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  1. What a tangled web we weave.....

    Life is funny is it not? You take things for granted.... family, friends, lovers - the list is endless. Things plod along, and then BANG... something happens to change your life - perhaps forever. Life is suddenly different - you have everything you ever wanted - you have someone you trust, who promises to look after you, cherish you, treat you with the respect that you long for. When you find that perhaps things arent as you hoped its hard isnt it. To put into perspective your feelings for ...
  2. Have things progressed........?

    Well, can of worms aside for a moment, things have got better and worse in equal measure. Hubby was fantastic about me coming on this site. He enjoyed the fact that I was fulfilling my fantasies online and when I told him to read a couple of stories about favourite fantasies of mine on another site, he was fairly turned on, but not as much as when he found out that it was me who had written them!!!! The were explicit in their description of how I wanted to be treated and he was amazed that his ...
  3. How do I break a pattern

    Why is it that all through my life i have made the same choices over and over again. I trust too much and give my all to someone only to be disappointed. I'm married, have been for 20 years, we've known each other for 28 - and for the 8 years before we were married he cheated on me countless times, always coming back with the words 'its you I really want'. 'Mmmm beginning of a pattern' you might say - but hey'ho, love is blind. As soon as we married, it stopped, he was completely faithful (I ...

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