Letting Pissy Pussy have her brief moment in the sun it is time to return to business as usual. The house is a mess. There's mule shit all over the yard. The trannies next door are gunning for Pissy and frankly im sick of her shit.
Now my beloved readers know by now that I adore my Pissy Pussy and wouldnt trade her for all the sluts in the world (well I might for Blue Boots lol) But is was time, as they say, to put the smack down.,,,,,,
Dragging her to the whipping post in our backyard I expertly tied her wrists behind the post and attached a spreader bar to her ankles. Kicking her ankles apart as wide as possible.
I hung the funnel on the post and attaches the mouth piece to Pissys mouth and strapped it tight to her head. (the mouth piece is a modified divers snorkel attached by a 2' hose to a large funnnel) Standing on tipp toes i filled the funnel with the usual 1/2 gallon of water.
drink up whore you're gonna need it I mused.
I walked back to the house to get my 6' single tail whip and some nipple clamps and 4 powerful pussy clamps (the plastic ones that look like scissors)
Snapping the evil heavy serrated clamps on her nipples was a chore. they are so strong I can barely open them. She writhed and thrashed and screamed and thru the now empty funnel.
Are you thru yet whore? I asked annoyed..............thats what I thouight,,,,,,I filled her funnel again with another 1/2 gallon of water....
Oh yes ........I clamped 2 plastic clamps on each pussy lip and tied them to the hooks on the sides of the post....this took a bit but spread her pussy lips nicely!!!
Oh so very pretty Pissy I giggled.
I stood back admireing my work and took a long side handed swish of the evil whip..............
SNAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! the blow caught Pissy across both tits......oh so delicious the cmalps held. I knew they would.
5 more slashes of the evil whip as hard as i could on her belly raised the prettiest welts........I dropped the whip and selected a small leather slapper.....slightly modified with 1'' carpet tacks!
With this I proceeded to work over her inner thighs, from knee to pussy.........I layed many more blows on each side of her from hips to arm pits............and just for good measure a few on her tits in a downward motion......... She had long since drank the water so I removed the funnel.
Miss I need to pee please,,,,,,,,,,,I slapped her accross the face,,,,,,oh Pissy you must wait my pet!!! you must save your pee!!!
I walked away and returned with a thich red candle on a heavy brass stand and lit the candle.
I slid the candle between Pissys legs........the flame almost lapped at her pussy........real close.....she of course started to scream..................
Oh Pissy must you carry on so?
I was in no mood for the racket and already had a headache from drinking to much Rum last night. So i did the only reasonable thing.........I removed my panties and dropped them on the lawn and squatted over them and soaked them in piss.
Pissy Pussy was still screaming as I slopped the sopping panties deep into her mouth and taped them in place.
Her eyes showed the horror that was in her mind...........poor baby..........
I delighted as I looked at the pretty candle lapping at Pissys Pussy (lol)..............leaning in close I whispered........all you need do Pissy Is pee, then the mean old flame will go out, but pee sparingly, musn't waste such a fine natural resourse!!!............and she did........and the candle flame went out........for like 30 seconds............you see it was a magic candle.......and as I walked back to the house for a much needed nappy poo.........after 30 seconds i knew that Pissy had discovered the candles power too.......nite!