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Thread: Breaking the Ex

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    Breaking the Ex

    Mark standing a slim six foot two. Really never had much time for love. Building a very sucessful law practice. He only had one long term relationship but somehow managed to mess it up when he cheated. Mark told himself after that he wouldnt let anyome close again so he could stay focused on his job. A few years go by after a successful case closed. He decided to goto a local pub for a few beers. While at the pub he noticed someone that caught his eye that looked familiar. But with so much time that has passed the low lighting couldnt put a name with the face. It was getting late Mark paid his tab and left the pub heading to the parking lot to get in his car and head home.

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    Jason sat at a table, watching Mark as he drank. He hadn't expected to run into him, but was pleased to see him.

    No one cheats on me and gets away with it, he thought.

    Jason paid his own tab and went to Mark's home. By the time he got there, it was late, and the lights were off. Good.

    Jason wondered as he pulled out the old key he still had. It wasn't the original one he was given; he returned that ages ago. But he made a copy when he found out about the affair. He smiled and stifled a laugh as the door unlocked.

    Bastard didn't even think to change the locks!

    Jason headed directly to the bedroom, holding the gun. The handcuffs were attached to his belt. He leaned over the bed and snapped one of the cuffs around Mark's wrists. As he placed the cuff on the other wrist, he held the gun directly against his forehead.

    "Morning, sweetie," he said. "Get up. You and I are going for a ride."

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    Mark lying on his side in bed nothing on but his boxers. He must have drank more beer then he realized. To not notice an intruder had entered his bedroom and cuff both of his wrists behind his back. Mark's eyes didnt open until he felt the cold steel of the gun against his head. It took him a minute to process what was happening. He freeked out when he realized his wrists were restrained. Mark rolled over with a thud and fell off the bed. Looking back begging the stranger. "Please dont hurt me. My wallet and keys are on the dressor take what you want." Upon getting a better look at him Mark could see it was the guy from the bar.

    "Hey hey you were at the bar. If I offended you I am sorry. I also have a safe in the den. Just let me go I wont tell anyone."

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    Jason snickered, then laughed. "Come on. We're going for a ride."

    Jason smiled and helped Mark up. He didn't even care that he wasn't fully dressed. He'd have no need for clothes anyway. He held the gun to his head and ushered him out to his car. He shoved him in the backseat, without any care for his safety. If he hit his head, that would be fine with him.

    "You make one sound that attracts attention, I will kill you."

    Jason slammed the door shut and got in the driver's seat. He put the gun on the passenger seat and drove.

    "You still don't remember me. Well, that's fine. I guarantee you'll remember me by the end of the week."

    The rest of the drive, which took several hours, was silent... except for Mark's attempt at pleading and bargaining.

    They were in the country now. Hardly any soul around. The drive there was dull and they didn't even pass any cops for Mark to try to flag down. Then again that sniveling coward would probably have been to scared to try if they had. He couldn't even bust out of the windows because of how thick they were, and the childproof lock was on, so he couldn't open the door.

    Jason drove up the driveway of the farmhouse. It belonged to his parents, which he inherited after they died. He had hoped to share it with the love of his life. Until he ruined it.

    Well, he would have that dream, whether Mark liked it or not.

    Jason got out, with the gun in his hand. He opened the back seat door and ordered Mark out.

    "Forward," he ordered, the key to the front door in his other hand. "Make one move and I'll shoot."

    "On your knees," Jason ordered, when they got to the door. Jason unlocked it and helped Mark stand. "Move."

    Thyrough all Mark's babbling and whining, and sniveling and pleading, Jason was stoic. He slammed the door and locked it, then walked with Mark to the kitchen. He opened the cellar door.


    There were three flights of treacherous steps. But Jason turned on the light so he could help Mark down without hurting himself.

    Once they got to the cavernous basement, which was decorated with a furnace, clothesline, washer and dryer, as well as several rooms whose doors were closed. Jason opened one of the rooms. It was basically an empty root cellar.


    As soon as Mark was shoved in, Jason slammed the dor. He returned a few minutes later with a bucket. Naturally, he still held the gun.

    "Have a nice night," he said. "Big day tomorrow."

    He slammed the door and bolted it shut. Then he headed upstairs to his room to sleep.

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    Mark's knees shaking as the intruder helped him up at gun point and led him out the house to his car. The threat of being killed and the sight of the gun kept Mark quite once outside. Wouldnt have mattered anyway being late in the evening not a sole around to call out for help. On the road Mark struggled to sit up with his hands secured behind is back. He did attempt open the car door but it wouldnt budge. Glancing in the car mirror when asked if he knew who it was. Without any lights on still couldnt place where he knew him from but the voice did sound a little familiar. Maybe it was someone he helped put in jail. As they started to leave the town Mark pleeded for him to let him out.

