smiles hoping you are doing well , leaves some candy on the table , kisses ~cream~
*just breath and make it last *
*smiles at your comment on my page * yes I so would endure and give it my all .....
*slips in covers up in your chair putting my ear buds in listening to Yiruma " River flows in you "
*slips in walking over to the window but stops in front of the door to the bedroom , a smile crosses my face as I have much to think about and it keeps me here*
you left me a visitors message about the fringe , you touched on something I have always felt to be so trues especially of my feelings so I hope you dont mind but I put it in my about me section ..... ty; ~cream~
you coming to my page left me speechless so few get the dance the fringe and forget that I have a mind a quick one a smart one , sir you see me ...........
I was simply content with how the chopsticks were on my page , but now ohh four pair has my head spinning *giggles*
The whispers tells you to.
*slips in curling up in your chair , but wonders why Im drawn here*