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Red Dragon {mpellegrino}

ranDOM thoughts of an aged Dragon

Rating: 1 votes, 5.00 average.
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]It is a windy day here in Scotland and it brings to mind as I sit here thinking (it does happen some times) that sometimes we ourselves are blown about by the ideas and expectations of others.

Many people who are new to the concept of D/s or whatever you would call it find themselves in the library as a result of curiosity. Indeed how I found myself here. And when you are new and unsure it can be a hugely daunting place to be. Many have no idea what they really are or call themselves sub or Dom and go out looking for the relative partner immediately.

All around them there are people saying 'if you are a sub then you MUST be this, this and that. You MUST be treated like this.' Doms/dommes seem in general to left to their own devices, how do we ever manage? So it is no wonder that many seem to be confused, disappointed, upset, or mistreated. Alright for most this is in general on online thing, though perhaps it will lead to real life for them.

My advice to those curious and new is to lurk and watch from the shadows a little. ALWAYS be safe and protect yourself (there are many threads in the forum describing how to do this or ask established members) ALWAYS remember, no one has the right to impose their form of D/s on you. You should with time and research and enquiry make up your own mind what is right for you. Do not let others tell you what D/s is. In my experience it is different to all and for all. Read posts and approach other members and ask questions. You are likely to never come to a defining answer what it is all about but the finding out is often so much fun. Then when you are ready go out and approach the masses.

Many of us will be happy to answer questions and give guidance. Remember you ask to be mentored rather than be taken as a sub or to take one. The difference between between a Master and a Mentor is in my opinion that a Mentor is there to guide, support and advise not to punish. Many will be happy to act as such and so place less pressure on you to start with. REMEMBER experienced subs can make excellent mentors.

As always I place the warning that I am probably not the best person to be in a position to tell anyone else how or what to do. I say here only the ranDOM thoughts of an aged Dragon. Please feel free to comment or contact me.[/FONT][/SIZE]

Updated 07-11-2010 at 02:52 PM by Red Dragon {mpellegrino}



  1. sweetlynaughty's Avatar
    Nicely said once again Red Dragon. I wish I had understood the difference between a mentor and Master before I asked someone to train me online. To reinforce your point, after realizing that my Dom/Sub relationship was not a good fit for me, I went back in the chat room and met very nice people and read a lot of blogs and could see things differently having the first mistake to learn from.
  2. Red Dragon {mpellegrino}'s Avatar
    [QUOTE=MPellegrino;bt1688]Nicely said once again Red Dragon. I wish I had understood the difference between a mentor and Master before I asked someone to train me online. To reinforce your point, after realizing that my Dom/Sub relationship was not a good fit for me, I went back in the chat room and met very nice people and read a lot of blogs and could see things differently having the first mistake to learn from.[/QUOTE]

    Aloha and thanks once again.

    We used to run a mentoring scheme in the library a while back but it fell apart. I guess not enough staff to oversee and check mentors and mentees. Shame it was a nice idea.

    Mahalo - Dragon xx
  3. thepast's Avatar
    Fell apart because there was no way I could monitor it all by myself. Like so many brilliant ideas, lol, it too has fallen to the wayside because people are unwilling to take up the flag & volunteer to help (NOT talking about you RD, but you know what I mean). It always comes down to the same thing: people want features, things, etc, but never do they want to lend a helping hand. Lifestyle in r/l has always been geared on "pay it forward," but somehow, sadly, that concept hasn't worked its way into the online scheme...

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