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The Fine art of Fellatio - Do’s and Dont’s from a sluts perspective

by jem on 05-02-2015 at 09:18 AM
So the task was....write an essay the the title above.

Hope you enjoy. *smiles*

When worshiping your Master’s cock the first thing a slut would always want to do is to press a kiss to the head of the cock. This is a dual purpose function. Firstly it allows you to display your submission and your love for being permitted to suck your Master and it also allows a lubrication to your lips; a taste of his semen. There will be time that your Master prefers deep and hard

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Who am I? I just don't know anymore.

by jem on 11-09-2014 at 12:48 PM
All my adult life I have been submissive. I have pursued it with a drive and desire that couldn't and wasn't ever hidden. I needed to be on my knees. Serving. Owned. Controlled. I needed to belong. Be 'HIS'.

For the past few weeks I have shed many tears. I mourn the loss of a huge part of me.... I seem to have lost my submission. It hasn't happened over night. Nor was it something I planned. It has been a sad and long slow realisation that all I was and all I knew was somehow ...

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Thank you xxx

by jem on 04-20-2014 at 06:16 PM
When I look back to what was happening in my life a couple of years ago I feel pride in myself for being here, where I am right now. I was a little down and confused with stuff today and was feeling the whole 'it's not fair' moment that we all have from time to time. A swift kick up the butt from a Master who is just about the most amazing person ever, an hours crying and reflection and yeah. I am proud of me!

There are many and varied opinions of me. The chat room slut. The good

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The joy of loving and living

by jem on 09-07-2013 at 04:19 AM
You know I sit here this morning and I wonder...how many times I have sat, exactly where I am and taken it for granted. This morning I sit here and my heart is bursting. So why not share the joy!

I am loved. It is a feeling that I can not describe. it is a feeling I am so blessed to have that I smile. Tears fill my eyes as the feeing swells in my heart. You see to say that out loud, to actually BELIEVE it is a huge thing. I have always loved others and I know I was loved by

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Hi .....i'm jem...very pleased to meet you *smiles*

by jem on 03-10-2012 at 02:57 PM
It’s funny how coming to a place like this provides you with a forum for the inner voice. Words that have been locked away for days, months and even years find a way of being expressed and shared. Why? NO IDEA!!!! In looking around I found I was drawn to the journeys people talk about and the lives they lead now. I was really interested. The words were genuine and heartfelt. Free and moving. I reflected and thought of things people, both online and in my vanilla life have said to me. "You

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Updated 02-18-2016 at 08:46 AM by jem

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