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Conversation Between violet girl{MM} and gagged_Louise

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. *waves to the bound beauty* Long time no see!
  2. *rubs your butt gently* It's good to be together again, no?
  3. *smiles* you know Protection is one of my favourites too! - I once devoted a whole post at E (at the liege forum, you can't access it) to explaining what the lyrics do for me. Tracey Thorn is exquisite singing on that one, too, and that echoey piano groove that just builds and rolls on into the night over the last few minutes...
  4. Should I post a new one, as it eluded you, sis? I don't think anyone else is going to step in on this one. :-)
  5. Yeah that band had a knack for doing amazing instrumental textures! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLfZWs0abMM - loooove those keyboard clusters and basslines

    Good to see you revamping the thread, sis! xx
  6. Including those where you're driven bound and bundled in the rear of a pick-up truck.
  7. You kind of missed out on adding Jersey City to the Alphabet Cities game, sis! I was actually anticipating that one falling in place, but it was another member who picked JC...Do all roads still lead to New Jersey?
  8. Hiya sis, please would you clear some space in that inbox of yours? ;-)
  9. How big would you dream of the cage to be? Big enough for a pole or a gallow beam within it, to show off her suspended form? Or so small it almost follows the outlines of the sub's tender body? Tell me...
  10. Locked inside womanhood in truth, bound and waiting for what might happen next...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 31
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