I lay in the dark for a while. Honestly I'm not sure how long. Time seemed to be playing tricks with me or maybe that was my mind. Every noise seemed louder to me in the blanket of grayish black that surrounded me. My mind was running out of control at each smell or sound. My mouth was dry and tacky feeling. My nether region ceased to be hot and wet but all that stuff was drying on me like glue.

I could feel my own excitement that I should not have felt and it was tightening my skin as it dried. I was glad then for the lack of visibility. I didn't want to know what I looked like and I certainly didn't want anyone else to know. It may sound strange but I actually drifted away. I'm not sure if I was asleep or if I wasn't but my mind at least drifted and rested.

Suddenly the lights were on again. I was blinded by the illumination where a second before there had only been a void. It took me a while to be able to see the fine looking lady who walked over to me. I could hear her high heals clack on the floor as she walked around me, looking at me.

I could smell the scents of soap and night blooming jasmine on her. It wasn't overpowering just a tiny lovely scent that certainly smelled better than this room, those horrible men or even me at the moment. I smelled like I do when I've been masturbating and have not yet washed myself. I hoped she couldn't smell that horrible smell. It made me wonder why some men liked to go down on a woman. I couldn't imagine doing such a thing ever.

She had her dark ebony hair in a sophisticated style. She looked about 35 or so. Her eyes were beautiful, kind looking and brown. She looked like a lady used to being in charge. I felt that she couldn't be associated with those men. Her outfit was a classic dove gray suit with a pale blue shirt beneath it. I couldn't see her shoes but everything I could see said this woman was a lady.

"Please help me." I croaked weakly.

She smiled at me warmly.

"Yes dear that is exactly why I am here, to help you." She said sweetly. Her speaking voice was so lovely. It sounded almost like she was a well-trained stage actress. Her words gave me hope and made me want to cling to her but of course I couldn't move. I was still restrained.

"If I undo your binds do you think you can walk?" She asked solicitously.

To be honest I wasn't sure. I felt very weak. I didn't know how long I had been there but I felt like it had been a while. I think I had missed some meals but I would be damned if I told her any of that. I wanted to be free. My heart filled up with hope. My mind began making plans for what I would do when I was safe again. I thought about all the ways I would change my life. I would do so many things differently and better. I knew I would! I just had to get out of here!

"Yes! I can walk!" I said eagerly, hoping it was true.

She gave me a look that said I was a star pupil. She made me feel warm again. With no further words she undid the belt around my waist. My neck she freed next. I couldn't believe my luck. I didn't know where she had come from or why but I was ecstatic.

She let my ankles loose next. Her touch when she did touch me was gentle and it seemed accidental. I'm sure I was blushing furiously. I was worried that she would see my dried fluids down there. If so she didn't comment on it. That was yet another thing to be grateful for.

My thighs were let free. My knees too I wondered why she worked in the order she did. She moved at a luxurious pace as if she weren't the least bit worried about those horrible men finding out she was helping. My wrists she freed next. Last of all, she let my hands free.

"Now take it slow." She cautioned. "Don't sit up too quick."

I did sit up though. I wanted out of there right that second. She might not be in a hurry but I was. I sat right up and my head spun. My vision went black. I felt like I might throw up again.

She said nothing, didn’t urge me to hurry or anything. She simply waited. I finally felt my head clear. I tried to stand when it did clear. She helped me. I thought the way she held me was comforting. She let herself be my crutch.

Together we walked out of that horrible room. Now I could see her shoes. They were beautiful. I knew the brand but I couldn't remember the name of the designer. It make me feel crazy not to be able to remember such a detail but then I thought, what is that compared to being rescued? It's nothing at all. Stop worrying about it. I told myself.

We walked together like that for a while going through corridors, back through the maze that had brought me to this hell, I imagined. She opened a door finally and we entered a room.
It was a beautiful room, a bathroom. I thought it a strange choice but maybe it was the only way out. The bathroom was big. The shower alone could have held ten people. There were gadgets there I didn't know the name or function for.

"I thought we should clean you up." She said when I looked a question at her. "Then I can find you something to wear. I'm sure you'd like some clothes."

I nodded but alarm bells were now starting to go off in my head. I did want to get cleaned up. I did want clothes. I wanted out more though. This really made little sense to me. Why she seemed to be so casual about being detected. Why she took her time with everything and never rushed.

"Yes," I said. "but I'd like out as soon as possible. Can't I just put on a coat or something?"

She shook her head and chuckled a little.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just take your shower and clean up a bit. While I try to find something for you to wear." She said.

I waiting until she looked away, then I showered as quickly as I could. I felt so weak still. I nearly slid down the floor of the shower. I had to add more cold water than I usually do so I didn't pass out. I was finished and drying off by the time she returned.

She smiled at me. I looked for the clothes. She had brought me a simple dress. It was silk by the look of it and white. I put it on surprised at how well she had guessed my size. The thing had a square neck and felt like silk too against my skin. It somehow flowed with my body's movement while clinging to my curves.

"It's gorgeous, thank you." I said. I had the feeling it was the most expensive garment I had ever worn. It didn't occur to me to ask about underwear or shoes just then. "Was it yours?" I asked.

She laughed again.

"No my dear this dress was never mine." She said with more amusement than I would have thought necessary. I wondered what was so funny. I had another twinge that maybe it was me she was laughing at. No, that couldn't be she had been so nice up till now.

She opened the door to a room that looked like a bedroom and living room together. It too was beautiful. She pointed to a small table. There were two plates there. The smell of the food almost made my knees buckle. It was heaven on earth.

"I thought you might like a bite to eat." She said turning her face so that her breath moved over my neck.

I couldn't wait to eat but still, this was wrong. We should be running out of this place as quickly as we could run. I didn't express my thoughts out loud. I just nodded. I let her help me to a chair at the table.

"This is very nice of you." I said as I ate ravenously. "I don't usually even like to eat. It seems like a silly waste of time but for some reason..." I trailed off realizing I was talking to no real effect.

She ate slowly seeming to relish every bite but said nothing. Her eyes sometimes closed as if she were in rapture with the flavors that this or that bite offered. Mostly she stared at me.
When she was done, she took out a little plastic box and pushed the button on it.

Immediately the door we had not come through opened. A huge fellow dressed only in a black hood with eye and mouth slits, leather straps and a codpiece came through the door.
My mouth fell open. The woman merely smiled.

"Yes mi lady?" His voice boomed.

"Have the servants clear our dishes." She replied keeping her eyes solely on me amusement was back on her lovely face.

"You!" I began. "You are in charge here aren't you? Aren't going to rescue me?" My face got hot and tears threatened. I was mad. I felt like a fool.

"I said I'd help you my dear. I helped you get free of that device which you were strapped to. I helped you get a shower. I gave you food and clothing. Don't you think I've helped you?" She said the words sweetly but there was a hint of steel in her voice, perhaps it was also crisped by anger.

"Well, yes, you have helped me and I thank you but..." I trailed off as two people came in and began cleaning off the table efficiently.

"Yes. I think so. I think that calls for a thank you at least. Don't you? Perhaps more..." She said sanguinely.

"More?" I asked unable to process what was happening here.

"Do you know much about auctions?" She asked seeming to change the subject.

I felt my heart dropping. My eyes were darting around the room looking for a way out, an idea. She never said it but I knew as clearly as I've ever known anything that running was a mistake. How far would I get when I did not know the way out and with guys like this one who stood in the room with us? I figured I'd get maybe a foot, maybe even less.

(continued next post)