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Thread: Gorean chat

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  1. #1
    a little bit naughty
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    Gorean chat

    how about a Gorean chat room? i noticed lot of gor roll players on chat, i think that would be awesome if there was a specific room dedicated just for Gor? that could accommodate the 3rd person, services ect. i think there is enough Gor interest in the site that could justify a dedicated room.

    hope you will consider it

  2. #2
    Gorean Free Man
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    I think a Gorean Room would be fantastic in the library. It could be a made a no kill/no force capture zone so its safe for people to learn Gorean ways. I think what foxy lady has suggested is a fine idea, I support it and encourage the website administrators to consider it and hopefully create it.

    Master Tiberias

  3. #3
    classy, sassy, smart-assy
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    this one agrees with her Master, a gorean room would be useful in that it would give a place for the Goreans to go to. There's a room for just about every other kink available, but not for them. This way the lobby can be left open for general chat, and the Goreans and any wishing to learn can go to the respective room without disturbing the lobby. karima strongly believes the admins should really consider this.

  4. #4
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    this one agrees with idea .A Gor Room would be advantageous to Gors who require services

  5. #5
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    This one also agrees a Gorean room would be a wonderful adition to the libary. a girl knows she would try and come there.

  6. #6
    Lúthien Nénharma
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    I agree completely. I think, given the interest being shown recently, it would be something to at least look into.

  7. #7
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    This one agrees wholeheartedly! she is learning the ways of the kajira and finds it difficult to do so at one of the more traditional sites. While some have non kill/no capture zones, the vast majority do not allow for a setting to learn serves and such without the fear of being forced to wear a collar of just any. Plus, this one considers this site "home" and would love to see a Gor room in its halls.

  8. #8
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    this one isnt Gorean.....but i do like to listen to the beautiful words...... and find it fun to be included from time to time.. . but its often confusing for others in the main room and the long serves can break the discussion if anyone is ever clever enough to get one going.. i think someone mentioned that the lobby was never intended as a play room.. just for general conversation..

    there does seem to be a large following of Gor here now.. and as it was pointed out.. the other kinks have a place to play.. it only seems fair.. as long as its inclusive to everyone.. and the wonderful Gor people have displayed they are inclusive and encouraging of those who show an interest...

    oh and its a lovely way to encourage erotic story writers something this site is well know for.. smiles.. please please Torq..

  9. #9
    Somewhere over a rainbow
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    This one would agree with others on the Gorean chat room... It would be greatly appreciated if the administrators would please consider the request.

    Humbly yours,

  10. #10
    Quest's treasure
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    I am not a Gorean slave,but i do admire those who are,and as others stated there are rooms for other kinks too,so please Sir Torq make a gorean room,this a one of the best and the most respectfull site i know, it is a joy to come here,please make a room for the Gorean followers.
    "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.

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  11. #11
    Distracted Domme
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    I am in support of this idea, as it presents more of an all-inclusive concept for the world of BDSM.
    A good sub is a good sub. Damned be the plumbing.

  12. #12
    Keeping the Ahh in Kajira
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    To all conserned:

    First off let me state that it is not my intention to at all in any way shape or form be seen to be disrepectful to roleplayers while stating my opinion here, so if this rubs anyone the wrong way please do not take it as any kind of insult.

    It sounds like what they want is allready in place anyway, just without some special title or distinction since what they are asking for apears to be IE: a room to roleplay in and a room to learn in... since most roleplaying occurs in pm or in one of the various other rooms and most learning occurs in the lobby (not to mention the forums).

    In any event it is my very humble opinion that a stong seperation should exist between the world of fantasy and reality.

    Roleplay can be a useful tool for giving demonstratable examples of theories if used in the proper manner, but:

    In my experience...gorean roleplay orientated sites are ok for sparking an intrest in the subject but make a poor substitute for factual study (much like the movie 300 however inspirational is highly misrepresentitive of what we know from history about the Spartans ) and mixing role play with factual study gets blurry and tends to become detrimental in and of itself to actually learning about the real life aplications of Gorean philosophies and the Old School BDSM base of knowledge from which Dr Lange (Norman) derived them from to begin with in the manner in which he intended them to be taken.

