I guess it all colmes down to the one, unanswerable question: "What is Love?"...

I fear that in certain, or even most situations, love is confused with lust. You can lust for someone, because of the pre-etched vision you have about how a certain person should behave and react.

Once you've encountered the person that behaves and reacts in the way you had envisaged, lust kicks in, because the mental picture you've made of your future partner, is a projection of that lust.

Now, of course, love can come from lust, when taking the time to look beyond your own mental picture and learn about the person.

Ofton though, the latter doesn't happen, because in a BDSM situation, the dom/master/whatever, is too keen on molding the sub, on perfecting the mental picture by using the sub as a human canvas, so to speak.

That is why so many BDSM relationships (and relationships in general) go all pearshaped after a wee while, because the 'hunter' doesn't want to know his 'victim'. The hunter just wants to live his fantasy and in the process drives off the newfound partner.

To answer the question [what I Love about my partner(s)]. At the moment nothing at all, cuz I'm single. But I would and will say: I love her because it's her. Because of who she is. Because of all the little imperfections, both physical and mental, that make her the person she is.

That's it really.