    When he finally stopped was at an old large wood framed house. Looking around Mark had a doomed look on his face not seeing any other houses around. "Och Och" Walking to the front door was painful when the rocks on the drive way dug into his bare feet. Looking around Knowing in his current condition it would be no use to try and run. Will have to wait until his guard is down to truy and escape. the stranger ignored his pleas to let him go. Mark just kept quite hoping the stranger would get bored with him. The house had that old smell like it hasnt been lived in much. Goosebumps imediately form on Marks body as they go down into the cold basement. The lights flickering he opens the door to the small room. Mark turned to the stranger. "Please no. Ahhh!" With little to no warning he was shoved hard into the room banging and scraping his knees on the hard floor. Moments later the stranger threw a bucket in and left.

    Shivering on the cold floor staring at the under the door. Mark wishing he had wore more clothes when he went to bed. It wasnt till he needed to goto the bathroom. That it dawned on him what the bucket was foor. Since his wrists are cuffed behind his back would make it hard to pull down his boxers. He scooted to closer to the wall to make it easier to get up. Mark once on his feet was able to slide his boxers over his hips but had to wiggle his hips to free his cock. As he moved over the bucket his boxers slid down to his feet. With out being able to aim made it difficult to go barely have his pee ended up in the bucket. He felt it disgusting for the pee to run along the floor to where he was standing in it. When he finshed he sat in the cornerr of the cell furthest away from the bucket. Only able to partially pull his boxers up his average sized cock half exposed. For Mark it was impossible to sleep with all the strange noises going on in the old house at night praying his captor would let him go.

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    Jason had a lot of work to do. Fake Mark's death, that had to be number one. Number two, he had to get some help. Let's face it, he couldn't do this by himself. But who could he get?

    Of course. It was so simple, how could he not see?

    Jason snickered as he enjoyed his hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs and hash browns. He searched his phone's internet for various guys.

    "Hello, Eric Morris? I understand you've had some difficulty getting back on your feet after the shitty case against you was allowed to go forward." He paused. "Yeah, I can imagine you'd be pretty pissed off at that lawyer." He grined. "How'd you like to get even with him?"

    He had the same conversation with four other guys total. They each agreed.

    Jason went downstairs and got Mark from the cellar. He snickered at the sight that awaited him. He wasn't surprised to find the pee on the floor. Fortunately it was easy to clean up, but first thing's first.

    Jason still held the gun in his hand. He stepped around the pee and dragged Mark out. As always, he ignored his pleas. He also ignored the state of his boxers. He took Mark to another room in the basement. It was dark, but when Jason flipped the switch, it was a large, empty room with a very high ceiling.

    "On your knees," Jason commanded. He moved the gun out of what he hoped would be Mark's reach, straddling him as he tied a thick rope around his wrists. From his pocket, he took a key which he used to unlock his handcuffs. The other end of the rope was attached to the ceiling. Jason grabbed another rope and tied Mark's ankles together. Still straddling him slightly, Jason grabbed the gun, and got off of Mark. He went to the wall and pressed a button. Slowly, the rope attached to Mark's wrists rose. The pully connected to the rope was controlled by the button that Jason had just pushed. Eventually, Mark was forced to stand, and his body bent over unnaturally until his arms were pulled taut behind him. And still the pulley continued to haul Mark up toward the ceiling. Once he was on the balls of his feet, Jason stopped the pulley and went over to him.

    Jason untied the rope from his ankles and slid Mark's boxers off. Once that was done, he tied them together again, and returned to the wall. He pushed the button and allowed Mark to be raised higher. He waited until Mark was about fifteen feet in the air, and then stopped.

    "I'll just leave you hanging for a while," Jason said, a flashback to those corny puns he often used while the two of them were dating. He kept the light on, and made sure that the room was heated much better than the root cellar.

    Jason returned to the root cellar and cleaned the floor. He emptied the bucket into the washtub sink and scrubbed it.

    Next time, he'd be sure to tie his hands in front of him.

    Jason went upstairs and waited for the visitors to arrive. He'd given them his address. That might have been really stupid, but he had faith that he had chosen the exact right people to help him with this.

    Eric was the first to arrive. He pulled up in the driveway and knocked on the door. Jason grinned.

    "How ya doin?" Jason asked.

    "Not sure," Eric confessed. He shrugged. "I didn't really know what to think when you told me your plans."

    "Yeah, well I hope you won't be disappointed. Come on in."

    "So when do we get him?" Eric asked as he stepped inside.

    "Already done."

    "You're kidding."

    Jason grinned. "Come with me."

    As he led Eric into the cellar, Eric was a little uneasy. He hesitated several times during the descent. He wondered if this was really a mistake. Maybe this guy wasn't who he said he was. Maybe he was a member of one of the families he and his company poisoned...

    But Eric wasn't dumb enough to come unarmed. At his thigh he patted the gun he'd brought with him.

    "You know, if you try anything-"

    "Your company is out of billions of dollars thanks to him. I have no reason to hurt you," Jason assured. "And I need your help to fake his death."

    "Fake it? Why not just kill him?" Eric asked as they went to the room where Mark was suspended.

    "Where's the fun in that?" Jason asked. He opened the door. "After you."

