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Conversation Between smissiveone and maristar

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Come back hunnniiii!!! I MISSS YOUUUUUU!!

    That was a right tease you coming back once and not again since... COME BACK!!

    Hope you're okay xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. hey just got your mmm cookies and message BIG (((HUGS)))) lov ya you ho ho ho you
  3. *unwraps the goodies and hugs you tight* aww they're amazing!!!! i heart you

    *leaves a huge stocking full of yummy cookies of all sorts of varieties... mmm nom nom* giggles and runs away shouting Merry Christmas Smisss
  4. ***tip toes in and leaves you a stocking stuffed full of toys...good toys fucky one mmhmm**
  5. rawwwwwwwrrrrrrssssss and pounces on you cuddling you tight
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5

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