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    Seeking advice on the challenges of learning to serve properly

    If I ask You, as a submissive to a Dominant, what kind of treat do You like? Will You stop with telling me cookies, cake or pie.. Then leave the rest of the mystery as to what type it is You like up to me to figure out? Will it be chocolate chip cookies? Chocolate cake filled with strawberry ice cream topped with chocolate fudge frosting? Chocolate brownies with caramel?

    Such a simple question, isn't it? With such a simple answer..

    As a submissive, I am told that it is part of my service to figure out the best way to serve My Dom/Master to learn these simple answers on my own and that by learning them i will find pride in serving Him/Her correctly. And through the many trials and errors I will also learn the boundaries of what He/She will allow, what will bring on a smile, what will bring on disappointment and disapproval, and what will give peace and solace in a day filled with chaos and turmoil.

    I do understand this concept, as I also understand that in many things? It is about learning about each O/other as to how it is best to serve in a way that will be the most pleasing to Him/Her... but at the same time? I also do not understand too...

    I mean... If the answer to that question is cookies? but I do not know what kind of cookies then I am going to pick up a cookbook, start at the letter A and work my way through to Z until I find every dang cookie that brings on a smile. Now I don't know about You? But that is a LOT of cookies to go through to find the right ones. Please don't misunderstand, i'm not complaining *smiles* I love to bake so give me that challenge and trust me? I WILL take it happily. *grins* and if You do not like the cookies? Someone else will *smiles* and I don't mind sharing *wink* cookies *grins*

    But the question is still the same.. why not just give a hint. If You want the mystery to be figured out? Why not just say.. I like chocolate.. I like oatmeal.. Why not give just a little guideline as to where to start looking?

    The thing is? Solving mysteries, meeting challenges, and figuring things out? These are all wonderful things and yes, it does feel really good to know that I got it right.. finally... and yes, all those failures are not forgotten but they are still failures. it is still trying to do something to make You smile and going to bed knowing that I was wrong and that smile did not come. It is going to bed disappointed because I got it wrong. That does not mean that I am broken or derailed emotionally, just that I am sad because I tried to do something good and failed to give You a smile.

    Am I over thinking this? Making it more complicated then it needs to be? It isn't about trying to be perfect, i know I am not perfect and that perfection is only in the world of fantasy. but it is about succeeding, feeling pride when I get it right, and feeling happy because I got to see You smile.

    I am not talking about the bigger things but the simple things... You like Your clothes folded a certain way, Your shirts hung straight out of the dryer, Your coffee black, Your tea with one or two spoons of sugar, to be greeted by a naked kneeling bound subby ready to serve her/his Master/Dom/Mistress... the simple things that may come everyday but are so small and simple that energy and worry over them distract from the bigger things, like say.. whether or not You like the feel of teeth with Your oral pleasure... I'll bet that is a mystery not Many leave to figure out *smiles innocently*

    Or is watching that struggle to find the right way part of what is most pleasing? Is seeing Your submissive fight to find what it is You enjoy most part of what makes the learning of each other the most pleasing to You? Do You find more pride, when after 47 other kinds of cookies were not the right kind but the 48th one was a hit, in the relief of Your submissive's eyes when he/she figured out one part of the mystery?

    I am not trying to overthink things, though that is a bit of a problem at times. *blushes a little* I am trying to understand though, why are the simple things left to figure out.
    Last edited by Phenyx; 12-23-2017 at 04:17 AM.

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