So i get in the car after a loooonnnng day of working. He's had a long one today too, i can tell. "i have a surprise for You." "Oh?" "Mmmmhmmm." i nod and slip into the passenger seat. He shuts His door and looks over to me. "Well...?" In response, i inch up my grey gabardine wool skirt (Gap, tyvm) and tug aside my panties: i'm shaved clean, not even the landing strip is left. "Oh... you're going to let Me ...
Been awhile... but i thought i'd update you anyways =) *** So i come home, we read, we play a little Wii, then He shuts it off and has me wait for Him. He returns with a few things, most notably a paper bag. "We're playing Mystery Bag 3000." i nod, and He leans in to blindfold me, which results in the usual "Ooooooh..." and He chuckles as i lean up to kiss Him. He pushes me back into place, letting me know no touching is allowed yet. ...
Updated 01-17-2010 at 10:52 PM by thegirlwonder
i really believe that. Having a secret that no one else knows makes life thrilling (or dangerous, depending on the secret... but isn't that somehow thrilling, too?) i don't mean a secret like when the milk in your fridge expires or if you're not a natural redhead -- i mean the kind of secret where you get off work and go home to be led around, naked, on a leash *weg* Just the other day i was working, suggesting materials for a costume we'll be building for an upcoming ...
i just cant help myself *smh* We're getting married! More accurately, we're eloping... in 3 weeks, 3 days. *grins* The families have no idea... it's going to be just us, exactly how we want it. That said, we are planning it to be a very satirical affair, lol. We are not traditionalists in any sense of the word and our day will certainly reflect that. *nods* i'm not posting any details for now; it's enough to get the secret off ...
Turns out i'm perfectly fine. Well, let me rephrase: i don't have appendicitis. Apparently i just pulled a weird muscle or something, because i never got sick and we were never given cause to head to the hospital (thank GOD!) Meanwhile, life as i know it has set my wheels turning; how much of who i am, what i know, what i value... is because i am American? In how many ways am i spoiled without knowing it? In how many ways ignorant? Maybe i'll find that ...
Updated 02-15-2009 at 02:06 PM by thegirlwonder
As i type, Sir and i are trying to decide if i should head into the ER to get checked for appendicitis. Fact one: i would do most anything for Him. He coddles me when i need it, and helps me grow when i need it, and makes me grow when i don't want to but need to, and brings me flowers for no reason at all, and opens doors all day long. He is the perfect man first, and the perfect Sir (for me, anyways) second, and He knows that i am His completely. Fact two: Not even ...
Updated 02-15-2009 at 02:07 PM by thegirlwonder
Points if you get the reference, though the title has nothing to do with what i feel like writing about today
Updated 11-01-2008 at 02:46 PM by thegirlwonder
LoL, this will teach me to keep my mouth shut when i get feisty =) So back awhile i got that italian soda, and made a snarky vanilla comment to the cashier, lol... *giggles* It's in a past blog if you'd like to read the stupid thing, but ANYWAYS, "random guy who stood behind me in line and chuckled when i made aforementioned snarky comment" sat down at my table today and handed me a cup. "Italian soda," he says, setting it down. i must have just looked ...
Updated 11-19-2008 at 07:53 PM by thegirlwonder
Is it? Some say yes, and some say no. i think i say that it should be. As far as sex... i've been with males and females. There are physical advantages to both sets of naughty bits XD As far as gender, i've been with men who identify as MEN (lol,) women who are as girly as they come, men who are even girlier, and some pretty butch ladies. Bisexual? Trysexual? A slut? If that makes it easier for you to digest, then fine. Call me what you'd like. i don't have a problem ...
Twice in one day! Y/you people make me blog like no other... and Y/you're welcome in advance *grin* - - - - - i just read through the thread on feminism about an hour ago; there are some very intelligent people here, some i agree with and some i don't... and some who don't respect an individual's opinions enough for me to trust them with mine. Therefore, my side goes here in my cushy little blog: i'll start by saying "Yes, i consider myself ...