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Conversation Between RickBulow74 and SilverMist

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello hun. I am sorry you were gone dealing with some issues.
    Sorry I havent been around here to keep in touch. After a major crash a while back and losing everything, it just killed a part of me that I had for this site. Like a big loss. So it isnt as fun anymore.
    Anyways if you want to chat, you can find me on yahoo under x_silverrmist_x. Hope to chat with you soon! Take care *huggles*
  2. Had a few situations that I had to deal with, a couple of things which I had to deal with, one of which was mentioned in a thread in the General Chatter. If you use any IM (MSN, Yahoo, or Skype) we can gab there
  3. wow! howdy stranger! Thought I never see you on here again. Where ya been? This is me under a new screen name. My old screen name is AndreaDawne which is on your friends list. Good to see you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3

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