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Conversation Between darknessmonger and gagged_Louise

9 Visitor Messages

  1. that's teh bad thing about the roleplays in teh forums, someone comes and thinks is a good idea to put the key to teh hood inside the mouth that is covered by the hood.
    hehe, I still think she could have escaped even that just pushing it out trough the nose holes, or the space under her chin, or just shred it
  2. Yes, the maid was hot. Not too strong, although it *is* brutal, but I get that kind of thing! And I love the medieval setting. Reminds me of some RP's I've been into, such as this one, though it was disrupted by outside intervention from the Domly friend of one of the girls involved. Otherwise it would have turned out great! There's also one or two stories I'll get into shape that are about brutal service just like "The Regent's Maid", you'll see. -Louise
  3. You might have to get used to it. With active and aggressively slutty ladies such as Aurelie and me, attention is going to pull in a lot of messages. But there is a "view conversation" button you can use to see the line of messgaes exchanged between you and me, it's to the upper right of each msg.
  4. hmm,took me a while to find out where the messages I replied to you went
    don't quite like that as the visitors messages becomes a mess of interlined conversations
  5. We are condemned women. Condemned to suffer for what we want. And accepting it
  6. well, maybe she will actually share some of the prize with you
  7. Nnnnghhh!! Hooded, silenced and bound again!
  8. hopefully not, and she will get out of that again, but not without some pain of course
  9. Dammit, are you gonna kill her tits altogether?! (and it's sure to inspire Mick to do something just as bad to me...)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9

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