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Conversation Between Scot68 and Phenyx

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes, I asked a very bad question yesterday. I am still here so far, unsure of what will come next
  2. All your posts are gone!
    Can you still write to me here?
  3. Thanks, i was a little worried about the impression i was sending. I understand the worry about oversharing and obsession. it's easy to make connections here talking back and forth, or at least feeling like you have them. For me? there is no friend so this is all I have, this forumn and those willing to put up with my nuttiness and even a little getting carried away. I really haven't been a member all that long but in the short time that i have? I really have gotten some great advice, feed back and even made friends. but not really having anyone else? i can see where worry over over-connecting would be a concern. Sort of like getting that first real deep breath and releasing it in relief because FINALLY you have someone that will speak without judgment or make you feel like you are an outcast because you like what you like and Hey? They actually know something.
    So ya, i get what your saying. It's been extremely rattling and unnerving for me to take the first step here but i'm really glad i did. i may still be all balled up and crazy with emotions but a few of the bigger concerns are at least starting to chip away at that nasty iceberg size emotional clusterfuck. Trust is really hard sometimes when you are still questioning yourself, that part really sucks.
  4. Nope, you didn't come across as wanting anything more than word banter.
    And that's what I'm looking for here as well. Frankly what I'm looking for is to discuss the "insides" of BDSM and maybe make some nice connections with some nice people. This means sharing and discussing some pretty intimate stuff. And that's actually dangerous business because it is way too easy to get carried away with sharing intimate stuff and obsessed (get carried away) with the person with whom you are sharing and discussing that intimate stuff. (Been there, done that). In high school I knew a girl who eventually turned into a leatherdyke and spokesqueer. She had a regular BDSM column in a publication. I looked her up back in the summer and she said she's happy to discuss. She is probably the only "real life" person that I feel safe to discuss BDSM with. Safe: 1 because she knows kink and 2 because we wouldn't be sexually attracted to each other. (I know she's a dyke. Her words) I contacted her again recently and she has no time. So I came here to this forum to get a chance to discuss matters of this personal nature (hopefully without getting carried away)

    I found your presentation completely respectful. No worries.
  5. I'm glad you have enjoyed the questions as i enjoyed hearing your answers.
    Your wife is a very lucky woman, too many people in todays world don't take commitment seriously anymore, it's actually kind of sad to see just how many people out there take for granted something as sacred as marriage. And I'm not judging multiple partners for those that prefer that kind of relationship nor denying the level of commitment between multiples? But to be honest? That really isn't an area of interest for me.
    I do appologize if my flirtatious nature has some how made you feel as if i were interested in more then some friendly word banter, after years of customer service? it's a hard habit to break. but in the future? i will try to be more respectful with presentation, it really is just friendly word play and nothing more.
    And your wife can keep all the quarters, i promise. i won't toss any.
  6. Hi Phenyx
    I've enjoyed your questions too! You're a good writer.
    I'm married and committed to my wife. I'm not looking for an affair. I'm looking to discuss philosophy and psychology in, but not limited to, BDSM. In general, BDSM is not my wife's favorite topic. I'm very willing and wanting to go deep and talk about that innermost stuff. You seem very good at expressing that innermost stuff.
    You've said in your profile you're not looking for Mr Right and not looking for cybersex. Suits me fine. But even if you decide you're looking for a dom, I'm not your guy.
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