Man, this is gonna hurt, but, it's something that I need to do. I only talked with K for two weeks, but in those two weeks, we connected more to each other than we were able to connect to some we've known our entire lives.
K and I were two of the same... We both excelled at whatever we wanted bad enough, neither would take 'no' for an answer unless that's the answer we wanted. So, hard as it was, I made it a point to keep sex out of the discussion for the first week... I was in that use 'em and lose 'em stage that a lot of guys seem to go through. I didn't want that with K. She was one of the girls I can honestly say I wanted to keep from the start.
So, we kept to politics, careers, bdsm. For somebody so smart, I'm still at a loss of how she could be so liberal. But, in a way, I guess that just made her more appealing. We had made it into a kind of joke, if we were to get together--that is, if Fate decided to give us a chance--she'd have to wear a gag and ear plugs so we wouldn't fight. I mean, you can't be in completely perfect harmony, can you?
Careers. K was trying to get into a prominent school for acting, wanting to be a Broadway actress. She did get a request from the school for her to audition for them, though she said she was having problems with her parents about it. Well, I told her I wanted to be a career Marine. She mentioned that her dad was in the Corps, and after the few days of her changing her schedule to meet mine, she said he wanted to meet me. Though I never had that chance. I wonder if things would have been different if I had insisted on at least saying hi to him...
Her school had a dance coming up and her friends were pushing her to go with an ex. One of their arguments was "It's not like you have anybody else." Well, K was wearing a choker at the time, and decided she did have somebody else. She ended up coming out of the closet with them, telling them she was submissive, and the choker was a sign of her submission, even if, in all actuality, it meant nothing to her or me. Though I'm not sure exactly what she told them. I didn't think anything of it... The choker meant nothing, it was a way for her to get her friends off her back about going to the dance with this creep. Maybe I should've put an end to that right there?
Her drama teacher was meeting with her mother about the problems with K auditioning for the school she wanted to go to. The night before K's mother was supposed to meet the teacher, the teacher brought up K's choker, and whatever liberal BS feminist philosophies she held about female empowerment and not being held as a sex object. The ultimate irony in liberalism: Always preach choice and acceptance, but never accept a choice you don't agree with. When the teacher talked with K's mother, she also told her about K's interest in BDSM.
I came in from work Saturday morning looking forward to my hour with Kat. The one girl who I knew was able to understand me, put up with whatever gripes and moans I had about the night before, and then challenge me to move past yesterday and into tomorrow. That didn't happen. I found a letter from her in my in-box, saying that her parents didn't agree with the Lifestyle, and they were forbidding her from talking to me. She was having coomputer problems the other morning, so I had given her my mailing address, just in case. She had left it on her desk and her dad took that from her.
Ouch. Yeah, that hurts, but I had to get it out so the rest of ya'll can kind of know where I'm coming from. So, what's a guy to do now? Comments, suggestions? Anybody want to go to a high school play? I'm 95% sure of the high school, but need some way to confirm.
So, do I push her in the back of my mind and wait for her to contact me? Take a chance and write c/o the counselor at the school? Wait until we're a little older and go break whatever rules I need to in order to get back in touch with her? Anybody? Thanks.