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    MasterMike's dungeon

    I call my realator and see if they have any secluded houses on a hill or in a private area .
    She replies "yes we do would you like to see it"
    No I would like to buy it if I may
    You may he replied
    Very well will meet you there on Tuesday

    Tuesday I meet her at this house. The house is on 15 acres of land it has a iron clad gate that can only be opens with a code * that I chose* or from the control panel on the inside of the front door. As I drive up the mile long driveway on the right hand side I see a fenced in portion of the yard that has a swimming pool. On the left is a garden and a green house. Now I arrive at the front door. The realator is allready there waiting she asks if I like it
    I reply yes
    She then opens the door and the inside is beautiful it has the double stair case in the foyer then it has a living room off to the rift and office to the left I walk between the stair cases and go the the kitchen where I see all new applyences fridge stove sink . It has a center island to do all the prep work on and what not. We go back to the foyer and walk up stairs where there is 10 bedrooms and an other stair case that goes I a second floor. The realtor said this was a 5 story hotel back in the day each floor had 10 rooms.

    I handed the realator a check for the place and told her thank you. I then called and placed an add in the local paper looking for maids butlers and people to help m run this place *my goal was to fill it with people who love bdsm and have a community so to speak*

    As I started to unpack in the master bedroom I saw that he bedroom over looked the pool and I decded to go for a swim. The next morning I got up called the cable company and the electric plus the phone company I come and install all those services as each room would have a tv in it I noticed that it also had a basement with rooms portioned off maybe I'll keep the staff down here * I thought to myself*

    I went for a walk around the grounds while I waited I each of the service to show up and my realator came back to see how I liked it and I told her I lived it she handed me the deed and I called town hall to find out when my tax bill would be coming
    The lady that answered told me the previous onwer paid for 5 yrs and I had 4 of them left I thanked her and went about my day
    The fist to show was the electric company. They turned the power on in about 20 minuets or so. After that it was the cable I had my 48 inch tv in the office and a 24" in te bedroom I had them set it up so hat each room could get cable if they wanted it all 5 floors. Last was the phone company I had them install phone jacks in every too * again all 5 floors

    I paid each for there services and went about my day.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    After a few days of nothing and no one responding to my ad I called my realator and asked her if she knew any one who wanted a job? She replied no so I took out an other ad and it read like this

    Wanted a male and female for butler and maid position will pay $14 an hour up to 40 hours a week. Would alternate every other weekend off. Must be willing to live on site. Will also have complete control of staff. Can punish and demote as well * I get final say on punishment as well as demotion* hoping to hear from interested candidates either by phone * 555-2345 or in person @ 2728 tree hollow rd.*

  3. #3

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    While sitting in my tiny one bedroom apartment slightly panicked as to how I was going to pay next months rent I start looking through the wanted ads from this morning's paper. Without any special qualifications I was beginning to become frustrated at the lack of potential work. As I was just about ready to give up I saw an ad that caught my eye, someone needing a maid, with guaranteed hours, I think surely I had the qualifications t do this!? I immediately grabbed my cell and punched in the numbers silently praying that this phone call would end in good news...

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I woke up the next morning Went an oty coffee and headed you office. Once in there my phone rang. I picked up
    Good morning I said and a young girls voice said the hello
    Hello I am calling about the job you have in the paper the maids one
    Ok what about it I said
    She replies she was I interested

    I told her what I was Loking for
    Someone who can give orders as well as take them cause she would have a staff under her. I told her that her and I would be in charge of any disapline that would be needed but I got final say. You would have to live here with me. And help out around here. Putting away food and what not
    After I said all that she was still interested and I told her I come in for an interview on Thursday I also told her to bring her measurements along with her as I would need those to order her uniform and told her if she had any friends who were looking to bring them also

