Ever present in my mind, You keep me tethered firmly.
Collarless and unchained, still I've remained,
to You reside permanently within my consciousness,
So much larger than the memories there,
on Thoughts of You inflate me, permeate me,
Saturating my every pore, expanding me.

I close my eyes and feel You from inside my soul,
Taking hold of every edge,
cradling me,
containing me Within Your reign,
I think I could feel safe, loved, warm,
cherished, valued, treasured


You promise me

And Your words have breached my defenses.
Your touch has melted
my Resistance becoming futile,
I transform into moldable cells of female flesh,
to Your desires are now uncontrollably controlling me,
impelling me breathlessly into You,
propelling me towards the rewards You offer,
the freedom You set in Your palm
to be Mine no longer, my senses reach exponentially explosive heights,
as the patiently waiting slave inside glimpses her own tangibility,
daring to taste her long anticiapate naissance into terrestrial reality,
risking to hope desperately for the sweetest dream of ultimate release.