Part time D/s?
, 02-04-2010 at 07:10 PM (1998 Views)
A lot of submissives on this site seem to be into a 24/7 type D/s relationship. I'm wondering about the people are who are more into the "equal except in the bedroom" D/s relationships, which is as far as I can imagine myself going in RL. I've never shared my fantasies or my desires with my bfs (I've always been a bit embarrassed about them), and it's been a couple of years of singledom since I've moved, so I'm not sure how I would handle any of it, or if I would even be able to bring it up, or how I would bring it up. Until recently, I haven't been my fantasies, so I never had that impetus to go looking, and I'm also afraid to be pushed to go looking from such a need.