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Review This Story || Author: Gromet

Bound for Trouble

Part 4

Bound for Trouble 4
by Gromet 
< > 

After having been bound to the trestle and used for their pleasure, they 
left me tied down to it and left the barn, locking the door as they left. 
Having discovered that they were taping this on video my mind raced at the 
possibilities of what could happen next, kidnapped away from my home and 
taken to some isolated farm away from the rest of the world, they could do 
what they wished with me and no one could stop them. My only hope seemed 
to lie in escape but every time they left me I was securely bound to 
something within the barn, the door was always locked from the outside, my 
plight seemed hopeless. 
Now the door opened and three people walk into the barn, closing the door 
behind them, barring my escape as they walk over to my bound form firmly 
attached to the trestle. Again they are wearing masks as one prepares the 
camera the other two begin to untie me, loosening the ropes that hold my 
sore limbs and standing me upright, again fed water and allowed to pee 
into the bucket they both laugh as I squat there using the bucket.  
Next they both grab hold of me either side and march me over to one side 
of the barn, against the wall is two timber beams crossed at an angle with 
straps attached at the top & bottom. My back was pushed roughly against 
the beams and my arms held above my head as they secured the straps about 
my wrists, next they spread my legs and attached the straps around my 
More straps held my arms & legs firmly in place as I was helplessly 
spread-eagled on the cross beams, stretched out for all to see & use, I 
was now defenseless to whatever they wanted to do to me. Both men then 
stood back as the third approached me, holding a riding crop in his hand 
and whacking it against it's other gloved hand. Smaller than the other two 
as he approached he began to talk, saying that I was trapped and helpless 
against whatever they wanted to do to me, but the voice was female!  
As she got closer I could smell her perfume mixed in with the leather that 
she was wearing, now she was standing before me I could see the curves in 
her body, the soft bulge of her breasts. 
Her gloved hands began to explore my bound body, her touch soft and 
enticing sending shivers down my spine and goose bumps over my flesh. She 
ran her hands over my breasts and down to my moist pussy, feeling the soft 
folds of my lips with her fingers she pushed them into me, causing me to 
gasp as she continued to push them deeper within me. Touching areas within 
me that no man had touched before her expert fingers brought me close to 
orgasm, sensing this she stopped several times and would not allow me to 
reach climax, building up the pressure within my body to fever pitch. She 
then stopped and withdrew her gloved fingers, holding them up to her nose 
she sniffed at my love juices that lingered on them, her tongue reaching 
out to sample the taste. 
She picked up the riding crop that she'd held previously and brought it 
down against my left breast, sharp pains ran throughout my body as she 
continued to rain down blows upon my breast, she then started on my other 
and alternated between to two. Moving down from there she placed a couple 
of hits on my tummy before moving down to between my thighs, again 
alternating between each thigh every blow was either slightly higher or 
lower than the last. Then she moved her hand around and began to rain 
blows onto the moist lips of my pussy, at first the pain was shocking to 
my body but as she continued they began to send waves of warm pleasure up 
through my body. 
The pain was not sharp any longer but deliberate and timed hits that were 
just this side of pain and pleasure, my body shaking against the beams, my 
limbs straining against the straps that held them, she was expertly aiming 
her blows against my sex bringing me closer to climax, holding off then 
restarting when she thought it safe to do so, finally allowing me to come 
in an earth shattering orgasm, my body tightening against my bonds, my 
muscles tensing everywhere as they joined in for the climax, she pushed 
her fingers deep within me as I came and continued to push me along in my 
orgasm, seeming to extend the time spent in final climax, I shuddered 
again as wave after wave ran throughout my entire body.  
Finally I stopped and just dropped within my straps, holding there as my 
body went limp my head rolling from side to side as the aftershocks took 
When I came to from the climax, I looked around and saw the three of them 
looking at me, next I saw the video cameras that they'd used to film me, 
whilst she had used my bound body. I was left hanging there as they went 
about checking the cameras and putting things away, moving the trestle 
that had held me previously. Then one of the two men approached me, using 
his fingers he probed my now very wet pussy and placed the wet finger into 
his mouth, tasting my juices. His other hand then reached up and removed 
his mask, it was my husband! He said he always liked my taste, especially 
after I'd come, he hoped that I'd enjoyed the surprise and called for the 
others to come closer and remove their masks. 
It was our dear friends, this must be their farm although I'd never seen 
the inside of the barn on previous visits, he began explaining how he'd 
planned this with our friends help, they willingly agreed to help out. The 
video was a keepsake to remind everyone of this weekend, and then he asked 
me if I'd enjoyed it. I told him it was one of my wildest fantasies to be 
taken and used this way, how'd he know? 
He explained that when he first thought of the idea he'd approached our 
friends and she'd said about this fantasy of mine, sometimes women reveal 
too much when talking to other women! She smiled at me and said she'd 
enjoyed using me like this and hoped to do it again soon. 
I asked what was going to happen now; my husband said that was all they 
had planned for me. But that's not how my fantasy ends I told him, he 
asked me what would I like to happen next, I told him to continue to use 
me as a sex slave as before and Jill my friend should know the rest, she 
nodded with a smile and a wink of her eye as she left the barn. I was then 
untied from the cross beams and lead over to a corner of the barn where a 
collar was locked around my neck, a chain was also locked in place and the 
other end was secured to the wall. Next my feet were shackled together as 
well as my wrists; a chain ran between them all allowing only minimal 
movement. A gag was forced into my mouth and fastened behind my head with 
a small lock, a slap on my behind from my husband as he left me here for 
the night, the door locked behind them from the outside. 
They left me bound for the night as they went into the house to enjoy 
dinner and the delights of the hostess for the rest of the evening. 
To be continued. 

Review This Story || Author: Gromet
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