Hi all,
I'm new here and working on two different story threads. I think I don't undertand how this site works in that I submitted chapter 2 and it showed up as part 2 under the original story title. That means that my synopsis I wrote for chapter 1 doesn't reflect chapter 2 content.
Also, I got a couple of review comments that essentially said "there are too many loose ends" and "I don't understand what's going on". well, in a multiple chapter piece, of course there are going to be loose ends!
Any suggestions how I should come at this? My preference I think would be to post each chapter as its own unit so I can give a synopsis. Also, that would give me better feedback on each part. Right now, feedback reflects both Chapters 1 and 2 of my story.

BTW, the stories are posted as "JustALittleRougher", I made a typo when registering the account...