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Conversation Between Dejah Thoris and VaAugusta

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. I am consistent.
  2. I have been absent for awhile but am back and glad to see you are still an active member. I hope all is well.
  3. Thank you so much for pointing that out about my blog settings! And, of course, for taking the time to comment on it. Your writing is always thoughtful and insightful and I appreciate it. I hope you dont' mind accepting my friendship request, only the coolest of the cool are allowed in
  4. Your blog is to approve comments. You can change this somehow-- I can't remember. Or you can approve them individually. With blogs you'll have to check back regularly as you are not notified about comments.
  5. Thanks. and LIME
  6. Oh my goodness - love the fun pictures!
  7. Never heard of it-- I assume you watched it immediately, Palme d'Or winner!
  8. I didn't realize your pic was Taxi Driver until I was on Netflix today and saw the movie cover...l was like "Hey, that's my buddy Va!"
  9. What MMORPG?
  10. Consider yourself visited!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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