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Conversation Between ffion and Tufty

9 Visitor Messages

  1. totally LMAO - snoozing in the chair - hope you didn't leave your webcam accessible...
  2. WE are indeed...although some of us fell asleep in the chair this evening
  3. hi there! gosh we're up late...
  4. Hi Ffion...sorry, I was IM and missed you
  5. Sorry I missed you ffion...hope you are well
  6. lol!
    ooo preen preen - i'm on Tufty's list
  7. LOL...thank you Thanks for your friendship request...I only have nice people on my list
  8. Hello right back to you, mister harmless perv
  9. Sorry, ffion...I forgot my manners!! Meant to say 'Hello'
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9

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