Latest newspaper endorsements in presidential race
By The Associated Press
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 [ 09:15 PM . MST - 7 hours ago ]
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Excerpts from recent newspaper endorsements of presidential candidates John McCain, a Republican, and Barack Obama, a Democrat.


The (Oklahoma City) Oklahoman endorsed McCain on Oct. 26:

"McCain would hold the line on taxes, freeze most government spending and trust Americans' ingenuity to revive the faltering economy. He would nominate judges to the courts who respect the difference between the legislative and judicial functions. He would correct many of the mistakes of the past eight years and provide a valuable check for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

"Yet in a sense, all are secondary to the unique obligation a president bears to provide crisis leadership. McCain is older and, we think, wiser in the ways of the world. He has seen much more of it than his younger opponent. His real-world experience goes beyond the world of politics. He has seen evil up close and knows the horror of war."


The (Bentonville, Ark.) Benton County Daily Record endorsed Obama on Oct. 28:

"Over the course of this extremely long presidential campaign, Obama has shown us he has the potential to be a leader — maybe even a great one. Throughout the campaign, nasty comments have been directed at him by his opponents, pundits and others, but through it all he has maintained his composure. Obama won each of the three presidential debates if only because he came across as the more stately, more dignified candidate.

"Over the past few months, we have watched Obama unite the Democratic Party following a brutal primary with Sen. Hillary Clinton. If he can do that for his party, we are optimistic that he can do the same for his country."


The Knoxville (Tenn.) News Sentinel endorsed Republican John McCain on Oct. 26:

"Barack Obama and John McCain are both good men. Either would be a worthy president of the United States. ...

"An Obama election would create a mandate-bearing, one-party government, not necessarily a good thing in recent United States history. The hubris of Republican rule during Bush II or Democratic rule during the Johnson administration are scary precedents.

"The importance of maintaining the checks and balances of divided government is, in the end, the best argument for John McCain.


The Wausau (Wis.) Daily Herald endorsed Democratic Sen. Barack Obama on Oct. 28:

"The distinctly different challenges the United States faces today demand a deliberative, steady and thoughtful leader who will guide our nation through what are sure to be a very perilous next four years. Barack Obama is the man for that job.

"We can understand that some people are hesitant to come to that conclusion, given their lack of exposure to the Illinois senator and his comparatively brief time in public life.

"Could he be the man, like another Illinois lawmaker who used oratorical skills to mend the nation, to restore our common sense of purpose?

"Like Abraham Lincoln, Obama is a powerful and persuasive speaker — an attribute his critics have turned against him by claiming he's all talk and no ideas.

"But Obama does have ideas — ideas that can heal and energize America."


The (Fort Smith, Ark.) Southwest Times Record endorsed McCain on Oct. 26:

"In the end, we believe McCain not only has the experience but the mettle and resolve to do what is right for America. We do not believe Obama hangs around with terrorists or that he has socialistic policies or that he shuns the Bible or the flag or the national anthem or that he is dangerous or sinister or that he is anything but a fine individual who would put the nation first. We just happen to believe that between the two of them, John McCain is the better candidate, particularly at this extraordinary juncture in our nation's history, and we support his candidacy for president of the United States."


The Commercial Dispatch in Columbus, Miss., endorsed Obama on Oct. 28:

"Throughout this long and grueling campaign, Sen. Barack Obama has endured attacks on his faith, his patriotism and even his national allegiances. His response to these attacks has been measured, thoughtful and, in some instances, profound.

"His opponent, John McCain, has waged a campaign all too reminiscent of the vicious 2000 Bush primary effort that torpedoed the Arizona senator's chances in that race.

"Throughout the race Obama has shown a steady temperament befitting the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.

"McCain's actions, on the other hand, have brought into question his judgment and temperament."


The Kenosha (Wis.) News endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

"There are great policy differences between these candidates as should be expected in a contest between a conservative Republican and a liberal Democrat. However, we believe the key issue is the style of leadership we can expect. ... Obama has been steady, thoughtful and inspirational. His 'change-we-can-believe-in' campaign inspired thousands of people to get involved in politics for the first time. He's a Harvard lawyer, but he worked as a community organizer and consumer advocate before he went to law school. He has risen from humble beginnings to run for president.

"In this brilliant campaign, he has earned our vote."

On the Net:
Benton County Daily Record:
Knoxville News Sentinel:
Wausau Daily Herald:
Southwest Times Record:
The Commercial Dispatch:
Kenosha News: