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Conversation Between gemmy and J-Go

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello Gemmy...long time
  2. Stop by your YIM once in awhile please - I need updating! *hugggggggggggs* xo
  3. Hello Gemmy! Miss you TOO!
  4. Miss you *pouts* xo
  5. Happy Halloween Handsome! xoxo
  6. ~wiggle wiggle~ Hiya Handsome - Got Floggers? *giggles* xo
  7. *kisses and hugs* Hope you're ok Handsome xoxo
  8. Greetings Gemmy....
  9. Thanks Gemmy! Hope you got an extended stay!
  10. Hiya Handsome *s* Hope it's a good weekend - *hugs n kisses to both of you* xo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10

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