My apologies in advance for the following ramble, but advice would be nice.

My Master wants me to find Him a pet before I can move mine into the house with us, which isn't a big deal- I'm pretty sure there has to be a girl out there somewhere, right? The hang-up, however, is that I'm noticing most people seem to want online relationships or to start with an online relationship, and Master hates IM-ing and emails and such. He's much rather meet, talk to, and get to know the girl in person. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to word things tho, because don't most people assume that anyone from the Internet wanting to meet in person is automatically a serial rapist or something? Personally I'm not bothered by it, but many vanilla friends and family get horrified looks when I tell them that I gave an online acquaintance my phone number or am going to go hang out with them irl, even when I've known them for years. I don't have too many Lifestyle friends, though, so I don't know what the general reaction to a request for in-person meetups would be.

So the questions that are the end point of that ramble: Is my observation correct that most people seem to want online play these days? Is specifying that the Master of the house wants to meet in person specifically going to make Him look creepy? Anyone have a suggestion on a good way to find Him a pet to His liking irl? How do you discretely look for someone who is into our kind of fun without scaring off vanilla friends or becoming "That creepy chick"?

I'm just a wee bit out of my depth here, heheh. I did put requests in the personals section here, I just don't know what else I could or should be doing. Thankies!