  5. #5

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    Wednesday night
    As I was getting ready for bed I started thinking about my interview the next morning and some things my potential boss had said over the phone earlier...I knew I could handle cleaning duties and living with him would be no problem, I mean it did free up the constant issue of rent, but having to be in charge of discipline, that was a whole other thing entirely. I have been a shy person most of my life, growing up in a small quaint town in Connecticut I never had too many situations where I had to be domineering but I was a people pleaser and I needed this job badly so if he wished it I suposed I could handle keeping some other staff members in line. I eventually stopped worrying so much for what was to come deciding to look at it as a new opportunity and drifted off to sleep.
    Today was the day! When my alarm went off at 7am for once I didnt have to drag myself out of bed dreading the day! I quickly hopped in the shower and spent a good while making sure I was completely presentable, after which I toweled off and combed out my long auburn hair. I proceeded then to apply my makeup in such a way that I would look appealing yet still a touch professional, I had figured how the job sounded that may be the best look. My hair remained the same as I always do it when Im trying to impress with my soft curls falling down my back. Then the hard part was deciding what to wear, after at least half an our of standing in my favorite black panties and matching bra throwing clothes from my closet swearing I had nothing to wear, I found the perfect thing. I pulled the black dress over my head and admired in the mirror how it looked on my body, it gave my 41-32-41 measurements the perfect accentuations and my DD breasts were nicely displayed with the square neckline, the perfect amount of sex appeal I liked to use when I was interviewing with men without being trashy! The dress hit me a couple inches above the knee and when paired with my favorie pair of 3 inch black stilettos I felt confident as ever. With the heels I stood about 5'5" but that day I felt muched taller than that. Having completed getting ready I noticed the clock again, 8:23 it read, and with that I grabbed my resume and measurements as was requested of me and rushed out the door. I was asked to be there at 9am sharp and he hadnt sounded as though he would be very forgiving if I was late, and I was determined not to mess this up!
    As I followed my gps and finally came upon 2728 tree hollow rd I was taken aback by just how beautiful the property was, so when the large gates began to open I was a bit startled. I came to my senses however and began the mile long drive up the driveway taking in everything I could along the way. As I approached the house I could see a man outside who directed me as to where to park, and as I got out of my 96 mustang I could feel all the nerves come rushing back.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I meet you at the front door. I aee you meet brutis my body gaurd. I lea you down a hallway an I to my office. I pull a chair out for you and I go and sit behind my desk I look over your resume.

    This job requires you to clean up after people every day you must go and make the beds and once a week you strip he sheets and put in the laundry shoot.

    After all that i hand you a French maids uniform and I tell you to stop and out it on. I also tell you that you will. Or be allowed to wear panties. After you strip and put it on I tell you to model I for me.
    You look lovely I tell you. I walk around you and start to run my ham up your skirt and I feel your getting wet. I smile and tell you that I will help ou with that I take your hand and lead you in back I my desk undo my pants and sit you on my dick I slid it in you I fondle your breasts and pump my cock in and out. I keep going tl I come and then I feel you come after we're both done I have you clean me off. After that I tell you that you have the job.

    I ask you how would you handle this situation

    An employ is slacking off and you catch him sleeping on the job this is his third time doing you've warned him that if you caught him again you would punish him.

    What would you do to punish him/her?

  7. #7

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I stop to think about your question, and eventually tell you I think this employee should be subject to something I had heard about recently. I begin telling you of a metal butt plug that came with a remote when used the remote administrated shocks throuh the device in the victims ass, certainly not enough to do damage but definitely enough to wake him up. I also suggested that being allowed to cum during this punishment would be a definite no no.
    After expalining this to you my need to please kicked in and I immediately worry that it would not be to your standard and quickly add that if you had any other suggestions I would be happy to have you teach me..even by example.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    No that won't be nessarry. I am more of a corporal punishment person myself but as long as the punishment fits he crime I'll go along with it. I am only here to guide and help you discover your self andrea.
    I'll give you the option of starting today or waiting till Monday. I'll have you work 9-5 go home and pack and bring stuff with you in the morning.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    After just getting kicked out of my apartment for not being able to pay the rent. I seek off everything I own except what can fit in a large back pack. Not able to find in my current town. I start walking to the next town over. It is starting to get dark. On the edge of town there is this little cafe. Luckily it is the kind of cafe that is open 24 hours. Exhausted I sit at the little bar they had and order a cup of coffee and a piece of apple pie. Eating the pie and looking through the help wanted adds. A little bit older lady comes in and sits by me. She sees that I am looking for work. "Need a job." Yes mam I reply. She begins telling me about a man that she just sold a house to and that he is looking for help. And also provides room and board. I am like really that sounds great. Once the lady gave me the address to the place. I finished my pie and paid the waiter. I left the diner and started to walk towards the address she provided.

