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Conversation Between LordPathfinder&pink and X

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Big Man,
    Yip of to see what is to be seen over there and make happy noise in the back woods.
    We look forward to seeing you for a chicken curry some time too, just a couple of days warning to clear away all the toys chains and floggers and the spare rooms yours for a time.
    Take care with the Mars bars LOL
    Master LordPathfinder,
  2. hello mate. not making any promises about not geting pissed lol. and i was thinking more along the lines of a deep fried mars bar. hows things? i hear your off to the states?
  3. Hi Big man how you doing
    Thought I should show face and say Hi myself, LOL.
    So "Pal" whats this about you going to play fast and lose with my wee lass, ~~lol~~ I am going to watch you my wee Glasgow hard man.
    Any ways all the best and dont get to pissed tonight LOL keep to the Iru Bru, LOL and eat plenty on the way back home. I would go for deep fryed pies if I was you.
    My best wishes
    Lord Pathfinder
    The Big Brat (lol)
  4. heeeeeyyyyyy Brat!!!! how are You husband????? hope all is going good for You. not annoying too many people are You?? ah well f**k em if You are lmao!!

    love to You Brat!! ~hugs You and kisses Your cheek~
  5. ~smiles~
    just stopping to wish You and all You are meeting an awesome weekend!!! hope You A/all have a great time!! take care, and be safe.
    knock and let me know how things went...bye Brat
  6. lol...don't get Your hopes up!! nope it's not a message from some cute little subbie wishing to be 'taken' by You...hehe, just this old lady checking in on You Brat. still making sure You're still running Your mouth. chat with You soon. take care ~hugs and kisses Your cheek~
  7. hey Brat...Your mascara's smudged...*giggling*
    just checking in on You...take care, have a good day. chat soon ~hugs and kisses on Your cheek~
  8. heeeeyyyyyyyyBRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatcha doing? hehe just dropped in to pester You...You know You deserve it for something...doesn't matter what, You do enough to aggravated lots of people..so, here's to You ~~sticks out tongue~~ love Ya Brat take care okay??? lol
  9. *sticks tongue out*

    Hey Brat!!!! are you hiding again???? put down the ale and chat will ya.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9

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