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So angry right now

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greetings, and yes, a warning, this may be a rant, a very brief rant, but a rant nonetheless!

i have some thoughts to share, and i apologise in advance for any lack of tact!

Do NOT come into chat with the stated intention of doing whatever you can to get banned

Do NOT insult my Master and expect me not to react strongly. He is the most incredible amazing gift to me, and i am proud to be His, fiercely proud!

Do NOT insult my culture and get annoyed when i respond with fire. my culture is a beautiful part of my life and deserves respect.

Do NOT when a male sub comes in seeking a Mistress, pretend to be a female and then as his english is not so good proceed to belittle him and make racially judgemental comments and jokes at the poor boys expense and expect that i will sit idly by and allow you to continue.

Do NOT expect that i will let you continue to show the behaviour that i simply do NOT associate with a Dom. A Dom shows respect to A/all, and does not act like a little boy pulling the wings off a butterfly. Do NOT expect that i will even treat you like a Dom, for your behaviour does NOT warrant that title or honorific which i hold very sacred and count as a mark of respect to those that show by word and deed that they are worthy of that.

If you are intent on ruining what is normally a light and fun and wonderful experience by your actions and behaviour then please feel free not to go back in there and leave chat for those who have the basic human qualities of respect, compassion, integrity and love for this lifestyle.

Are my words strong.............yes. Should i have thought more and been more understanding of your obvious need to boost yourself up by removing the wings of the beautiful butterflies in that room.......maybe. But i did not, and i am not.

(sorry again Master, i seem to have a habit of speaking my mind that must be frustrating to You at times, but please know that i responded with respect in the room, i was just very angry, and i am not sure i want to go into chat again at all.)

Blessings............morwyn of (a probably embarrassed now)Myrddin


  1. a_merlin_69's Avatar
    I have stood by My morwyn in the past, not out of loyalty, but because I have found her judgement and sense of fairness to be exactly what any sound thinking person would wish for. She is one to speak up on behalf of others who may not be as self confident as herself, and she has a very strong sense of fair play.

    I was not in the chat session she is referring to, but from my reading of her "rant", she has behaved exactly as I would have wished. I was not there this time, however, I too have seen instances in the past of people needing to bolster themselves at the expense of others. If somebody needs to put someone else down to make themselves feel worthwhile then they should perhaps take a look at themselves.

    If anyone has issue with morwyn, please let me know and I will discuss it with you.

    And as for My morwyn, I am proud of you, not embarrassed and I hope you will continue to take such a stand.

    Merlin (Myrddin)


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