    The address was to a place that wasnt quite in town. So it took me almost the entire night to walk there. I arrived at the huge mansion around 5am Friday morning. Knowing that had to be too early I put my bag down near the fence next to the gate and rested. Waiting until the sun came up. Dressed in jeans and a black and grey stripped button up shirt wishing I could have took a shower first. I spray some Preferred Stock cologne from my bag. Nervously I push security button on the gate. Hopping they don't mind that in just showed up.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I hear the alarm sound as I start to get my coffee and brutis say we got an person who says they heard about me birding from a lady * my accountant she called last night tor tell me* I told brutis to go get hi and escort h to my office I am going to finish breakfast first.

    Brutis opened the gate and waited to the you g man I watched from the kitchen as he looked familiar to me and as he came closer I saw it was that sissy rob. He was only good for one thing fucking dogs that's all. I didn't have a y docs yet but I will be getting them.

    After i finished my coffee and toast I walked to my office. I told rob I remembered him. I told him I had no dogs for him to fuck as I started laughing. I then told him to strip and I handed him a pink thing to put on under his maids uniform. I walked to him and grabed his balls and told him that if he screwed up I would cast rate him and make him the sissy he wants to be. I showed him to the basement where him an the rest of the staff would be staying there were several 6x9 cells with a bunkbes so I can store more then one in a cello told him he could leave his clothes there after that I took him to the first floor and had him start cleaning the. Rooms I told him I wanted all 5 floors done by 530 or else I told him he only room that was off limits was my room. I hen left and went on about my business I told brutis to keep and eye on him.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    After rob was done iol him to go to his cell and stay there. The weekend was appon us I called business about delivery and removal of linens and getting food deli see also plus I called about a dog for rob. I dees rob scraps and water. I gave rob an ennam an made him clean it up with his bedsheets.

    Monday morning I made sure Rob was in proper uniform with his pink panties and high heel shoes. Brutis knocked into door and in walked andrealyn and I told her that rob was hers and she had control over him all she had to was grab his balls I showed her how and told her to try. I tol her to go get settled in her room and if she need help to take rob ad if not ivwas going to get it started on its chores for the day

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I pull my pack back on my shoulder as the gate opened. At the end of the drive way stood this large muscular man. He told me to follow him. He didnt speak much just directed me to a large office and told me to sit. The owner would be there any minute. Looking at the way the office is decorated you can tell that the owner is very powerfull. I start to relax when I hear the door start to open. Looking back my jaw felt as if it hit the floor. When I saw Master Mike walk through the door. It had been a couple years since I last saw him but I can't forget the pain he put me through. When he told me to strip I wanted to run. But knew I had no other place to go and would probably make things worse if I disobeyed him. I mumbled "yes sir" as I got up and took my clothes off starting with my shirt and laid them neatly on the chair. Standing 5 foot 4 inches tall in front of him in completely naked revealing my girlish for a boy figure and small hairless package. Turning red when he handed me the pink thong and maid uniform. The last time I was hired to be the butler. But I guess with Brutis there is no need for one. I let out a little squeal when Master Mike grabbed my balls. It has been quite sometime since someone other than myself had touched me down there. When he let me go I could feel cock starting to grow. I just replied "yes sir"I wil not let you down. Still naked I carried my clothes and followed Master down to the basement. It was cold and musty smelling down there but at least it was a roof over my head. I placed my things on my bed and followed master back up stairs where I was instructed to start cleaning. This place was much larger than the last one. Still naked unsure really where to begin I start at the bottom floor. To make sure and finish on time if it didnt really look dirty I didn't touch it. Every now and then I would look back at Brutis and he would just give me that devilish grin.