    Eric came in, and stared at Mark. It had been over an hour since he'd been hanging there.

    "Jesus Christ!" Eric exclaimed. He whirled around, furious at Jason, then he paused, and a sadistic smile came over his face.

    "What made you call me?" he asked.

    Jason shrugged. "I've called you and a few others who I thought would really love to see him in pain. And I intend to put him through that pain."

    Eric thought for a moment. "Can I get in on this?"

    "You'll each have your turns, I promise."

    "And the money?"

    Jason nodded. "I can have it wired to your account in the Camans right away."

    Eric gazed upon Mark.

    "Suppose I change my mind, go to the cops?"

    "Then I'll kill you, and make it look like a suicide. But not before the cops find our phone records, and I can play the concerned ex boyfriend who wanted to make up, only to find that my beloved is missing. I do some private detective work, find his likely enemies, and find you and several other suspects. If one of you breaks off, the others will turn against you. Simple as that."

    "You sick bastard..." Eric laughed maliciously. "Dude, I never thought I'd meet someone so sick! So what do we do first?"

    Over the next few hours, the other guests arrived, and Jason gave them the same sight and the same speech. They all agreed.

    "You know," one of them, Paul, who had been caught embezzling, said thoughtfully, "what exactly are you planning to do to him?"

    "Keep him, make him suffer, until we all get tired of it."

    "Yeah, but I mean... you're not gonna make us do faggy shit, are you?"

    Jason rolled his eyes. "Leave the 'faggy shit' to me. You guys get to do whatever you want to him.

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    "I get first crack," Jason continued, as he served the others lunch. "You each can decide what you want to do. But I want it clear. I don't want any bones broken. Joints dislocated, sure, but nothing like bones breaking. I also don't want him to starve to death or dehydrate himself to death. So I want him taken care of. I also don't want infection to kill him. Those things are where you come in, Greg," he said, nodding to Greg Walker, the surgeon who had been sued by five different clients for malpractice. "I want your supervision to ensure that his treatment is acceptable. Got it?"

    Greg nodded.

    "And for the rest of you, I might end up needing your help to restrai him if he gets too feisty and wants to escape." Jason took a sip of his drink. He smirked. "That would be incredibly stupid of him. Wouldn't you agree, Ralph?"

    Ralph Davis, three-time divorcee, three-time wife beater. Mark had sued him for millions for his last wife.

    "Yeah, I'd say so." He clasped his hands behind his neck and leaned back in relaxation. "So what'cha waitin' for?"

    "I'll work him over after a few more hours. You each saw how I have him. The longer he's in that position, the more painful it'll" become.

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    I overheard Ralph talking to Jason who had the phone on speaker .Just hearing Marks name made my blood boil .He had screwed both of us First he had on my behave suied Ralph for millions ,then sweet talked me into letting him invest the money ,like a fool I had given him power of attorney,he fleesed me for every penny .Ralph heard about it ,called me ,talked me into getting back with him I had nothing so even though I knew what to expect ,his tedency to be very sadistic ,I went back .I was tecovering from Ralphs latest going over , when I listened to the conversation ,I want in on this ,that son of a bitch Mark neede to pay

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    Re: Breaking the Ex

    After it seemed like hours Mark was starteld when the door was suddenly opened. Blinded by the light as he saw the stranger walk into the room. The stranger made sure Mark couldnt get a good look at is face but also made sure he saw the gun in his hand to know he meant business. The stranger grabbed Mark by his upper arm and led him into another room that was much larger then the room he was in. Mark was led to the middle of the roomn and forced to his knees. Thinking the stranger was going to kill him right there begged. "Please dont do this. I know it isnt money that you are after. Is there something I can do for you. Like a job or some legal work. Anything you want." Seconds later with out any words..The stranger put his wait on Marks back while he relaesed the cuffd and tied his wrists with a corse rope. He did the same with his ankles then backed way towards the door. That is when Mark heard some sort of motor start to run and tension in the rope around his wrists as he is starting to be lifted off the ground. Mark began to blush a bright red. The stranger pulled down his underwear. which didnt take much as pail as his skin. The odd thing was Marks body betrayed his mind a bit his cock became half hard. The stranger huffed as he started the motor again where he was lifted several feet off the ground.

    The longer Mark hung there his shoulders really started to ache and the corse rope dug into his wrists. He had strain to pull himself up to releave some of the pressure. Loosing track of time unsure how long he had been hanging there. He heard the stranger come back but this time could hear there was another voice and it sounded familiar. One by one after some time would pass he would come back with another familiar face. After the last one Mark thinking it was an old college fraternity trick. Mark laughed "Very funny guys. I give up but dont you think this has gone on to far. Can you please let me down now. My shoulder is kidding me. " Who ever it was down there laughed and then they left closing the door behind them. After I while was no longer able to hold the rope to take the wait off my shoulders and just hung there the rope digging into my wrists my shoulders nearly pulled out of socket. Hoping this nightmare will end.

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