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Conversation Between Veil and moonwytch

6 Visitor Messages

  1. heh, that's why it's just right as av pic for me! Wishful and in need of a good corrupting! :P
  2. oh i so love the profile pic lol... me thinks its wishful thinking tho lol
  3. give it back! I need that thing for resale value! dammit my cherries out of season anyway, gimme!
  4. Holds the "cherry" up just out of Youre reach..neener neener... I got ya cherry la la la la la!!! *giggles*
  5. You.. you monster!! you stole my cherry! .. now I'll never be a bride!
  6. ok had to pop Youre message cherry!! *giggles*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6

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