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Conversation Between Euryleia and Tufty

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy, happy New Year! Wishing you great joy and every happiness.
  2. A very Happy New Year to you. Hope 2009 is a wonderful year x
  3. Happy holidays, Tufty. Enjoy all that the season brings.
  4. Seasonal Epiphanies and Very Best Wishes for 2009
  5. Good to see you. I guessed you'd been busy with other things. R/L is a pain at times - so are computers!!
  6. Hullo. Sorry I've been so off and on. Real life and then my computer hard drive decided to go belly up. I should be around more often now. Hope all is well with you.
  7. Hi, nice to see you around - but I guess I missed you again. Hope you are keeping well
  8. Hello, friend...just spotted you! Haven't seen you around much and hope all is well
  9. Yeah! New pics. That always makes me happy. Thanks so much.
  10. Posted a couple of pics for you....still searching through an old hard disk
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 46
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