffness out of her aching jaw. The padlock
that had linked her wrists lay on the floor along with the chain that use to
link her into the hogtie. It felt so good to stretch for the first time in
hours. She had never been bound for so long before. The garage was to stuffy to
remain in so Anita picked up her things and went out into the yard.

Looking around carefully She saw that in no way could anyone have seen her. She
would be exposed for a few seconds on the stairs but that was unavoidable.
Staying as low as possible Anita scampered up the stairs to her deck. There she
crawled to the door staying will below the railing.

The nude girl reached for the knob and turned it. The knob twisted but the door
did not open. What now? she asked. Peeking i the window of the door Anita could
see the mirror by the phone. More importantly she could see the lock on the
door. The t-shaped knob was turned in the lock position. No shit....... She
muttered. Anita moved to the opposite side of the deck where there was more
protection to think.

Part 5 (epilog)
    It was evening and Maggie found herself kneeling in the grass out side the
cabin. Her hands were securely cuffed behind her back and her ankles were
crossed and tied to a stake. Another rope was tied to the cuff chain and ran
between her legs. It went between the cheeks of her ass under her pelvic area
and up to a limb in a tree. Each time the wind blew it pulled the rope taught,
Tugging at her arms and driving the rope deeper into her sensitive pussy.

        Sam approached carrying a switch he had pulled from another tree. He
brought it down across her breasts making her flinch. Slowly he walked around
his wife stinging her naked body again and again. For her part Maggie danced on
her knees, a sensually erotic dance as she tried to avoid the weapon. Each twist
and tug drawing the crotch rope deeper into her. Her large breasts and ass
seemed to be Her husbands favorite targets. But a few slashes were applied to
the exposed sole's of her bare feet.

          The sun was finally down but the night was no cooler. That was fine
with Anita, being naked she did not want to be cold also. Anita went down the
stairs to the yard. As she stepped away from the steps the yard was ablaze with
light. Oh no; Anita said, the motion lights. I'm safe enough in the yard but the
drive way has the same lights. If I go out there I'll be seen for sure. Even old
Mrs. Crandle with her coke bottle glasses will be sure to see a nude girl in an
empty driveway when the lights come on.

      Home, Maggie could not believe it. After this weekend all she wanted was
to rest and relax. She was so sore all she could wear was one of Sam's large
t-shirts. It hung just low enough to protect what little modist she had left.

        In fact she was so tired Maggie almost did not see the nude girl on the
lounge chair. Hi; Anita said, smiling at her friend. I'm fine but what are you
doing, Maggie said, Sam is coming in soon. I got locked out yesterday and have
been trapped in the yard sence, Anita replied. Well come in and I will get the
spare keys.

      They went into the Malone's apartment, and Sam the sweety did not even
show any surprise to find a nude woman in the house that wasn't his wife. His
only reaction was, As long as the neighbors don't complain I don't care.

        He looked at Anita and said; I understand the things Maggie borrowed
were yours? Anita nodded. Well then thank you for an interesting weekend. You'll
have to join us up there next time. And maybe you could help us put together
some things of our own. I'd be happy to; she said, and I'll even show you how
everything works.

    Sure, maybe next weekend........?

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