    When I finished cleaning Brutis led me down to the basement and put me in the cell. Where I stayed for the weekend only seeing Brutis stop by to deliver food and water. Sunday evening Master came down and had me strip. He told me to turn around and bend over. I thought I did something wrong and was going to be punished. Uggg!Seconds later I feel something being shoved up my ass and can feel a cold liquid. After emptying my self he forced me to clean it up with my sheets. When he left he told me to make sure I was dressed in my made uniform in the morning. The next day I got up not sure how early it was. I didnt really sleep much anyway. Trying to figure out how I got put in this situation again. I put on the pink thong master provided which was a little tight squeezing my cock and balls together. I picked up the heels and put them on which they barely fit squeezing my toes inward from being so tight. When I stood up and slid the maid outfit over the way the heels were and how shoe the skirt is it felt as if my ass was hanging out. Once dressed a few minutes later master came and got me and had me wait standing up in the office. Until Brutis showed up I begin to blush my face turning a bright red when behind him is this really hot woman. I let out another squeal when master gave my balls another firm squeeze as he offered me to this woman. Thinking maybe things will be better this time.

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    Ooh me, me Yeah man Ive been waiting patiently for this, for a long time. Im looking forward to getting it put together, painted and start playing by December

  14. #14

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    Over the weekend I had spent much time reflecting on the role I was to have in my new job...I had never been in a position of power and giving out punishment was still rather new to me. Nevertheless I did desperately need the job and so the rest of my time that weekend was spent packing and tying up loose ends in my current living situation. Monday morning I arrived back at the mansion ready to begin. I was wearing the maids uniform I had been given along with my thigh high black stockings and 3 inch black heels. As I walked into the office master mike was there along with brutis whom I had met before I saw a new face among them. Dressed similarly to myself I gave rob a good look up and down. Master mike proceeded to tell me that rob was mine and showed me how to contol him. After watching his demonstration I walked up to rob standing a little taller than him in my heels looked down into his eyes and grabbed his balls making sure he felt my nails digging into him and simply told him "down" immediately causing him to sink to his knees at my feet. At that I let out a little smirk realize that maybe this wouldn't be so difficult after all. Master mike then offered robs services if I needed them and I told him I could use him to get my things to my room, while staying on his hands and knees of course. .as rob crawled away to begin the task I was amused at the way the pink thong was clearly visible as his skirt rode up. I then straightened up and thanked master mike for his kindnesses and left to get settled in my new room.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    As rob left andrealyn and I laughed. I told her that if she needed to punish him to come an talk to me and we will discuss it. I also told her that he likes toaster are with out permission am all the rooms were cleaned Friday so if she wanted to have today off she could and she could take the day to order rob around and have h wait on her hand and foot. I gave her the key to her room which was rigjt next to mine on the first floor. I also aske he if she has any friends who could be butlers and waitresses as I still need som along with maids. I told her I had to go get food and asked if she wante to go with me.
    She said no thank you that she was going to chill at the pool am make rob her birch today . We laughed again and I. A wNt her on her way

  16. #16

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    After rob brought all of my things into my room and had sufficiently put them away I was ready to head down to the pool. I thought though tha rob was not dressed appropriately for that and ordered him to go find either brutis or master mike and to beg them for a cute pink bikini top to match his adorable thong. As he began to crawl out grabbed the leather crop from the wall and with a swift hit to is exposed ass reminded him that he should not take too long and to meet me by the pool when he had redressed. He crawled out with a look of shame and eagerness that I completely loved. I then changed into my swim wear a simple black bikini that displayed my breats beautifully. Aftwer changing I made my own way to the pool to lay out on the beach chairs and wait for rob to return..

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I was on my phone when rob came crawling to my door he knocked and I motioned him in. After a few minuets I asked what the sissy wanted.
    He told me was ordered by andrealyn to come and find me or brutis to beg for a pink bikini top. I laughed at him and began rummaging through the clothes I had for sissy's and found one. I threw it at him and reminded him that if he masterbates with out permission I would cut off his balls and make him a true woman I laughed out loud again and sent him on his way.
    I escorted rob to he pool and had him on a leash with a collar. He was still on all fours just like old times I said to him I plan on getting a dog so that ass better be kept clean for him I was laughing out loud and so was Andrealyn I told her about rob and my old dog brutis who this sissy serviced every night. I then ordered rob to go get us some dinks I asked Andrea if she wanted anything she said water was fine I wanted an iced coffee. After rob left I sat with Andrea I told her I was inpressed with how she was handeling herself and if she ever had any questions or wanted to go back to being a sub * I knew she was a switch* I told her I would be more than happy to help her with that at night after she was done with work. Just then rob came back with our drinks and I told her I was off to the market Nd would want our sissy maid to help put away the food when I came back. I also reminded her that while I was gone she was in charge of rob while brutis was in charge over all plus I told her that if she had to punish rob to com to me with suggestions and we'd discuss it together
    And with that I left

