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Conversation Between ishtar-astarte and jonjon

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. wasent on yesterday babes...sorriez.but HAPPY EASTER!
  2. is chat working for you mr man?
  3. hope you get everyone of those b-day spankins i know you deserve
  4. lol. uh huh. it was a good name, but i'm not actually a rose, so it was kinda cheating.
  5. name change eh kiddo......but i liked subrose ~gives you huggs & a kiss on tha cheek~
  6. HOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! nice pic's girl,keep em cummin!hey,i gots a club for you to join,Tha Bratty Sub Club....we could use yer brattiness in there,you'l see some familiar faces in there too
  7. put pics up for mr jon
  8. Merry christmas cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. *waits patiently* hehehe
  10. haha. lol. not yet. my head is too tired just yet
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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