
Doe is absolutely right when she says you shouldn't jepordise your personal safety. I have spoken to several of the sub's here who have ended up very hurt after abusive relationships with so called Dom's. I am aware that abuse can happen in any relationship, but putting yourself in harms way with people you barely know is a terrible risk. If someone starts hurting you you have the option to fight back or run, if you are bound and gagged, or sensorarily deprived those options are not open to you...

If you are considering meeting anyone that you do not know well, you should set up a "safe call" or preferably two with a trusted friend. You should have gathered as much information on the person as possible, and have that information written down in a safe place, so that your friend can find it in the event you fail to call in. You should, in my opinion have been on at least a couple of "dates" with the person you are planning to play with, in a public area, so you can get to know them and discuss limits, likes and stuff before you arrange a play date.

No self respecting Dom would ever put you down for doing this, and would likely be pleased that you are taking such precautions. Remember Safe, Sane and Consentual...

If you require information on how to set up safe calls or any of the other stuff, please ask, and not just me, ask around and get lots of opinions, and like Doe says read the articles on here, and on other sites.

Hope this helps