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    When I got back from the market. I stopped by the pool and called for rob to come and put away the food. Andrea came on with him on his leash crawling like a dog. Was he good I asked she said yes for the most part
    I looked at her for the most part he got a little fresh with me but put him in his place. Ok I said I would love to hear all about it after dinner. I wan no detail spared I want to know everything and if I feel he didn't get what he deserves I will be punishing him myself.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    As the woman that must be masters new maid. Walked towards me I could tell she meant business. Uggg!When the young lady grabbed my balls and started to dig her sharp nails into them it was all I could do to keep. By her grip and the look in her eyes I could tell I had know chance. It was like my worst nightmare starting all over again. I immediately drop to my knees. At my knees my face is so close to her crotch my cock begins to grow straining through the fabric of my thong for just being this close to a beautiful woman. When she takes mastermike up on his offer. On my hands and knees I start walking towards the door of the office. Looking back at them with sad puppy dog eyes. I could just here them both laughing at me. Stopping to get her things. I put two of her bags with the straps high on my shoulders resting on my back. The smaller bag witch might be her purse I pick up with my teeth and start walking on my hands and knees towards her room next Masters room. On the way there my knees starting to get sore and shaking I end up loosing one of the bags on my shoulder which fell down. I look back at her with disappointment and put down the bag in my mouth. I am sorry miss. I pick it back up. Once I have it secure I make my towards her room. When we make it to the room I wait for her to open it and put her bags down in front of a very nice and comfortable bed. And began putting the things in there proper places. When finished I put my hands on my knees waiting for her next order.

    The woman decided she wanted to go to the pool. She told me to ask master for a matching bikini top. Hesitantly I just said yes man and on my hands and knees headed out the door looking for master. Ha!!!Before I could make it to the door I felt the sting of her paddle across my ass. Now it feels as if my ass is as red as my face. When I enter Masters room after he gives me permission to speak. I kneel at his feet and kiss each shoe begging that he give me a pink bra or bikini top. I turn even redder as he laughs at me. I go back to my cell and slip out of my maid dress and put on the pink top that was a little bigger than a training bra. Which fit my breasts perfectly. Which were still about an a cup from when master used to make me take hormone pills from before.

    A few minutes later master came to the cell and put a collar around my neck with a leash attached. He then led me on my hands and knees to the pool. At the pool the young woman and put on a black bikini and was totally stunning I found it very difficult not to stare. Master told me to go fetch them some drinks so on my hands and knees I went to the kitchen and got a class of water and an ice coffee and walked back to the pool. After handing them the drinks I dropped back down to my knees. When master left I crawled over closer to the woman and kneeled by her side. A few minutes passed my pale white skin. I get brave enough to ask looking down at her cleavage. Miss I hope it is ok to speak. What should I call you? Also would you like me to put some lotion on you.

    A few hours later master had the woman lead me back into the mansion to get the groceries. My skin almost matching my bra color. Once I put the groceries away which was very difficult on my hands and knees. I waited on my knees out side masters office.

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I told andrealyn to bring rob down to his cell in the basement and wait for me I told her to have rob grab towels she asked for what. I told her I had to clean the sissy out she looked at me and with that she left

    I went to the bathroom and grabed the ennama kit and I walked down the stairs and saw rob and Andrea I asked her if she knew how to give an ennama she answered no so i told her I would show her and every night she would be giving one to that sissy.

    I cuffed him to the cage and I took the bag and hung it from the hook and I took the wand and shoved it up his ass and I squeezed the bag. I squeezed and and squeezed untill the bag was emptied and after a few mins later I pulled the wand out. All the water came rushing out off his ass. It squirted all over the towel. After he was done and Andrea and I were done laughing we made him clean it up.

