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Conversation Between MissMasochist and orangeblossoms

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hope you're doing well!!!
  2. Congratulations on your engagement and all the best for the future! ^_^
  3. Yup, I got engaged in november, and Im getting married this summer, so Im very excited, its a big move cause Im switching everything, but I cannot wait, its been way too long in the making, and just a break from school will be awful nice
  4. Oooh, is that when you're moving in with your Master? xx
  5. Congratulations on your first post! These 80 or so that I have, have been made in like the last month, so congrats on being active from the get go!! Im doing well thanks, just waiting to finish the semester, and start summer vacation, yay!!!!!!
  6. Hehe, I'm doing great thanks! Just posted my first real post on the forums. How's you?
  7. Told ya, you're my long lost twin...lol. How are ya?!
  8. Hey thanks for your nice reply ^_^ I noticed our pics are similar as well as our kinks!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8

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