Wrote this quite awhile ago and found it again...

I was awakened from a light sleep by a soft sound from across the room. The lights were off, but the room was illuminated by both the streetlights filtering through the broken Venetian blinds and the soft glow of my roommate’s computer screen. Soft, soothing music played from her speakers, but I could see that she was curled up with her back to me in the tiny bed a few feet away from mine.

It was my second week as a college freshman living in the dormitory, and it was hard to get used to living with someone else in so small a space as we had. Christina and I had met at orientation over the summer break, and agreed to be roommates; we had similar interests and thought it would be better than to room with complete strangers.

I closed my eyes, but started when the little noise from across the room alerted me again, I thought that Christina was having a bad dream and got out of bed to wake her up. When I touched her shoulder she squeaked in surprise and looked up at me with wide eyes as a blush flamed over her cheeks. Illuminated by a band of light from the window, I realized what she had been doing and ran back to my own bed, too shocked to apologize or even admit to what I had seen.

I got up as early as possible the next day, and went to breakfast alone. Breakfast was the only edible meal in the cafeteria but almost no one ever got up before ten unless they had an early class and the caf closed at ten-thirty.
As I ate my breakfast, I managed to come to grips with what I had seen. Christina had been masturbating. Albeit quietly, in the same room with me. I didn’t know why it bothered me so much, I had lost my virginity during my summer vacation in California, and I had done my fair share of playing with myself before and since then. Still, I would never dream of doing it where someone would possibly see me. However, a part of me wished…

I knew I liked boys well enough, the boy I’d given my virginity to had been older and very experienced, make that very very experienced. I hadn’t been in love with him, more in lust than anything else, but I had wondered all through high school whether or not I even liked boys, and had thought I might even be a lesbian. I had enjoyed the sex, we’d spent the rest of the summer together and it was fun, but it wasn’t the earth-shattering experience I had hoped. I finished my breakfast quickly and went back upstairs.

A few weeks went by and I found myself watching Christy every chance I had. I was fascinated by every little movement, the way she bit her full lower lip when she was thinking, and the way her curly brown hair tumbled around her face when she laughed. Then I found myself staring one evening as we sat on her bed watching a movie on TV. One strap of her nightgown fell off her shoulder, giving me an unobstructed view of her breast, the pale pink nipple hardened slightly in the cool air-conditioned room. I tore my gaze away and tried to pay attention to the screen. The couple on the screen was kissing passionately; it was as if they couldn’t get each others clothes off fast enough.
My breath caught in my throat when I felt a gentle brush of fingers across my bare ankle. The breath came out as a sigh when the touch lingered up my leg to my knee. I slowly looked up toward Christina’s face. She looked at me with a hesitant expression and I felt a blush stain my cheeks. She withdrew her hand, mistaking my own expression for rejection and I grabbed her hand in mine and turned it over in my own hands. Examining it with care, I stroked her palm lightly and laid a kiss gently on her wrist. I released her wrist and sat back, waiting. I pushed a strand of my long black hair away from my face, tucking it nervously behind my ear. My eyes were fixed on the rumpled white sheets.

A slow movement brought my eyes up and a hopeful smile touched my mouth, as I watched her carefully pull her pink lacy nightgown over her head. The fabric dropped to the floor looking innocent. It was a very simple, very effective seduction, and all the invitation I needed. A sharp sweet bolt of desire thrummed low in my belly as I swallowed the lump in my throat and admired her small perfect breasts and slightly round tummy. She had a narrow waist and round hips that, despite the small breasts, made her look voluptuous. I made my way finally back up to her face and traced her full pink lips with one finger, then wound my hand into that lovely tangle of brown hair the way I had secretly fantasized about.

She sighed half in pleasure, and it seemed relief and bent forward very slowly to kiss me softly on the lips. Yes, this was the life altering moment I had been waiting for, we kissed slowly, languidly explored each others mouths with our tongues, and our bodies with our hands. Her hand slid under my oversized t-shirt, and my fingers played with the band of her white cotton panties. Suddenly my shirt felt overwhelmingly confining and just plain in the way. I understood how the people on the screen must have felt, the sweet painful need to have her bare skin touching mine. Christy seemed to understand and helped me pull the shirt over my head, and then laid me down on her pillow. She suddenly seemed very in control of the situation and I felt very small and nervous.

She kissed her way down my chest to take one of my nipples in her mouth, the other hand roaming down my body, leaving a trail of electric tingles everywhere she touched. I felt her knee touch the inside of my thigh and instinctively parted my legs. She straddled one of my legs and continued to lick and suck on my breast, bringing small surprised gasps from me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that it wasn’t the first time she had done this…

She worried my nipple between her teeth and bit down just a little too hard and then lapped languidly at the little red marks she had left behind. Her eyes were suddenly knowing and she watched my face as she took both of my breasts in her hands and squeezed hard gauging my reaction and then twisted both nipples cruelly. I made a hissing sound as pain/pleasure jolted through me and she was grinning like a madwoman when I opened my eyes.

Her fingers brushed lightly over my panties, pressing the thin fabric against my cunt, soaking it instantly. She flicked her fingers over the fabric, making me whimper with need. I needed her to touch me. Now.

I grabbed her hand and slid it inside my panties, and she chuckled throatily. The sound almost undid me right then. She grinned in a wicked way and gave me a sharp pinch. I winced and writhed under her, beginning to understand that something very important was going to happen and I wanted it just as much as I wanted her.

Her hands stilled and she looked down at me with an imperious smirk. “Say please.” she said very seriously, a note of absolute authority in her husky voice.

“Please!” I whimpered against her mouth as she kissed me again. She sucked the tip of my tongue into her mouth and bit it with a little growl, her fingers stretching the fabric of my panties, but not touching my skin.

“Say pretty please Meredith.” She said in a breathy singsong voice with a dark, knowing laugh.

“Pretty please!” I panted, my hips bucking slightly to invite her hand,“With a fucking cherry on top, please!”

Finally, she slid her fingers over my swollen flesh, spreading the wetness in the center up to my clit. As she touched me there my hips convulsed and my legs clamped over her hand involuntarily. Little noises came out of my mouth and she glared at me. “Be quiet now, you don't want anyone to know what I'm doing to right now. Or do you?” She taunted, taking my clit between her fingers and squeezing hard. I tried to be quiet, I couldn’t stand it if the RA knocked on the door right now, asking what all the noise was about. I would die, or fly into a million pieces.

She jerked my panties down and slipped them off, touching my thighs gently to spread them farther apart. For a moment, I was confused, then she knelt between my legs and I felt her hot breath against me. She slid her tongue into my slit and I lost all my composure, it was all I could do to keep from screaming out my pleasure. I bit my fist, almost drawing blood as her tongue flicked out teasingly across my clit, her hands holding my legs apart roughly.

She took me into her mouth and rolled my clit around on her tongue like it was a piece of hard candy as she slid two fingers slowly into my opening. She slid them in and out slowly, her mouth still lingering over my clit, then sped up the tempo as I twitched and moaned beneath her, feeling the winding spring feeling of orgasm low in my body. Then I came apart and Christina came with me, her free hand working between her own legs as she collapsed next to me. She pulled herself up and drew my head against my shoulder petting my hair absently. “Good girl.” she murmered and kissed the top of my head.