  21. #21

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    Not long after I feel master mike put up my already short dress exposing my ass to anyone who happened to walk by and before I could protest his hand came down on my ass with a loud smack. He muses for a second about how he cant wait to use his paddle and crop on me and I happily agree. We continue shopping a bit more when he asks if id like the specific type of bread he'd chosen for the meal and as I had momentarily forgotton my place I replied simply yes. Snatching me up he hissed in my ear yes who!? As he had me by my hair I squeaked out yes sir im sorry sir as he hit me again this time harder than before for forgetting my place. After, he lets me go and we make our way to the check out line pay for our groceries and take them out to the car.

  22. #22

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    With each slap he progressively gets harder and begins to alternate between slaps and rubbing that makes its way down to my clit. My breathing goes from ragged to gasps as my ass reddensnfrom the spanking and he continues to rub my clit not faster. I dig my nails into the fabric in the back seat bc its all I can do to keep from cumming on the spot. I want to hear you beg he says if you expect to have a relase youre going to have to work for it. I beg him saying please sir I need this sir. Louder, he demands! And I am begging almost in tears now loud enough to be heard by the people who are now gathered around the car watching. Please sir I nearly yell, please I will do anything sir. Satisfied he gives me permission to cum and I breathe out a yes sir thank you sir before the orgasm rips through me.

  23. #23

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    After we were done giving rob his cleaning for the night and the laughing had subsided I pulled master mike to the side and quietly asked if we could chat a bit about what had said to me earlier. He agreed that we could speak on it a bit later. My heart raced at the thought of submitting to him so I was excited for him to be considering it.
    Coming up the stairs we began discussion on what we'd have for our evening meal I suggested I make some of my famous meatballs and homemade marinara to go with and he readily agreed. We were slightly disappointed though when we reached the kitchen to find that some of the key ingredients in the dish were missing from the fridge and pantry. I suggested that I could whip something else up easily but master mike insisted I make the meatballs and sauce and suggested we go to the market together to get the missing ingredients. I agreed and he grabbed the keys to his car and yelled to brutis to keep an eye on rob and off we went.
    Once in the market we immediately started finding the things we needed but as we were doing so began a sort of discussion on the possibility of my submitting to him, it began as a flirty light hearted discussion that very quickly led to some playful slaps on my ass. After a few teasing slaps I begin to stick out my ass walking a few steps ahead of him shaking it back and forth taunting him to come get some more giggling as I did so. Stil giggling from teasing him i let out a small gasp as he grabs me and threatens to bend me over his knee right here if I dont straighten up I stop laughing but cant help the smile that kreeps across my face thinking about the threats. He nudges me to continue walking down the aisle and I do.

  24. #24

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    As I am bent over putting the bags in the trunk master mike comes over and behind me smacking my ass another good time whispering in my ear asking if I was wet. Yes sir I replied shakily. With my response he used his fingers to feel my arousal upon pulling his fingers out of me he offered them to me which I greedily took cleening them thoroughly. As I licked his fingers I looked down and could see the buldge in his pants continue to grow. He pulls his hand away from my lips to continue rubbing my pussy, teasing me all the while evert once in a while gliding over my clit making me jump. As he continues I let my eyes roll back and im rocking onto my toes clearly enjoying this attention. He stops for a moment and I look at him and beg him not to stop please sir dont stop sir I need this sir. He climbed into the backseat of the car and as he does so I continue to beg please sir. He pulls me in after him pulling my panties down now exposing my ass to anyone around begins once more spanking me.

  25. #25

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I am limp after the intensity of the orgasm took all my last bit of energy I had left in me. Master laid me down in the backseat and climbs into the front seat and drives us home. I must have fallen asleep on the way since when we reached the mansion he had to wake me. We carried in the groceries and he left the kitchen to go check on brutis and rob and it must have been at least half an hour until he returned. As he walked back into the kitchen I had already haf the sauce simmering and was putting the meatballs into the oven. He had a devilish smile on his face which made me nervous and I looked at him questioningly. . He finally spoke after leaving me to over wonder what he was thinking for a moment and when he did he said remember whn you were begging for your release and you said you would do anything if I let you cum? Sighing remembering I had said those words I replied yes sir as I stared down at my feet starting to become nervous for wwhat lied ahead for me...

