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Conversation Between .x.Cole.x. and sub0001

9 Visitor Messages

  1. welcome baqqq
  2. mam where hav u been havnt seeen u on for quiet a while
  3. mam i hav been a bit busy these days bt soon ill b free dan ill b online all the time ....feel free to give me tasks waitin ur pet
  4. yess mam i did wht u had asked me to do n i am sorry i got home late dat nite ... hope to catch u soon
  5. mam im onlinee bt u not replyinn
  6. mam its not dat im not on i can b on whnever u want me to b its jus dat i stopped comin on coz i had given up after u said dat it wudnt work out oderwise i can be whneveer u want me to be
  7. hello Darling... how are you? im doing alright. you arent ever on anymore when i am... weird... umm.. if i could talk more this woulda worked out but i cant ever talk to you cuz we're not on together.
  8. hey .. how hav u beeen ?? long time .. howz it goin ?
  9. hhey, how ru??? so wht happend whn u askd??:P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9

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