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Conversation Between AnticipatingPain and Krynn

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well I'm here now
  2. Hey where have you been? I've been looking for you and you are never online x
  3. It's getting closer and closer ..
  4. That's the best kind oh ladies those ugat cam be ...... ,and do it well
  5. Lady hey? hmmm am I? Oh I can a proper lady when I have to and I can also be a .......... x
  6. Sorry Lady ,just had some things to sort out. I see those ass clouds are coming back .. you thing thats going to be problem ?
  7. So where you been hiding? x
  8. Oops but somehow it sounds better
  9. LOL I just love what you wrote to me....

    "Good news ass clouds has cleared "

  10. Good news ass clouds has cleared
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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