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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    Quietly waiting out side masters office. Andrealyn grabs the leash and leads me on my hands and knees towards the basement. On the way there we stop to get some towels. She has me put them on my back and continues to lead me down to my cell. Once there she has me strip. The only thing I am left wearing is my collar. Moments later master comes in holding the ennama in his hand. Hating the way they feel I move my ass away from him when he cuffs my hands to the cell. Blushing knowing this really hot woman is watching. I spread my legs and precent my ass to master to make it easier to insert the ennama. When the cold liquid hit my bowls my stomach immediately started to cramp up. I began to shake and wimper until master took the ennama out. I just hung my head down in shame as I heard them laughing while I cleaned up my mess. Even though I haven't ate much since being here the smell was awful. Andrea and Master left me to finish cleaning while the two of them went up stairs to talk. When I finished cleaning the floor I took the towels and put them in the trash can on the other side of the room. Exhausted from the busy day I put my maid outfit back on and laid in bed to rest.

    I was just about to close my eyes when I heard foot steps entering the cell. When I looked up I saw it was Brutis he is a very huge man. He told me that Master said to keep and eye on me. I was just about to get out of bed when he told me to stay and began to unzip his pants. When he revealed his cock it was huge easiest the largest cock I had ever seen. He stepped closer to me with his cock inches away from my face. He grabbed the back of my head and looked me in the eyes and said open wide I am going to keep my best eye on you. I opened my mouth and he pulled my head into his crotch causing me to gag when his cock hit the back of my throat. He pumped his cock in my mouth for several minutes. As he fucked my mouth my cock started to grow straining to get out of my panties. Moments later I felt his warm cum hit the back of my throat. I made sure to swallow as much as possible only a small amount dribbled out the side of my mouth. When Brutis removed his cock from my mouth. Which wasn't too bad since the last time I sucked a cock was when I was with Master before. He told me thanks I knew you were good for something cause cleaning really isnt your thing. As Brutis pulled his pants back up. He told me to kneel by the bed Master shouldn't be too much longer. I kneeled with my hands my knees and my cock still a hard as could be.
    Last edited by subrob99; 07-25-2014 at 10:40 PM.

  27. #27
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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I told Andrea that every night after dinner she would have a spanking if she was good and if I felt that she was bad she would be punished. I also told her that if rob misbehaved she would also be held accountable for his actions if needed. Now as we were talking brutis walked in and I asked him how the sissy was I could see the bludge in his pants and I told him to go finish what he had started and after he was satisfied to come back so I could bring the sissy the scraps from dinner.

    I made Andrea strip and have no clothes on except the apron that I tied it showed her bare ass which was still a nice shade of red. We talked I made her my personal slave for nights during the day she was on charge of rob and of course I was the one who was in charge of everything. I asked her if she ever sucked a cock before she said no she didn't well now that's going to change that will be your punishment. Unless I want you to do it just because. I also asked her if her family and friends knew of her lifestyle. She looked and said no sir they don't and I would lol to keep it that way.well I will keep our secert as long as your good and not too bad.

    At this point dinner was on the table and we were enjoying a nice meal. After we were done I made Andrea escort me down to see rob and give the left overs just as we got to his cell brutis was finishing fucking him on he ass and the sissy was squealing like a pig. Andrea and I were both laughing at how small robs testicles were compared to brutis's after brutis was done he handed the sissy his food and shut him in the cell for the night. I told him to have his plates ready at 7am as bruis would be down to get him and let him out and of he needed the bathroom I gave him a diaper to use so he didn't mess his panties for morning we laughed and left.

  28. #28
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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    I told Andrea that every night after dinner she would have a spanking if she was good and if I felt that she was bad she would be punished. I also told her that if rob misbehaved she would also be held accountable for his actions if needed. Now as we were talking brutis walked in and I asked him how the sissy was I could see the bludgeon in his pants and I told him to go finish what he had started and after he was satisfied to come back so I could bring the sissy the scraps from dinner.