    For anyone interested in further discussion on the subject of Gorean philosophies and its real life applications please feel free to eaither contact me directly or participate in any of the following links or contact the Gorean Agora social group found via your profile page access areas:




    Last edited by denuseri; 06-12-2011 at 12:23 PM.
    When love beckons to you, follow him,Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound thee
    KAHLIL GIBRAN, The Prophet

  13. #13
    a little bit naughty
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    hallo HOT little kajira! denuseri, im so glad you posted....was waiting for you *grins*

    all valued points, i agree with you ...and taking nothing away form individuals that live this lifestyle in there every day life but i suggested a chat room....virtual play...Yes every one should remember that Gor is based on a series of books by Norman and is just that fantasy...we only ask for a chat room so we could roll play that fantasy i believe it was suggested that it be made a NO KILL/CAPTURE zone.

    witch kinda adds to Torq concerns, it goes without saying that the rules and regulations of this site would be honored, of course newbies and all chatter would be welcomed, the Dominates would be served and the submissive seduced,*smile* and even tho Gor is cruel and unfair ...the reality is that this roll play is suppose to be fun...enjoyable if girl get bullied they will run away and then i will have to serve alone!!! NO ONE WANTS THAT!

    of course enticing others in Gor would be fantastic~ and: 1. bulling and disrespect will not multiply the numbers. 2. slavery is illegal by law...WE GET THAT.
    i expected that there will be sort of hick up or conflict with something somewhere...there will always be a peanut that doesn't know how to behave...mmm maybe an admin in the room?~i dont know.

    something else i want to mention, i love this site, i have learned so much about myself and my own submission but reading and chatting, i dont want to go to another site...not even for Gor this is my "home" I love the energy in chat, it always fun an fast and just delicious.....every notice what happens when a girl serves in the lobby? ...you chat line after line quick fast post and then suddenly a girl in service would pop up with 10lines, and suck the conversation out the room....all that energy lost. am i the only one that feels that way? that why i suggest there own room, it is also a consideration to those who has no interest in Gor.

    and OOOOooo thank you for the link to Gor philosophies! girly (denuseri) you are such a fountain of information! love ya!
    Last edited by foxy lady; 06-12-2011 at 09:33 PM.

  14. #14
    Keeping the Ahh in Kajira
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    Quote Originally Posted by foxy lady View Post
    ...we only ask for a chat room so we could roll play that fantasy

    See thats where we may disagree...when one clicks the door with the green arrow found in the upper right corner of their chat screen they will find a wide variety of roleplay orientated rooms in which they can indulge in their fantasies gor or otherwise at their lieasure just fine allready without clogging up the lobby (which as I understand it is for primaraly adult conversation).

    witch kinda adds to Torq concerns, it goes without saying that the rules and regulations of this site would be honored, of course newbies and all chatter would be welcomed, the Dominates would be served and the submissive seduced,*smile* and even tho Gor is cruel and unfair ...the reality is that this roll play is suppose to be fun...enjoyable if girl get bullied they will run away and then i will have to serve alone!!! NO ONE WANTS THAT!

    Well this site is after all his dominion and we should keep that we are only allowed here at his liesure. Gor..Cruel ? Maby on the rp sites it is, but then I often find those places missing the forest for a single tree when it comes to pretty much all things Gorean.

    thank you for the link to Gor philosophies!
    Anytime hon.
    When love beckons to you, follow him,Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound thee
    KAHLIL GIBRAN, The Prophet

  15. #15
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    This one agree seri, huggles and smooches...all valid points. Although this one is still learning about the Gorean ways and training as kajira, she still has not decided if that is the type of lifestyle she wants to follow. *smiles* Saying that, as one who is learning there are very few actual rooms out there that are no kill/no capture zones where this one feels comfortable ... This site is her home, she knows the people here, feels safe in practicing and learning in this environment. The one thing this one is not looking for is a new Master, especially after recent events. And in a capture zone, well...she has not had the opportunity to serve yet in the Gor setting so this is her venue of choice, and she agrees with foxy in that the longer serves do tend to stall the lobby chat where most congregate.

  16. #16
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    I agree, im very intriguied with Gor and want to learn. I would love there to be a room where i can go not off site. The libaray is my comfort zone and I dont like the idea of going else where for information. If im to step into the unknown I would rather it be here where I no im safe and am familiar with the rules. Some expereince with ppl involved with Gor would be fantastic.
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  17. #17
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    Re: Gorean chat

    This one supports the motion. While I'm not Gorean I find it beautiful and interesting. I started reading the books when I was about 13 and couldn't get enough! They inspired me and made it so I didn't feel like the only person in the world with such a dark side.

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