when I click on the chat icon on the menu, I get a blank page.Anyone know how I can solve this problem? Does it have anything to do with me using a mac?
when I click on the chat icon on the menu, I get a blank page.Anyone know how I can solve this problem? Does it have anything to do with me using a mac?
mac should not effect it,, try clearing all your cookies, history, data files, etc. Then reboot log back into forums and try caht again.
Be Well
Unfortunately I still only get a blank screen. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
This happens to me occasionally, never have figured out why though.
Thank you for your responses, Rhabbi and gynophagous. But I still can't get in![]()
Which browser are you using? If you're using Internet Explorer, try using Firefox, or some other browser. Or vice versa. And make sure your browser software is up to date, and that you have all the proper plug-ins which are needed.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Make sure you are using IE and NOT Firefox--firefox won't allow a lot of the plug ins and kinks of chat to work right... and sometimes has caused users to not be able to get in.
Make sure you have java, flash players, etc.
As Torq said, clear ALL your history in your IE browswer, close it, shut your computer off and re-boot.
If none of that works, send me a PM, I'll try and help you out more.
Delia, thank you very much. I'm using a Mac browser. So I'll try IE. I think this will solve my problem, your help is appreciated![]()
np, Kate.
Oh, annie, you're the exception to EVERY rule *weg*
I *sometimes* have issues with Firefox in chat- no clue why as I don't on any other site- I usually avoid IE like the plague but had to succumb for chat.Hey NOW! I use ONLY Firefox and I have no problems... don't go blaming it on that! lol
I don't use chat very often, only a couple of times actually, but I ONLY use Firefox and I've never had a problem. There may be some plug-ins that aren't downloading automatically, but if you set the browser to do that you should be OK. And it helps to make sure you have the latest browser, whether it's Firefox, IE or any other.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
I can't get to the room in any browser anymore.
"Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.bdsmlibrary.com:8080"
Chat is currently "down." When Tiger gets a chance, he'll reset it & it'll go back up... but it could be a few hrs or more, so enjoy the day doing other things!![]()
Chat Admin
You only leave me two options, spend the whole day on IM and try to create my own version of the chat room OR spend the whole day in front of a text book or three.
*sigh* This should be an interesting competition.
Hi everyone!
As the site keeps growing, our chat keeps growing as well! I am seeking ideas/suggestions/input on different things you'd like in chat (programming wise)... here are a few things we've tried in the past, just as examples:
1. Chat Mentoring Program: Paired off experienced & new Doms/subs/switches and provided structured mentoring program on a weekly basis...
2. Structured/Moderated Topic Chats: Opened up a room in the chat at a certain time & date for a discussion on a specific topic.
All right, so let's hear your ideas! Everything (logical) will be taken under consideration, though anything completely irrational, goofy, illogical, insane, impossible or otherwise extraordinarily bizarre may not quite make the final cut...
Chat Admin
Great ideas Delia........ I can't think of anything specific at the moment but will be sure to let you know if I do
I will never cower before any Master
Nor bend to any threat
before you can go in to chat, I think you should have to completely fill your profile out, I don't know if this can be done, but it would cut down on a lot of confusion
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
Ummmmm no so sure I like that one. I can picture every male sub in town then knowing exactly who to hit on, which is annoying in the best of cases.
Plus, if people want to fill out their profiles they do. If they don't want their profiles completed they are just going to provide false information so you probably haven't gained anything.
Just a few examples of how that could create issues.![]()
Many a false step is made by standing still
There are certain parts of folks' profiles that are mandatory to fill in, and others where they can expand as much (or as little!) as they want. For whatever reason, some folks choose one way or the other, or middle ground... the Site's policy is only that the mandatory fields be filled in.
So, although perhaps irritating to folks, it's up to the user how much they wish to disclose in their profile... You can always ask someone thoughMost people are more then happy to talk about themselves! hehe...
Thanks for the suggestion, keep the ideas coming, folks!
1. Chat Mentoring Program: Paired off experienced & new Doms/subs/switches and provided structured mentoring program on a weekly basis...
i think thats a great idea, i still remember my mentor giggles...its a really great way to get to know ppl(non-sexually) and chit chat about the library be it rt or ol...good idea delia
I think 1. is an excellent idea. We did ir befoer and I think it was a really excellent idea. Might be worth asking past mentors/mentees who it might be improved upon and enhanced.
Again I think 2. is an excellent idea perhaps using one of the rooms in chat so as not to disturb the body of the kirk and perhaps a greater to steer people to the right room for chat. Choice of Host important here I think.
Live long
@ Midnite: Basically a good idea, but there are always the ones who donīt even bother to look at peopleīs profiles before bursting into chat and without any hello or other polite niceties start to PM whomever who might fit their prey pattern...
As for the rest, I agree with Annie, last but not least because there are people here for which it could create problems in real life if their likings became known (whatever the reasons for that might be).
I have an idea. A different set of smileys for chat. I absolutely can't stand those smileys. (and I'm not alone here) I always curse when I forget about them and accidently use one. lol
Oh and what's with my text changing colors? going from purple to black and then back to purple again?
The chat mentoring thing isn't something I would be interested in, but I think it would definitely be a good idea to implement.
"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering."
1. smilies are the ones that come with the program. we are looking into uploading others, but it takes a while to find ones that actually work in the room (a lot of the "real" smilies won't work for various reasons). So stay tuned on that.
2. The font color is a bizarre thing. If you use IE, it will hold your color 90% of the time (I rarely have an issue where it makes it disappear). If you use Firefox, there are odds & ends that don't work---font color, clicking someone's name before/after writing the msg to them. Also if you make a really long word that the program reads as scrolling (i.e. helllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo) it will appear in default black no matter what your color is.
Hope this helps!
How about a voice chat???
Hi h1,
At this point, that's not possible... the chat program we have doesn't support voice & we aren't really looking to get another new program. However, YIM & MSN, skype, etc. offer great voice services to chat with people--alone or in a conference.
how about a little thing that lets you know who is in chat before you login?that's a good idea!
"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering."
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