Quote Originally Posted by Thorne View Post
Again, I have to disagree. In most large corporations, at least, those who are willing to work voluntarily are given the opportunity first, and those who are required to work generally have the lowest seniority. All are compensated for working the holiday, receiving premium rates for the day.

As noted by Lion, there are many who work on holidays: Police, Hospital employees, etc. Should these places be closed to allow their employees to spend the day with their families? How about athletes. Isn't it awful that football players must spend their holidays bashing one another around on the field for our entertainment, rather than being home with their families? What of TV networks? What need for them to provide us with entertainment? Should we force them to shut down and send their people home for the holidays?

The stores are opened because people want to shop. If they do a good amount of business, they will remain open next Thanksgiving, too. If they don't do enough business, they will likely not remain open next year. That's how the world works, after all.
I ised to work REtail, the reality was ands stil is if you are scheduled you MUST work or loose your job, and as also pointedout, if you do not work your next Scheduled day AFTERthe Holiday you do oe did loose your Holiday pay, if a store is open on Thanksgiving, and you are scheduled to wor it, you do not have the option to opt our on that day, family or no family.
I should also be mentioned that the Coprtate Exec. on thse Companies DO take they day off to bewith family and mostsotres use 2nd in command to run the stores, their store Mamagers seemingly ALWAYS have the Holiday off but I have neevr seen or heard of ANY Corportate Exe being in his office or one of HIS/HER stores and workingo n Thamksgiving, nor the Maanger of those stores, it is always handled by the "2nd" in Command for the day, when asked why, they just ay "Oh, they have theday off so I am fillingi n for him/hertil tomorrow" I just find this too convienient, I worked retail for 40 years and this happenend where I worked EVERYTHING year