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12 Visitor Messages

  1. hello, just wanted to say i've read a few of your blogs and realy aperciated them.
  2. It's nice to read a blog written by another like-minded male. I look forward to reading more. Nice pics too!
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    hey i have some friends on the chat who said that you are a great person to talk about male submission too. im really kind of young and haven't had much experience but i know that i want to go deeper into this could i pm you?
  6. Another great post on your blog, hopefully it will help even one person from being in the same circumstance as the friend you mentioned in it.
  7. View Conversation
    You have a great blog, I enjoy reading it. I look forward to reading more posts.
  8. hey you... actually you didnt do anything wrong i was just feeling bitchy and ..... lucky you!! picked you to vent my spleen on. i'm actually not an insane crank and look forward to getting to know you better
  9. View Conversation
    Thank you for the posts in my thread
  10. I love reading your blog....thank you...I look forward to reading more
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About serviam {PixieStick}

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About serviam {PixieStick}
BDSM Role:
Owned by Mistress PixieStick :)
BDSM Interests:
anal play, bondage, cbt, chastity devices, clamps/clothespins, forced nudity, humiliation, lingerie, orgasm control/denial, restrictive rules, servitude
A Bit About Yourself:
Moderately experienced submissive hetronormative male. Looking to network with and learn more from other in the lifestyle. (The Home Page link is for my my erotic fiction stories).
Vanilla Interests:
hiking, reading, running, writing stories/articles


"non sibi"


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View serviam {PixieStick}'s Blog

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Reconciling Maleness With Being Submissive

by serviam {PixieStick} on 08-16-2010 at 10:13 PM

When you grow up as a male, you learn pretty quickly what behaviors are expected of you to satisfy the societal expectations for the male gender; avoidance of femininity, restricted emotions, self-reliance. strength and aggression. If you expect to be taken seriously as a male you must in in summary behave dominantly. Later as you grow up you add a few more expected behaviors to the list; sex disconnected from

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Updated 08-16-2010 at 10:20 PM by serviam {PixieStick}


A Primer on Edges

by serviam {PixieStick} on 08-10-2010 at 01:05 PM

Edging, also sometimes termed “peaking” is a technique whereby a person masturbates until they are at the very pinnacle of arousal where just a moment or two more of stimulation will cause them to reach the point of no return and start to climax. Edging, according to American sex expert, Dr. Barbara Keesling’s book Making Love Better Than Ever After 40 (Hunter House Books. Alameda, CA: 1998) creates wave-like

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Updated 08-10-2010 at 07:56 PM by serviam {PixieStick}


Exploding Male Submissive Myths

by serviam {PixieStick} on 08-06-2010 at 12:15 PM

If you do a web search on submissive or submission, invariable tons of information can be found on submissive females but in comparison very little about submissive males. What you do find is largely either unflattering or just plain wrong.

Obviously every individual is unique and different so not every submissive male is going to be identical, but lack of information about male submission I think

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Updated 08-08-2010 at 07:33 PM by serviam {PixieStick}


A Micro Fantasy

by serviam {PixieStick} on 08-03-2010 at 06:49 PM

By way of back story, each day I send my Mistress a good morning email. Partly it serves as a journal of sorts to let her know what is going on in my head and as a means for reporting on any task assignments. I try to include a little “offering” for her each morning, sometimes a bit of prose, a poem that I have written for her or even short fantasies that may fit my theme for the day. Here is

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Updated 08-04-2010 at 06:47 AM by serviam {PixieStick}


Bath Time - A Fantasy

by serviam {PixieStick} on 08-02-2010 at 08:33 PM

Since beginning this blog, it has sort of morphed into something more than I intended. I recall writing in the first post that I would share among other things fantasies and favorite activities. But my last many posts have been more along the lines of articles about concepts I felt might be helpful for a novice submissive to read about. Today, I will return briefly to my original

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