    I made Andrea strip and have no clothes on except the apron that I tied it showed her bare ass which was still a nice shade of red. We talked I made her my personal slave for nights during the day she was on charge of rob and of course I was the one who was in charge of everything. I asked her if she ever sucked a cock before she said no she didn't well now that's going to change that will be your punishment. Unless I want you to do it just because. I also asked her if her family and friends knew of her lifestyle. She looked and said no sir they don't and I would lol to keep it that way.well I will keep our secert as long as your good and not too bad.

    At this point dinner was on the table and we were enjoying a nice meal. After we were done I made Andrea escort me down to see rob and give the left overs just as we got to his cell brutis was finishing fucking him on he ass and the sissy was squealing like a pig. Andrea and I were both laughing at how small robs testicles were compared to brutis's after brutis was done he handed the sissy his food and shut him in the cell for the night. I told him to have his plates ready at 7am as bruis would be down to get him and let him out and of he needed the bathroom I have him a diaper to use so he didn't mess his panties for morning we laughed and left.

  29. #29
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    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    On my knees patiently waiting for master. I see Brutis come back down the stairs. He bends down and takes my maid out fit off and throws it in the corner. Haaa!Brutis then picks me up by the hair and drags me over to the bed. And lays me down face first with my ass in the air. I hear him unzip his pants and then he pull my panties down. With out any lube I felt the head of his fat cock at the entrance of my ass. I tightened my muscles to try and keep him out knowing how tight my ass is. That didn't stop Brutis once he got the head of his cock in. He grabbed my shoulders with one mighty thrust he shoved his whole cock deep into my ass. I started to screem as it felt like my ass was be ripped a part. Ahhhh! ahhhha! Each powerfull thrust hurt so much I never could relax. In between my screams I could here master and Andrea laughing in the background. After Brutis shot is load in my ass you could hear a poping sound when he removed his cock. He had me get up and clean him off. When I got on my knees in front of him I could see is still semi hard cock glistening with his cum and blood from my ass. As I cleaned him is cock got hard again and just befit he was about to cum he pulled his cock out of my mouth and got the food from master and blew his load all over. He told master and Andrea that my food looked a little dry. The three of them began laughing together as they left me in the cell with a diaper if I need to go to the restroom. Despite the load of cum on the food and cum running down my legs dinner was tasty. After eating I crawled into bed and went to sleep.

  30. #30

    Re: MasterMike's dungeon

    When master came back into the kitchen he had me strip and tied an apron onto me just enough to cover me in the front leaving my still red from the spanking ass exposed. As we talked he explained to me that I would now be his personal slave once rob had been put away each night but during the day it would still be my responsibility to keep rob in line as if I didn't I could expect my punishment along with robs. He explained that though I hadn't done so before I would be expected to suck his cock if I misbehaved and the thought of trying new things with him made me wet on the spot. He also didn't forget to remind me that he knew I didn't want word of what was really going on to get out to the people I knew and reminded me that if I made sure I was a good girl it would stay our secret..The threat of others finding out my secret was plenty of incentive for me to toe the line. After we talked and had finished our meal we took rob some scraps and had a good laugh seeing brutis take him from behind .
    After returning upstairs I parted ways with master mike to grab a quick shower thinking I may turn in early as it had been a long exciting day. As I had still only had the apron and heels on when I got to my on suite bathroom I untied the apron pulling it over my head and stepped out of the shoes heaving a sigh of relief that I would finally be able to relax and get some rest. I turned on the hot shower waited for the steam to fill the room and stepped in immediately feeling better. As I went through my routine washing my long hair and soaping and scrubbing my body I made it down to my pussy where I lingered. At first I only grazed my fingers along my pussy but that quickly turned me on with thoughts of what happened earlier still in my head. Before I knew it I was rubbing my clit quickly letting out small moans. I was close to cummung when I felt someone behind me step in the shower and grab me by the wrist. What do you think you were doing masters words hissed at me. I stammered I I I'm sorry sir I finally got out. Shower still running pouring the steaming water down on both of us now he turned me around to face him and pushed me down on my knees face to face with his hardening cock. I guess today is the day you're gonna learn to properly please me as he grabbed my hair in his fist and forced his cock down my throat

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